Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 226 - Conflict Of Interests

John and Abigail headed to the kitchen as she come back to her senses and they waited for Victor to return with the meat, Abigail seemed shaken as if she was slowly understanding what happened in her surroundings and what her desires were. That usually happened to vampires when they finished their transition and fully turned.

"You alright?" John asked noticing the familiar puzzled gaze, he knew that gaze very well he had the same confused gaze when he found out what he did the first nights after turning.

The only difference was that he had nobody who could refrain him and impede him to do such despicable things whereas Abigail was lucky to have them to keep an eye on her and would refrain her to do things she would later regret.

"I was… going to kill a child. A child... That could have been my son!" Abigail said as her eyes filled with tears and she quickly wiped them off with a shaking hand.

"You will learn soon how to control your stimulus Abigail, things like that won't happen anymore. Your child is growing stronger thanks to the transformation as weird as it may seem."John said, trying to drive her attention away from that matter.

"It should be against nature to allow a vampire to grow a child and give life but that happens sometimes and that was the only thing Victor could do to save both your child and you." John continued gasping, as the words came out his words he understood why Victor did what he did if he was in his shoes maybe he would have done the same to save Roselyn's life and he also did bite her when she was risking her life.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Abigail took a deep breath and looked up to John, "did you tell Rose?" she asked in a murmur as if she was worried to ask such a thing and at the same time scared to know his answer.

"I did, I don't want to keep secrets with her. Not anymore." He replied gazing at Abigail who nodded and gasped.

"What did she reply?" Abigail asked in a low voice almost unhearable and quite concerned about the answer.

John smiled, "she was worried for you and wanted to see you." He replied and Abigail smiled for a fraction of a second before knitting her eyebrows, "worried?" she asked and her voice peaked.

"Yes. But I will reassure her that she has nothing to worry about, you improved and are slowly learning how to control yourself so I couldn't be happier and I am sure she will appreciate it." John reassured Abigail whose gaze remained fix on the table as if her mind and her thoughts were taking full control over the situation. She shook her head gently and she took another long breath, "I hope so. I hope she will love me and won't be scared of me." Abigail murmured, she gasped gazing at an empty spot on the table.

"She won't, she wasn't scared of me when I killed many creatures in front of her." John joked as he giggled but Abigail gazed up at him widening her eyes and becoming even paler. "Y-Y-You killed creatures in front of her?" She stuttered, her mouth dried making it difficult for her to swallow down properly.

John cursed himself mentally, maybe he didn't have to mention that. In his mind, it seemed like a good idea to soften the situation but somehow it wasn't and made Abigail gaze at him half scared half irritated.

"...Yes." John didn't know what to say to flee from that difficult situation, he limited himself to shrug. Maybe he should have mentioned Roselyn's supernatural powers to experience the crimes people commit and prevent deaths. But something was telling him that was probably the worst thing he could do.

"When the supernatural army attacked you in the castle?" Abigail asked blinking few times and managing to reorder her ideas.

The door bummed against the near floor and Victor entered grabbing few bottles of blood. His clothes were dirty of blood and with some hair as he probably had to fight against few wild boars.

He walked toward the table and placed the bottles on the table and then he removed his shirt, "one of them was poisoned." Victor said to John and as he removed his shirt he revealed a scar on his stomach.

"The snakes." John groaned, "what if their plan isn't infecting humans but infect animals?" John questioned as he dropped his jaw.

"Did the animal turn or acted differently after being poisoned?" John asked as he cupped his chin and narrowed his eyes trying to figure out the whole situation.

Victor took few seconds to recall the fighting, "maybe a bit stronger."

John laid his head over his hand as he gasped, "I wish I could know what they have in mind." 

The thought was killing him slowly, he hated to left things unsolved especially things so important like that.

"Drink, Abigail." Victor said pulling closer the bottles to her who shook no with her head, "I don't want it since it will make me stronger." Abigail refused Victor by gesturing with her hand.

"Why not?" Victor asked arching his eyebrows and glowering at John suspicious he said something he shouldn't have said.

"Because becoming stronger will make me kill people and I don't want to do that! I don't want my powers and strength to make me turn into a murderer." Abigail spat out as she laid her head against the table and burst into tears.

Victor glowered at John more as if he supposed it was his fault and John scoffed flustered. "Can you stop blaming me for everything, Victor?!" John yelled irritated.

Meanwhile, Abigail took a long breath as she absentmindedly started at the empty space in front of her as she probably was trying to organize her ideas together and trying to plan what she could do next time.

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