Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 283 - Final Battle [1]

The night was darker than usual, John's team had gathered together and was reaching the place quietly, every one of them secretly was thinking of their loved ones and hoping they would come back home safe.

All that could be heard in that silence was the strong blowing of wind blushing through their skins violently and cold as if he wanted to scold them for Roselyn for putting their lives at risk.

The place of the meeting was an empty forest, with no trees there only the burned rests of a forest and some grass growing here and there in the ground.

On the opposite side of the wood reached them about fifty snakes, Ethan and Sharon were walking in the first row. Sharon was gazing at John and his squad with a challenging gaze almost smirking as if she couldn't wait to destroy them whereas Ethan seemed very stressed and agitated.

The two squads stopped few inches from each other, staring straight at the people or snakes they had in front of them.. The atmosphere was palpable and the tension had skyrocketed.

Stars faded in the darkness of the nights and the creatures tensed breathes filled the wood.

The two squads stared at each other silently both waiting for someone to attack until John was the first one who made a move.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

John charged only of one fast step before he jumped on Ethan with all his weight.

Ethan groaned enduring the pain and managing not to fall completely but only to roll on his side and then stood up.

Ethan knitted his eyebrows down glowering at John who caught him off guard while Sharon meantime attacked John's allies by triggering a cascade and a storm of stones over them.

They all tried to escape and shelter themselves but few of them were full mashed by the stones or severely harmed.

"Why did you do it?" John's voice thundered of both desperation and sadness.

"John … I…" To interrupt his attempt of explanation was John's punch who almost hit Ethan's cheek as he on time dodged it. John punched his torso having him whimper in pain and crawl before another punch made him fall on the ground.

"Let me talk!" Ethan complained but John was already keeping him still onto the ground as he punched once again over his jaw and then on his cheek.

Ethan cursed for the pain and whimpered trying to get free. John lifted him from his shirt's collar.

"What? Do you want to apologize now?" John groaned, his gaze was filled with sadness and anger and his hand was shaking.

John's punches may have hurt Ethan physically but it was a mental stab to himself since hurting his brother was the last thing he wanted to do.

"I won't," Ethan whispered allowing John to release his grip as he gathered back his breath.

"I won't apologize because I have nothing to apologize for." Ethan rectified making John lose his hopes and his patience as he desperately hoped for a better answer. Even a decent apology would have made John feel better but hearing him claim he had nothing to apologize for made John even more furious than he was.

John punched so strongly that for an inch it almost hit Ethan's face but instead he purposely hit the ground. Ethan held his breath and reacted by pushing John afar to get up from the soil. They both groaned at each other until John threw himself on Ethan with all his body weight. Ethan let himself roll onto the side to dodge part of the attack but they both ended up crashed onto the ground. They stood up as quickly as they could but Ethan being faster than John stretched his arm to keep John trapped crushing him against the ground gripping onto his neck with his forearm.

"Why you never let me finish speaking??" Ethan complained as he raised his voice. His jaw was tensed and the vein in his neck was bloated.

"You made your point quite clear," John replied managing to switch position, he was the one keeping Ethan pushed against the ground.

Despite they both were having the other in their pockets and could easily harm the other seriously they seemed unable to do that. But they were only crashing each other onto the ground.

When Sharon noticed none of them got any result she turned around to roll her eyes and scoff annoyed.

"What is happening there!?? Why don't you kill each other?" She screamed with her hand still lifted toward the sky stones kept falling like a cascade upon the creatures she was fighting.

As she turned around the rain of stones slowly reduced allowing some of the creatures to get away from that area surrounded by the rain while one courageous creature took advantage of Sharon's distraction to attack her while she was distracted. The creature's stuck his long claws in Sharon's shoulder but he dropped his jaw and widened his eyes open when he lost his balance and fell onto the ground.

She was undetectable it was like he touched the air. If she couldn't be harm John's squad stood no chance against them.

John seeing the scene remembered that he already killed her and there was no chance she could be alive so she must be using some trick to use her powers without being there, literally in the flesh.

Sharon laughed aloud reading the shock in John's team's eyes and smirked as she looked at John slightly curving the corners of her lips.

"You thought you could kill me twice?" She tilted her head to the side as she walked slowly toward John.

She giggled as she kneeled and leaned closer to John. He couldn't even perceive her breath nor her heartbeat.

John's gaze grow preoccupied, none of the creatures he hired in his team was magic, they all had as strength point their overdevelopment stretch and senses which would work amazingly against the snakes and Ethan but they truly stood no chance against an invisible banshee who was tricking with their minds.

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