Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 263

263 Alone

The only person who does not have a burden is Zwetta, after enjoying various drinks made by the bartender at the Clarke family’s hotel, Zwetta decided to return to the hotel where she was staying. Because the distance is not far, Zwetta decided to walk. She wanted to neutralize the alcohol content in her body with a little exercise as she had done so far with Robin’s teachings.

“Looks like I have to leave this place, Robin must have directed people to forcibly pick me up.” Zwetta stopped in her tracks when she suddenly remembered one of Robin’s craziness. “I’m pretty sure Robin must have tracked me down in this country.”

Because she didn’t want her boss to disturb her vacation time, Zwetta decided to immediately leave Switzerland even though she wasn’t satisfied with exploring several places that were already on the list she had made. With a jog, Zwetta rushed to the hotel to check-out from the hotel and took some of her personal belongings that were left in the room.

As soon as she arrived at the hotel, Zwetta immediately rushed to her room, having known Robin for more than five years made Zwetta sure that her boss was currently carrying out a plan to make her return to America. That’s why Zwetta decided to go with a spare passport that Robert didn’t know about. A passport that she made secretly without Robin’s knowledge, several years ago with the help of an acquaintance who lives in Dubai.

“Looks like I have to use other ways to get out of this country, Robin must have hatched all the airports in this country,” Zwetta said quietly, her eyes staring at the three passports with different names in front of her.

After thinking for a long time, Zwetta finally decided to go out by land from Switzerland. Using her Schengen passport, Zwetta could easily visit other Schengen countries, but suddenly Zwetta decided to go to a small country that had no sea as its borders. One of the countries on the list he wanted to visit. Worried that Robin’s men would find her, Zwetta rushed out of the hotel.

Although Zwetta does not carry a weapon at this time, but Zwetta remains confident and calm to travel long distances. Her high flying hours when carrying out missions made Zwetta not have that kind of fear.

“See you later Switzerland, I hope one day I can visit you again,” Zwetta said to herself once she was on the bus that would help her get out of Switzerland to the second country on her list.

Unlike the day before, Zwetta’s feelings were much calmer now. She was no longer as restless as before, Zwetta was just so excited now. Zwetta felt like she was going home.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com



Clarke’s Mansion

After arriving at Jack’s house, he immediately rushed to his room leaving Suri, Jack, who was so disappointed with his favorite daughter, chose to calm down in his room instead of having to talk to Suri again.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” Suri said softly with teary eyes, being ignored by her father made Suri so sad. In all her life she had never been treated like this from anyone, that’s why Suri felt so sad right now.

“Better not to disturb Uncle at this time, Suri.” Asher who was standing behind Suri immediately warned Suri not to disturb her father today. “Now you go back to your room and introspect yourself.”


“And don’t talk to me either, I’m really really disappointed in you Suri. I can’t believe you can do this to all of us,” Asher sarcastically said. “I can’t believe you can hide the person who has locked you up for years, I really don’t understand your thoughts, Suri.”

Suri’s tears fell again when she heard Asher’s words, her chest was already so tight that it hurt to breathe. Everyone who loved her now attacked her incessantly.

“Luckily Aunty didn’t know about this matter,” Asher said again. “I can’t imagine how Aunty will feel if Aunty finds out the truth, what you have done is not only detrimental to Christian and Elena. We all, your family also get the same impact. You have hurt us all so perfectly, Suri.”


“You are completely different from the Suri I know, I am very disappointed in you, Suri,” Asher added back in a hoarse voice. “What have Areez Floyen done to you to have the heart to betray your family like this, Suri?”

Suri clenched her fists. “It’s not Areez’s fault, he’s innocent. I’m the one who...”


Asher clapped his hands loudly, his lips curled into an obvious disappointed smile.

“How much do you feel for him?”

“Asher, it’s not what you think.”

“If it’s not what I thought then what would it be like, Suri? The actions you’ve done so blatantly have shown it all, you’ve told us everything without having to say anything. how much you feel for him,” Asher said in a voice that went up two octaves, this was the first time Asher spoke in such a high tone to Suri. It was his disappointment that was so great that Asher had to let go of himself as he is now.

Suri shook her head, the person who had always defended her for all the mistakes she had committed intentionally or unintentionally had left her. Suri was really alone going through it all at the moment.

“I can’t imagine how broken and disappointed Christian is with you right now Suri. You not only ruined Christian and Elena’s relationship, you also made an innocent baby become a victim too. A baby who has never felt her mother’s love since she was born , a baby who now has to live on drugs and doctors to keep breathing. And all that has happened now is because of the selfishness you have done to protect that cowardly Areez Floyen.”

Suri’s tears flowed harder because she heard Asher’s words that were so painful. Suri’s whole body trembled violently, the words that just came out of Asher’s lips hit his mind so hard. Called the person who caused Luna to suffer, Suri was so hurt and devastated.

Asher smiled. “Stop crying, Suri. The tears you shed don’t solve anything, your tears won’t bring things back to the way they were before. I’m sure you could have predicted this would happen long ago, so accept all the consequences you have to face .”

After saying that Asher then rushed away from Suri’s presence, his current destination was the dungeon where Areez was taken. Asher wanted to account for the haughty man for all the chaos that had occurred in his family.

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