Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 246 - Be There

The Royal Couple oddly enough didn't spend the day involved in intimal activities, even when Rose tried to start something John always refused intim touch telling her he wanted to spend the night only cuddling her and without doing anything else to fully appreciate how good it felt to lay in bed without doing anything else but only embracing each other and falling asleep cuddling. When Roselyn heard his refusal she was perplexed at first and was surprised to hear he didn't want to do anything but then she understood how amazing it was to sleep cuddling without doing anything. That was a differeng intimate way to spend the night but just as amazing. Smelling John's scent and hearing his touch on her as he hugged her tightly from behind made her feel safe.

The next morning they woke up early to head back to the castle and talk to their father about the invite of the coachman, since Ethan was there it would be a good occasion to talk about him of the herd of animals they came across last night.

King William welcomed them inside with a huge smile on his face, the castle was almost fully rebuilt and the familiar swaying of maids was again in the house, the castle almost looked normal.

"I'm so happy to see you!" William said opening the door widely to make them walk inside, they returned the kind smile and Roselyn walked before John inside.

She admired the house remembering all the time she spent there, she quite missed that place even if she had both positive and negative memories about that place.

John walked into the living room and took a deep breath as if he wanted to prepare himself before saying his father what had happened.

"There is a problem..." John said in a whisper, as soon as Ethan heard him he joined them in the living room and rolled his eyes. Probably thinking the same thing Roselyn already had thought many times, they can never have some peace that something happened.

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William's face remained impassible just like John's making Roselyn finally see some similarities between them.

"We were in the carriage when a herd of animals stepped by them, the problem is that there were thousands of animals and they all were probably poisoned by a snake. Their eyes were yellow and their skin was of an ash grey color." John pulled his hair behind and took a deep breath. Ethan swallowed down hard and began to walk circularly around them clenching his fists.

"We have to stop them before they take full control over this land and they infect all the animals!" Ethan burst out, William placed a hand over his shoulder to calm him down.

"We will fix it, panicking won't help. We have to remain calm and try to understand how we can stop the snakes." King William intervened in a calm voice.

"The coachman of the carriage was very shaken by what he saw so Roselyn had the amazing idea to invite them here to have a lunch with us and to thank him for his courage." John continued.

"What a splendid idea Roselyn!" the King exclaimed, "I will ask the chef to prepare more food for our guests then! Maybe we should gift them something like some food and few animals for their farm."

John nodded, smiling at his father.

Ethan took John's arm and pulled him toward the nearby room before slamming the door close.

Roselyn remained alone with William and forced a smile although deep down she was so embarrassed, especially after the chat they had the last time they remained alone. She didn't know what to talk about so she started to awkwardly look around the castle, "you rebuild it! It is very beautiful."

Meantime while Roselyn was trying to have some awkward conversation without dying of embarrassment John was trying to calm his brother.

"Isn't it suspicious? What if I truly have something to do about it?" Ethan spat. He massaged his forehead.

"No Ethan! You don't have anything to do with that I am sure! Please now calm down. I need you to be rational and calm." John leaned his forehead over his brother's forehead and gazed at him as their eyes burst together.

"Don't let your emotions control you," John whispered making his brother slowly nod.

John nodded to the door and his brother opened the door to join Roselyn and William back in the living room.

Roselyn took a breath of relief to see they come back earlier than she expected.

John went to wrap his hand around Roselyn's hips while William spotted a maid with the corner of his eye so he called her and asked her to tell the chef to make a special lunch since they were having guests.

Then the King invited them into the guest room to sat down on the sofa and have a chat about that drastic situation more privately.

"What is your theory, John?" William asked. He then leaned closer to Rose to whisper, "He always has a plan." Roselyn giggled receiving a glance from her husband.

"I plan to understand who got the snakes free, we kill that person first and then we take care of the snakes. We have either to kill them or to bring them back there." John said. His voice was less confident than usual as if he wasn't so sure about his plan.

"We don't even know who to look for I doubt we will ever find that guilty person who created this chaos and even if we do he will be unreachable since he is probably in the underworld now," Ethan said, shaking his head.

"We aren't sure about that. But we have an advantage now: you." John said smiling as he pointed his finger at Ethan. His brother frowned his forehead, "me?" he replied quite puzzled.

John nodded, "exactly. The snakes know you for some reason, probably because of your reputation which means you can rebuild their trust easily and that's what you will do. You will try to ally with them so that you can find out who the person who freed them was." John smiled explaining his plan better, Roselyn smiled right after as his plan seemed perfect to her. On the contrary, Ethan wasn't so sure, he was quite worried about how that situation would end up. If he talked to the snakes they may would reveal him things of the past and he wasn't so sure whether he wanted to hear those things.

He took a long breath, quite concerned even if deeply down he knew that was the only chance they had to fix that situation. William offered him a supportive gaze before he whispered to his son,

"I know you can do it." his voice rang full of support and encouragement and Ethan somehow felt more recharged and willing to prove his father was right to have faith in him. He had never been encouraged before and hearing that someone trusted his capabilities made Ethan have a sudden confidence surge.

"I will do it," Ethan replied smiling at both John and his father, they were his family now, and if they needed his help he had to be there for them because that's what family usually do.

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