Love Letter From The Future

Chapter 236: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (29)

Chapter 236: Rinella’s Destiny is Her Own (29)

The term 'swindler' in the slums denoted a type of loan shark.

However, it wasn't a title they embraced; rather, it was a derogatory label given to them by the slum dwellers. Their primary source of income was preying on the illiterate countryside folk, exploiting them for money.

They were an organization that functioned much like parasites, present almost everywhere and extremely opportunistic .

However, their presence was news to me, indicating that they were a newly established force that had taken root in the Percus territory.

Loan sharking, at its core, catered to individuals in dire need of money. It was customary for merchants, particularly those facing strict deadlines, to seek urgent loans.

Thus, for loan sharks to thrive, specific conditions were essential.

The existence of a market was the key factor.

Without a thriving market, loan sharks couldn’t survive. Permanent markets typically flourished in larger territories, since they were sustained by ample demand.

So, according to this logic, there was no reason for loan sharks to venture into the Percus territory, which was nothing more than a countryside.

Yet, with Ria's proactive business development, a shift had occurred.

Through Ria's efforts, a systematic supply chain and legitimate job opportunities emerged. Consequently, the Percus territory underwent a gradual transition towards a monetary economy.

As a result, a small permanent market surfaced in the Percus territory.

Though nascent, this economic development in a poor territory drew the attention of opportunists that swarmed in like flies.

After all, although small in scale, the place showed signs of progress.

It wouldn't hurt to secure a foothold in advance.

These so-called 'swindlers' especially tended to be worse than others. They operated loan sharking organizations akin to branches across multiple territories, and boasted significant influence and capital that was incomparable to local ruffians.

In contrast, the latter were merely minor players in the local underworld.

Despite various reasons, Ria did not interfere with these swindlers.

In the short term, their influx of capital injected vitality into the market.

In the long term, concerns about capital drainage through the exorbitant interest rates would arise, but the Percus territory urgently needed immediate capital.

This left little room for concerns about distant futures.

Another significant reason for leaving the swindlers alone was the stark reality that the Percus family lacked the capability to handle them.

In theory, we could have mustered the resolve to address the issue. However, the Empire's laws were strict.

Local ruffians opposing a noble lord was inconceivable. Such defiance would incur severe retribution from neighboring high lords or even the central army of the Empire.

As long as the swindlers didn't stir up trouble, there was little incentive to confront them.

They, too, had spent years in the back alleys.

It was well known that bothering nobles spelled trouble for both parties.

Thus, while keeping a watchful eye on the Percus family, the swindlers preyed on innocent locals like parasites.

Many were heard to have fallen into debt slavery due to their schemes.

For me, it wasn't necessarily bad news.

If needed, I could approach the situation with a mindset akin to pest control.

However, fate had a different plan. To my surprise, the swindlers immediately adopted a submissive stance at my unexpected visit.

"Oh my, Young Master! If you had informed us in advance, we would have given you a more proper reception..."

The middle-aged man who addressed me, his gaze scrutinizing my reactions, sported thick, unruly hair, was likely the head of the branch. Upon hearing of my arrival, he hastily emerged and escorted me to the reception room. Despite the shabby building, the reception room was surprisingly neat.

Perhaps it was meant to instill trust in prospective debtors.

Or perhaps it aimed to leave a favorable impression when hosting special guests like me.

Regardless, it wasn't a reason that appealed to me.

Cutting to the chase, I asked.

"Recently, there have been numerous cases of disappearances in the slums."

"......Excuse me?"

The middle-aged man's perplexed expression mirrored his lack of comprehension regarding my question.

Undeterred, I slouched into a chair at the table in the reception room. Finally jolted into action, the middle-aged man took a seat opposite me.

At his signal, one of the sturdy figures standing by swiftly exited the room, returning moments later with a decent-quality cup of tea.

"Do you happen to know anything?"

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Gradually, the middle-aged man's expression morphed into one of discomfort in response to my direct questioning.

My manner of speech was quite straightforward for a noble.

After all, I was not as smart as Leto or Ria. I didn't have the capacity to conduct sophisticated investigations like Senior Delphine or the Saintess either.

The straightforwardness of my speech often made it challenging for others to discern my true intentions. With my words being so clear-cut, others could only infer from the questions I asked.

After some consideration, the middle-aged man let out a nervous chuckle.

"C-Can there be such a thing? Although we may be lowly scoundrels that sometimes engage in petty crimes, we haven't forgotten the grace of the Percus family. But human trafficking, you say?!"

I offered a slow, understanding nod in response.

The middle-aged man continued his fervent explanation, his expression now one of relief.

"We would never engage in such actions! If you have any doubts, you can verify with other members of the Percus family...."


My mild acknowledgment seemed to puzzle the middle-aged man slightly.

Regardless, my words remained straightforward.

"In that case, could you provide information about the debtors? Considering that many people in the slums do not officially register their personal details..."

"Y-Yes, certainly!"

The middle-aged man swiftly rose from his seat and retrieved a stack of documents from a nearby drawer. I perused the documents in silence.

Among them were several individuals listed by the Imperial administrator, Arthur, indicating numerous missing persons.

However, this evidence alone was not conclusive. It was likely that these individuals had preemptively provided such documentation, knowing of their disappearances.

But there was one fact the middle-aged man didn't know.

"....There are many cases of people going missing here."

"Well, it’s inevitable, isn’t it? Those burdened with insurmountable debts often choose to flee."

"Does that mean their debts are forgiven?"

"No, they're still owed by their families. We also need to survive, you know... Haha."

Not only would their families be left to bear the burden, but anyone associated with the debtor would likely face harassment as well.

I was familiar with their methods.

The academy was far from a haven, and there were many who had gone bankrupt due to gambling and excess.

However, I refrained from expressing doubt regarding the middle-aged man's claims.

Instead, I simply nodded and placed the documents back on the table.

"....Did you get the information you wanted?"

"Yes, roughly."

A sigh of relief escaped the middle-aged man's lips as he began to curry favor with me, adopting a servile tone.

"Indeed, the Second Young Master of the Percus family truly lives up to his reputation as a pacifist. Most visitors who come here tend to shout and cause a commotion...."

"Is there a need for that?"

My indifferent response prompted a smile from the middle-aged man, as if silently agreeing with my sentiment.’

As he carefully gathered the documents from the table, my keen senses detected a subtle shift in his expression.

It was a smirk.

A smile filled with the satisfaction of having successfully deceived and outsmarted a naive youth. Unfortunately for him, I hadn't come here with the intention of merely questioning him. I was already convinced.

The future ‘me’ would never provide irrelevant or misleading information.

Furthermore, my suspicions regarding the missing persons being linked to criminal activity had only been strengthened after obtaining various clues. It was inconceivable to justify them as mere disappearances because they had fled.

There was a connection.

However, I needed to employ a more 'peaceful method' to extract this information.

As I swung my hatchet down, the hairy middle-aged man screamed, and the table shattered, sending wooden fragments flying in all directions.

My hatchet had found its mark on the shoulder of one of the burly figures surrounding me.

Amidst the chaos of splintered wood, I surged forward with the ferocity of a beast in full sprint.

The first man before me became my target, and I unleashed the momentum of my charge with a punch directly to his face. The man's face crumpled upon impact, accompanied by a sickening sound,

Bong, the sound of fists hitting skin echoed.


Blood and fragments of teeth painted the scene in vivid shades of red.

Those burly figures of course wouldn’t stay still.

The reactions of the two burly men I attacked were immediate, indicating they were not mere amateurs.

At the very least, they seemed to be former mercenaries, not individuals hired by a loan shark in a countryside territory.

Perhaps that was why Ria had warned me that they were dangerous.

However, they were no match for me.

With a swift motion, my hatchet flew from the side and embedded itself in the forearm of one of the men, causing him to stagger.

The look of disbelief in his eyes was understandable, as the hatchet that had been lodged in his colleague's shoulder seemed to move on its own.

This was the application of the Principles of Movement within Stillness.

It was the Sword Circle’s secret technique, allowing for the manipulation of trajectories to create new momentum. It was a martial principle that mere ruffians from the back alleys could not possibly fathom.

Nevertheless, three burly figures collapsed swiftly under my assault.

I easily dodged the remaining attacker's swinging club by bending my body, delivering a devastating blow to his stomach.

The force of my fist had penetrated through his entire body, and blood erupted from his mouth as he crumpled to the ground.

Now facing the three remaining enemies, I swiftly dispatched one by pulling the hatchet from his shoulder and delivering a blow to his temple with its blunt side, rendering him unconscious.

The burly man fell with a thud without even a scream.

Without hesitation, I unleashed a beam of light from my hand, causing another attacker to cry out in pain as his knees buckled under the force.

As he fell, I redirected the trajectory of the hatchet, crushing his knees and incapacitating him.

The last one rushed and drew a dagger from his pocket, indicating his desperation.

A blade, even though he clearly knew that messing with a noble would not end well.

The man's perception of me as a threat was evident in his decision to wield a real weapon despite the consequences.

Of course, I had no intention of allowing myself to suffer.

With focused concentration, I manipulated space itself, tearing it apart like a thread, and twisted the trajectory of his attack along the torn path.

I naturally caught the man's arm.

Pressing down on his arm and delivering a precise kick to his knee, I heard the bones crack and a scream escape his lips.


"Shut up."

With a dispassionate command, I struck my elbow into the back of his neck as he doubled over in pain. His body convulsed for a second before collapsing entirely.

In a matter of minutes, seven men had fallen, leaving only the trembling middle-aged man with bushy hair.

Despite being a group of ruffians, they were part of an organization that had a number of former mercenaries. Incapacitated and unable to resist properly, it must be quite bewildering for them.

I pulled out the hatchet stuck in one of the burly man’s knees.

Retrieving the hatchet from the knee of one of the burly men, I watched as the blood began to flow freely. The fear in his eyes indicated his surrender, so I refrained from further violence.


My attention shifted to the middle-aged man as he cried out.

I waited for his next words, curious to see his reaction

"Aren’t you a 'Pacifist'?!"

His tone was accusing, unjust, and filled with fear.

It was then that I couldn't help but release a light sigh.

Come to think of it, that was indeed my nickname.

I responded with forced laughter.

"...Well, it's peaceful now, isn’t it?"

It was meant to be a joke to lighten the mood, but the man's reaction was unexpected.

His complexion paled, and the gaze he directed at me held a mixture of fear and something I hadn't seen in a long time. Seeing that I suppressed a bitter smile.

It was the gaze of someone looking at a /genesisforsaken

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