Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 300 - Ginevra’s Visit

One more month after that meeting had passed and Ginevra finally visited Abigail since she looked forward to meeting Daniel.

She asked Roselyn to provide her with a carriage to give her a lift to Abigail's and Victor's house.

Ginevra knocked on the door and her heartbeat began to speed in her chest as she waited for someone to open to her.

Victor opened the door and when he recognized Ginevra he dropped his jaw and widened his eyes. He then offered a smile and spread her arms to welcome Ginevra in.

Ginevra followed Victor in the living room of their house where Abigail watched her son speed from one side to the opposite side to show her how speeded he got.

Abigail's smile grow bigger when she turned around and her gaze fell on her mother.

Daniel stopped in the middle of the room and darted His gaze following where her mother was looking at.


"Mom!" Abigail exclaimed before she ran toward her mother and hugged her tightly.

Daniel knitted his eyebrows down looking confused at her mother but then Victor reached him and whispered to him.

"She is your grandmother."

"grandmother?" Daniel asked in a murmur.

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Ginevra walked toward her grandson, Daniel didn't know what to do so he limited himself to force a smile.

"I am Ginevra, I am so glad you meet you," Ginevra said. She caressed Daniel's shoulders. She didn't expect to see him so grown, he was already almost twenty years ago and his natural odd growth didn't go unnoticed by Ginevra.

Daniel darted his gaze to his mother, when Abigail gave him a nod he swallowed down and took a step forward.

"Hi..." Daniel murmured.

"why I have never seen you?" Daniel asked his grandmother who sighed and cleared her voice.

"Because I only knew about your birth a month ago."

Ginevra replied, traveling her gaze toward him and looking at him amazed, if it wasn't for the color of his eyes she wouldn't have recognized he was a supernatural creature, maybe just a guy very confident and quiet muscled for his age.

"I will make up for the time I lost if you let me. I can't wait to know more about you and your father." Ginevra continued as she offered Victor a big smile and he returned it.

Daniel smiled, "You're a human?" He asked. Ginevra nodded, "I am."

"That's why Roselyn is a banshee which means she is half human half fairy and she has to work on her nature to fully develop her secret nature," Daniel stated, his gaze was still slightly narrowed probably trying to investigate if he could trust her or not.

"Your mother Abigail was also a human, I turned her into a vampire during the pregnancy because you needed extra energies to allow you to grow healthy and strong." Victor intervened to explain what had happened even if Daniel seemed quite shocked at the news as he couldn't imagine Abigail as a human he only nodded.

"Can you show me what you're capable of doing?" Ginevra asked smiling excitedly and looking at her grandson with sparkly eyes.

Daniel nodded, he stretched his hands by his side and stood in a straight posture before he charged and speeded toward the back of the room.

In a few seconds, he was back in his position and Ginevra covered her mouth surprised and amazed by his performance. She clapped her hands vigorously and exclaimed, "that was amazing!"

Daniel smiled proudly, "I am twice as fast as all my friends." He replied, his tone of voice rang quite confident and happy to inform his grandmother about that, and only when she smiled he speeded into opposite direction receiving another compliment from Ginevra.

Abigail laughed under her breath, she didn't know where Daniel got all that self to confidence from.

Abigail then asked Victor to speed to the village and buy some food from there since their actual fridge was filled with only meat and some vegetable.

He returned with some already cooked meals and they filled the table while Ginevra kept talking and playing with Daniel. They seemed they got along quite well and Abigail couldn't be happier to see that.

When the lunch was ready Abigail called her mother and Daniel. Daniel rushed to sit down but when he saw all that amount of human food and so little meat he knitted his eyebrow down.

Abigail kicked him under the table and widened her eyes to let him deduce he had to pretend that was alright.

"You didn't have to buy all this food!" Ginevra shook her head as she scolded Abigail, just like all the mothers she didn't want to bother them.

Daniel meantime had tasted a cooked carrot and some chickpeas. He swallowed down as soon as the food got in his mouth and tried not to grimace with disgust as he wasn't used to that food. He had only eaten meat.

"Victor, I owe you my apologies for not behaving like I wanted to. I am glad I can finally meet the man who stole my daughter's heart. She looks so happy and I couldn't have imagined she would also give birth to such an amazingly powerful creature like Daniel." Ginevra said as she carefully cut her omelet.

Victor smiled, he took some bites from his salad, and then after he finished chewing he replied: "you don't have to apologize. It's normal to have some moments of dispute and fight with your family." Victor recalled his past with John and he remembered how many fights they had and all the bad things they told each other.

Despite that, they helped each other and to build a solid relationship and forget their problems to move on. If they did it Ginevra could do the same with their daughter.

All in all, nothing was unforgivable and if she put effort and care in showing her daughters she was willing to make an effort then they could become the family they always wished they were.

Ginevra didn't expect Victor to reply to her that kindly yet she appreciated his answer.

"I am willing to do everything in my power to bring my family together. I have still so many questions to ask Roselyn and so many doubts to solve about Sharon but I am sure I will eventually find my peace." Ginevra sighed.

Victor and Abigail looked at each other, none of them said anything about Sharon and the last month's attack she organized with demons.

It would be too much to take for Ginevra and they will tell her eventually.

"Ginevra, do you know Roselyn got wings?" Daniel asked, his tone was mature but his behavior was still of a young boy, throwing questions without minding the consequences or without wondering if he could ask such a thing or not.

Maybe his detachment from humans made him unable to develop empathy and understand how feelings work.

Abigail was quite concerned about that, she didn't want her son to turn into someone who didn't care about hurting others.

"Roselyn got wings?" Ginevra stopped to eat to stare at Daniel speechless and confused.

Her gaze traveled to Abigail and Victor, they nodded slowly making Ginevra's face grow more confused.

"The last time I saw her she didn't have wings," Ginevra murmured as if that news shocked her even more than Abigail's new.

"She can only grow them during a fight. But that's a rare superpower that banshee rarely develop. So maybe don't tell that to anyone." Victor commented, even if half Kratez already know that he didn't want the news to be spread furthermore.

"So I assume she is very powerful…" Ginevra whispered staring blankly in front of her as if she had remembered something shocking and weird.

"She is," Daniel spoke again exclaiming happily.

"Oh…" Ginevra's eyebrows knitted down as his gaze dropped down to the dish still full of food she looked thoughtful and perplexed.

His eyebrows were knitted down and she sighed before she slowly took the fork and started to eat again.

Abigail noticed the suspicious silence of her mother right after Daniel mentioned Roselyn and her wings. Did she know something they didn't!?

If yes Abigail needed to know, especially after they opened up to her.

"Mom? Are you alright?" Abigail asked, hearing her question Ginevra forced a smile and faked a happy facial expression.

"Yes! I was thinking that I can't wait to meet Roselyn!" Ginevra replied.

Abigail swallowed down, staying silent for some instant while she had her eyebrows curved down.

She didn't want to create any drama so she decided to believe her mother. Maybe Ginevra was only miserable because Roselyn got stronger and she didn't even support her in her mind and powers improvement.

Despite her doubts, Abigail smiled at her mother.

"You will meet her soon and she will show you what she is capable of doing," Abigail replied heading to his mother for more food.

Victor somehow understood she decided not to ask her mother about her reactions and took Abigail's hand under the table as a sign of support.

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