Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 274

274 Wilson family’s house

“Thank you David.”

David, who had just put Zwetta ‘s shopping bags on the bed, smiled a little in response to Zwetta’s. “This is your seventh thank you since we left the clinic an hour half ago.”

“You counted it? Really?”

David chuckled. “I’m joking, Zee.”

“Okay, you can go home now. Give my regards to your wife and children. They must be waiting at home.”

“I’ll definitely give them your regards,” David said quietly. “Thank you again for the gifts you gave them, my children will be very happy to get their new doll.”

Zwetta waved her hand. “If you’re going to be late getting home if you keep thanking me like that,” Zwetta .

David just chuckled at Zwetta’s, because his working hours were over and he didn’t want to be late until he got home. David finally said goodbye to Zwetta. He looks so happy to carry two shopping bags containing gifts that Zwetta gave to his wife and two twins. After knowing that David had worked extra hard because of her, Zwetta decided to reward him by buying clothes and dolls for his little family. Zwetta wanted to return the favor for what the hotel manager had done for her.

As soon as her new friend got into the elevator, Zwetta immediately closed the door to the hotel room where she would be staying for the next week. Feeling so curious about the city where she is currently located, Zwetta then opened the laptop that was neatly stored in her backpack. Zwetta began to search for the city of Luxembourg, for almost an hour Zwetta was still struggling in front of her laptop. The beautiful sights she managed to find from the internet made Zwetta hypnotized, Zwetta felt that she had a bond with those places even though she had never been to Luxembourg.


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“Looks like I have to find out what really happened, I’m sure this strange feeling has something to do with the last mission I passed in Spain,” Zwetta to herself.

Without Zwetta knowing, all this time Robin and her friends had lied to her by saying that the wounds on several points of her body were from the last mission she went through in Spain. Even the cesarean section when giving birth to Luna eight months ago was called a sharp object wound by the doctor Giana, Zwetta who didn’t know anything, could only believe the words of a doctor, after all, the scar from the cesarean section is now only a small scratch that is barely seen because of the special actions taken by the doctor.

So curious, Zwetta decided to visit the places she managed to see a moment ago on her laptop monitor. Not wanting to wear the same clothes as last night when she left Geneva, Zwetta then decided to change.

Still wearing a mask, Zwetta left her hotel room to some places that made her curious. Since the distance to her destination was not too far, Zwetta decided to walk.

After walking for almost twenty minutes, Zwetta finally arrived at the former house where she had lived for almost the last two years in Luxembourg with her new family. The house which is now only scattered rubble makes Zwetta still look so sad, unconsciously her tears dripping slowly down the mask covering her face.

“Why am I crying again? What’s wrong with me?”said Zwetta slowly, slowly her fingers touched her mask which was already uncomfortable because it was wet.


Zwetta who had just put on a new mask face turned to an old woman who had just touched her shoulder while calling her by the name Elena.

“Elena, where have you been?”

Zwetta frowned. “Excuse me, who are you talking to, madam?”

One of the customers of Jody and Camila Wilson’s cake squinted her already slightly myopic eyes. “You’re not Elena?”


“Yes, Elena Wilson, that beautiful, kind-hearted girl. The only daughter of the owner of this ruined cake shop,” the woman answered in a deep voice as she raised her right hand to point to the ruins of the Wilson family’s former home and business premises, which was right on the street.front of Zwetta. “That kind girl mysteriously disappeared a few weeks before this place was destroyed and nothing remains and she looks a lot like you.”

“Similar? Lost? How is that possible? Was she kidnapped?”asked Zwetta surprised.

“I don’t know, Miss. Everyone in this place doesn’t know where that beautiful girl went, she is really a good girl who is very friendly. All of us who still live in this place really feel lost after the Wilson family left mysteriously. .”

Suddenly, Zwetta accelerated. Her chest suddenly felt tight when she heard the words of the foreign woman who previously called her by the name Elena.

“In fact, they are a family of good people. We really miss them all.”

Zwetta a long breath after she managed to calm herself down, although the pain still lingers in her chest but we are feeling much better. Without removing the black hat that covered part of her face, Zwetta looked back at the remains of the Wilson family’s residence which was said to have disappeared mysteriously.

“Then why did you call me Elena, madam?”

“Your proportions, body and the shape of your eyes look like Elena Wilson. Only Elena doesn’t have tattoos like you, Miss.”

Zwetta reflexively touched the tattoo behind her ear.

“Sorry Miss, I’m not an old-fashioned person who hates someone who uses tattoos,” the woman said quickly, she felt guilty when she saw Zwetta touch the tattoo behind her right ear. Because at this time Zwetta tied her short hair the hidden tattoo could be seen by others.

Zwetta shook her head slowly. “No madam, you don’t have to apologize to me. I’m not angry with you.”

“Oh thank goodness.”

Zwetta smiled. “But in return, I want you to tell me about the Wilson family that you mentioned several times before. Hearing what you said about the owner of this place, I became very curious, especially with the fate of the girl named Elena who you call looks like me.”

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