Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 229: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (22)

Chapter 229: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (22)

Upon reflection, Arthur's response was only natural.

There was no way the Dark Order was going to be easily caught. Even if they happened to be exposed, the Imperial Family wouldn't have sent only this level of force.

For the authority to be balanced, either the Imperial Knight or the Inquisitors from the Holy Nation should have been involved, at the very least.

The Dark Order was the risk factor that had penetrated even the close associates of the Imperial family.

The Holy Nation, in inevitable opposition to the Dark Order since its beginning, was not the only one; even the Empire and the Ten Southern Kingdoms would want to cut off the threat as soon as possible.

The fact that they could touch the Imperial family meant there was no one they couldn't touch if they set their minds to it.

Perhaps even the royal and noble families of the Ten Southern Kingdoms would have been scared out of their wits for a while.

Yes, I expected it.

However, the straightforward response did bring some relief.

However, Sir Reynold seemed to think a bit differently.

"Other than that, there's no other reason to take useless commoners. Simply put, if they set up an orphanage and exploit the children, they can at least legally secure unpaid labor."

"...Sir Reynold."

Arthur reminded Sir Reynold with a tired voice. But he just snorted.

The conversation had been going on for quite some time.

Yet, my confusion was still there.

The reason was that I unexpectedly received an overwhelming amount of information.

I pressed my temples to calm the throbbing in my head. I needed time to organize my thoughts.

I originally had a question for Sir Reynold.

"Weren't you here to bring Senior Elsie home, Sir?"

“Well, sort of, otherwise there's no need for me to come to this countryside territory.”

So they originally planned to dispatch the Rinella family's mage corps itself. However, during the process, Sir Reynold, someone with a high rank, was chosen for dispatch for that reason.

Because Count Rinella couldn't afford to vacate his seat for too long, the only person capable of subduing Senior Elsie was Sir Reynold, who held a rank higher than hers.

Now that I understood the situation, I let out a bitter laugh.

Upon reflection, I realized that the problem wasn't related solely to Senior Elsie. There were also many issues connected to the investigation I was conducting.

I didn't know whether to call it luck or misfortune.

As I stared with a bewildered look, Arthur clapped his hands.

The clapping sound was effective in bringing about a change in the atmosphere.

In high spirits, Arthur then slammed the table in the conference room with his weak arms, although the sound produced wasn't particularly loud.

"...Anyway! His Majesty became highly alarmed after the recent demonic beast attack in the academy. So, whenever there's any suspicious incident, he orders us to investigate thoroughly."

There was no way the Rinella family, regardless of their strength, would disobey the Emperor's command.

In fact, according to the following explanation, the missing incidents within the Rinella territory were quite rare. So, there was no need for them to step into the Percus family's footsteps.

However, the issue arose due to the Emperor's interest in this case.

To be fair, it was only a case of unidentified individuals gradually disappearing.

Originally, the impoverished people living on the outskirts were not the subjects of management as there were limits to what power could achieve.

However, since the Emperor issued a command, it was impossible to handle it casually.

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They had to achieve something, no matter what.

One reason Arthur's expression had become gloomy was probably due to such pressure.

"And fortunately, isn't there a great hero in the Percus territory? An assistant directly appointed by His Majesty himself..."

"...Are you talking about me?"

It was a question thrown just in case, but typically, the answer was already set from the beginning.

"Yes, it’s you, Sir Ian Percus."

I put my hand into my pocket and fiddled with the Imperial seal.

Even without showing the Dragonblood script, I could gain all sorts of convenience the moment I showed the seal.

The Imperial seal was a symbol of recognition from the Imperial family.

Fortunately, Arthur or Sir Reynold still seemed unaware that I owned it.

While Arthur treated me a bit excessively, it seemed to be because, in the eyes of the Emperor, I was considered an outstanding talent.

This gave me mixed feelings.

A lower-ranking noble of the Empire, specifically the second son of a countryside Viscountcy, received such excessive treatment. It was an unbelievable thing.

However, Sir Reynold snorted again at Arthur's words. His clear pupils were directed at me.

"...Well, let's see if you're a man worthy to be Elsie's partner."

After numerous discussions, there was only one conclusion.

In the end, I had to return to work immediately after coming home.

It was the expected outcome, but I had no choice but to accept the documents handed over by Arthur with a gloomy face.

Various information had been organized there.

An especially noticeable thing was a map indicating places within the Percus territory where missing incidents were frequent. I glanced at Sir Reynold while muttering.

"A map describing the geography within the territory is a strategic asset..."

"Do you perhaps not trust me?"

I had to tightly seal my lips upon hearing that chilly voice.

If he hadn’t been Senior Elsie's uncle, there might have been some confrontation at some point.

Nevertheless, as if bound by fate, Senior Elsie and I were now practically inseparable.

There was no need to create conflict with Senior Elsie's family.

Despite that, unable to completely suppress my dissatisfaction, a long sigh escaped from my lips.

"...When should we start the investigation? It's unsettling to think that the residents of this territory might be disappearing even now."

"You must be tired from the journey, so please take a rest first and begin the investigation tomorrow."

At Arthur's words, I clicked my tongue and held the map in my arms.

I couldn't determine when Senior Neris would arrive. I had to rely on the information Arthur provided until then.

"Then, at least tonight, I should talk to my party members about it."

Rather than investigating alone, having some assistance would have been much better.

After all, I was already sure that the Dark Order was involved in this case because the letter from the future hinted at it, even though there was no evidence yet.

And it would definitely not be an ordinary case if the Dark Order was behind it.

Especially, it was something intricately woven with something the Dark Order had been carefully preparing over the years.

Whatever that was, I was never going to let that get in the way.

I suddenly recalled the woman who burst into maniacal laughter.

Dark Priest Mitram.

Her longevity was a result of biomodification. Strangely, I had a premonition that my connection with her was not over yet

She had assured me she wouldn't keep me waiting for long.

If she was the mastermind behind this case, it was hard to imagine the suffering the missing people were going through.

It was when I left the conference room with a downcast expression.

Sir Reynold continued to speak in his forever calm voice.

"...The Rinella family has yet to acknowledge you."

I never asked for acknowledgement in the first place.

It was just Senior Elsie who had declared me as a 'master' on her own.

Such retorts lingered on my lips, but I swallowed them. Rebelling now would harm only Senior Elsie, not me.

"Rinella's destiny is determined by their own. Therefore, Elsie's fate is still uncertain, and whether you can become a live-in son-in-law to Rinella depends on this matter."

With those words, Sir Reynold turned away, leaving me standing there.

Trying to suppress a bitter laugh, I soon shook my head in resignation.

I could understand his feelings.

The situation was his niece suddenly called another man 'master.' In his eyes, I might be perceived as the lowest of the low, and he could be worried, suspecting that I was playing around with Senior Elsie.

So, facing Sir Reynold's broad back, I shouted.

"...About Senior Elsie."

Sir Reynold's steps abruptly stopped.

His unreadable blue eyes turned towards me.

"She's someone important to me. So, there might be some misunderstanding."

Sir Reynold scoffed and continued walking.

However, the returning remark was the most positive thing he had said to me so far.

"I'll keep an eye on you."

A wry smile formed on my lips upon hearing those words.

The events that might disappoint Sir Reynold were not likely to happen anytime soon.

If there was any possibility, it would be Senior Delphine or Senior Neris acting unexpectedly. But it was highly unlikely for both of them.

Senior Delphine had social dignity, and Senior Neris was someone who could reveal her identity.

I sighed and looked at the Percus territory visible through the window.

I was destined to leave another set of bloodstains in my hometown, this countryside area.


And on that night, upon hearing the news that a beautiful knight arrived, I stepped out into the courtyard.

There stood a striking beauty with blue hair. The woman, facing away from the moonlight, hesitated as soon as she saw me.

Then, soon, she repeatedly bowed her head without hesitation and spoke.

"A-as you said, I have arrived! Teacher!"

Her words instantly lowered the temperature around me by several /genesisforsaken

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