Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 346 - Family Before Everything

"But you have to leave Roselyn, maybe if you do so Kratez's creature will spare her thinking she is not so strong to be feared if you left her." Jake's continued, John dropped his jaw in disbelief.

He didn't expect Jake to ask him such a thing, he knew how much they were probably offended by him since he forgot about them to enjoy his life with his family but to ask him to choose between him and them, was a very low gesture.

"I can't believe you'd ask me this." John said, darting his gaze to meet each one of them gaze to make sure they were serious, they all remained quiet and Jake was the one who spoke once again, "we are asking you to dedicate us the time we deserve. You dedicated her years and we missed you."

John shook his head, "you missed me? Then why didn't you try to contact me? Or warn me about how drastic the situation was getting in Kratez? Have you ever asked me if I was fine during the years? And now you come here the day of the funeral of my father to say I have to choose you over my wife and the mother of my sons?"

John's voice was full of anger and resentment, all his fury grow in his veins and made his blood boil. He had never hated any of them but right at that moment, she wanted to punch them for how despicable they were.

Jake took a step forward, "I know this may sound subtle to you but we want you to come back in our family.

"Then why do I have to choose? Can I have both of the things? She and you as loyal close mates?"

Jake shook his head, not willing to come to compromises.

"Then I don't think you're deserving of my friendship at all, because someone who loves me would want my happiness and now my happiness is where Rose and my sons are. Thanks for visiting now I suggest you leave." John said spitefully and with a rough tone of voice, Jake scoffed, almost annoyed by his reply. He gestured to his friends to go and they slowly walked out.

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John was shocked by Jake's behavior and at the same time angry for having wasted so many years with a person who had such a close mindset.

He didn't understand why he would ever consider John would accept such a deal, he probably never knew what love was.

John walked into Roselyn's room and told her what they did, Roselyn was shocked but at the same time sorry for unconsciously being in the middle of their friendship.

When John explained to her that's a common thing between supernatural creatures she was still shocked, she didn't understand why it was so hard for them to love someone to the fullest and let that significant other in.

John also apologized to her for having been distant in the last days, he didn't want to be rude nor detached but it was so hard to act normal when he deeply hated life for having deprived him of his father so quickly and suddenly.

They both sat at the edge of the bed, they were supposed to marry in those days but Roselyn postponed the day to let John recover completely.

"I am thankful you choose me over them and I want to let you know that you're an amazing father just as William and the best husband I could ever ask for." She said caressing his hand and tucking her head on his shoulder.

"I hadn't been a great husband nor father the last days." He said sighing.

"You always are, take your time to feel better, and remember we are there for you."

John leaned closer to her and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, "I love you so much," he whispered.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, I will never put anyone before you and my family."

Roselyn wrapped her hands around his neck and smiled hearing his confession, she kissed him sweetly and brushed his hair with her hand. "I love you more John," Roselyn whispered.

Since that day John slowly came back to normality, every day he felt grateful for what he had and he knew William was proud of him although he wasn't there to tell him that.

Every day he looked up to the sky and talked to the stars about his days, his problems, and his blessing, just like if he was talking to his father. Day after day he felt better and the void he had on his chest was slowly filled by the love of his family.

If it wasn't for Roselyn and his sons he probably would have lost himself and would have never moved on from such a loss but thanks to them he found a reason to keep going and don't lose his hopes. That reason was them. He never regretted having chosen Roselyn over Jake, although they were such close friends of him because he knew the way she made him happy was uncomparable.

After two months since that day, they married in the special place, at the beach alone with only their sons and Sebastian.

John in front of them made for the second time the promise he would never leave his wife and Roselyn was sure he'd respect it, because their love was unconditional, and despite all the problems they had to overcome they were still there, together, stronger than they had never been.

"I pronounce you husband and wife, the groom can kiss the bride."

Roselyn and John both smiled, and their lips locked together, the wind blew on them and the sea calmed as if it wanted to sing them a romantic song, the sun was high in the sky and their marriage was just so perfect that they felt like they were in a fairytale.

Love wins over everything, and they were the proof of it.

Sebastian decided to move with John and Roselyn and he slowly started to smile a bit more, he started to live his life and believe in a better future thanks to Elijah who was always by his side when he needed to.

Sebastian also decided to help Elijah in his training so he attended his practices and told him if he did any improvements.

Their relationship got closer and closer every day.

One day John had to come back to the orphanage to take Sebastian in his care, Elijah accompanied them and as soon as they entered his gaze met the little girl who helped him with the dossier.

When she laid her eyes on John and recognized who he was she widened her eyes in shock, she didn't expect to find out the kid she helped was none other than the son of the King of Scotland.

Every kid's bowed down at their entrance.

When John reached the tutor and started signing some papers, the girl walked toward Elijah.

"Hi, I ... I didn't know you were John's son?" She said, still shocked.

"You shall not tell anyone," Elijah replied right away narrowing his eyes, he knew if the news would spread people will understand something might be off since he looked older than his twin sister.

"why not?" She asked whispering.

he shook his head, "I can't tell you." 

"Can we be friends ?" She then asked after some seconds of silence, to contemplate whether she had to ask such a thing or not.

"I don't think I can be friends with you... we're too different." Elijah replied.

the little girl was sad hearing that, she knitted her eyebrows down and took a deep breath. "Is it because I am a girl and you're a boy?" She asked, making Sebastian smile as he realized she didn't have any idea of Elijah's supernatural nature and if she did she didn't seem to care.

"No... it's not for that." Elijah rubbed his hands, wondering what to reply in case she asked more. He was in difficulty, a part of her wanted to be friends but another one was too scared to let a human know that much about him.

Sebastian was the proof that not all humans can be cruel but despite that Elijah's concerns still made him hesitant, he didn't have the certainty that the girl would be nice nor that she would keep his secret.

"I was here too, then an amazing sir adopted me," Sebastian said to the girl who smiled.

"I am six now, all the people who came here only want younger kids and as soon as I tell them my age they start to look for someone else." She added sighing.

"I know that feeling but trust me, the right person will come," Sebastian said kindly, and as he recalled the day William adopted him a smile on his face grew and his eyes sparkled. 

when John finished signing and filing papers he 

passed by the girl and stopped in front of her, "are you Sebastian's friend?" He asked. She immediately got paler and her cheeks blushed with shyness and nervousness, she had never spoken to someone with his power and such a high status that it was like her voice got entangled in his throat.

"I .." she didn't know what to answer because she wasn't sure whether she was or not a friend of Elijah or Sebastian. She only spoke to Elijah a few times and helped him by doing him a favor, was that enough to consider him a friend?

"No, we are friends.." Elijah intervened.

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