Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 381

381 Back to fighting

Robin smirked. “It’s better that way, I’d rather see Zwetta become a robot than have to see her laugh at another man.”


Beatrice and Veronika who listened to the conversation between doctors Giana and Robin immediately slumped on the sofa, the words they had just heard seemed to make all the joints in their bodies burst with blood. Robin, whom they had known for many years, had now transformed into such a terrible demon.

“You heard me, didn’t you?!” Robin spoke again, seeing doctor Giana’s who immediately locked her lips tightly made her impatient.

Doctor Giana nodded slowly. “Y..yes, I heard what you just said, boss.”

“Good, immediately go and meet your co-worker. Take the drug and pay whatever he wants, after you manage to get the drug immediately follow me to Luxembourg,” said Robin coldly, undeniably.

“I will soon go to Russia to see doctor Nikola,” replied the doctor Giana, still in a hoarse voice.

Without saying any closing words, Robin then disconnected the long distance video call with his personal doctor and immediately threw his cellphone on the empty sofa beside Andres roughly.

As long as Robin talked to doctor Giana, Andres didn’t make a sound. Hearing Robin’s plan to make Zwetta a soulless human made Andres speechless, he didn’t think that Robin would do such a thing to Zwetta , who incidentally was his own student.


“Keep monitoring the movement of doctor Giana, I want you to provide every detail of the doctor’s movements until she gets the medicine I want from doctor Nikola,” Robin said quietly.

“Yes boss, I will monitor the movement of doctor Giana,” replied Andres stammering.

“Now you can go, I want to rest for a while. I have to gather my energy before meeting Zwetta tonight,” said Robin again.

Without daring to argue, Andres immediately got up from his seat and rushed to the door. However, when he was almost at the door, Andres suddenly stopped his steps and turned to Robin slowly.

“Did you have to go this far, boss? I mean this is Zwetta and don’t you love her very much?”

Robin grinned viciously. “I really love Zwetta, that’s why I want to do this to her. After this she won’t feel sad and disappointed anymore, she will be an obedient and be a good girl for me.”

Andres swallowed his saliva, seeing the cruel smirk on Robin’s handsome face made him shudder in horror. Robin has really changed, the wise and kind Robin has disappeared and has been replaced with a cruel and terrible Robin.

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Not wanting to be the target of Robin’s anger, Andres then decided to leave Robin’s room immediately. Andres still loves his life and still wants to continue living in peace.

“From the beginning you were mine, Zee. Then until the end you will still be mine, I will not let that damn man have you back,” said Robin full of emotion. “I won’t let that happen, never.”


Christian just sits silently while everyone else is talking, his father and Areez taking turns giving him advice regarding his relationship with Zwetta. But none of their words are stored in Christian’s head, Christian’s focus is only on Zwetta at this time.

“Christ, you heard what I just said, didn’t you?” Areez asked quietly.

Christian doesn’t budge, he doesn’t respond to Areez’s words at all.


“Leave me alone.” Kainer immediately interrupted Areez’s words trying to wake Christian from his daydream.

Areez turned to Kainer and immediately lowered his hand from the air, giving Kainer a chance to wake Christian from his daydream. Although annoyed at Christian who turned out to be daydreaming, Areez felt sorry for his future brother-in-law. Right now Christian must be very dizzy, the problem with Zwetta a new problem has arisen brought by Robin Jones.

“Sir..” Kainer touches Christian’s shoulder, trying to wake him up. “You’re all right, aren’t you?”

Kainer’s soft voice that was so familiar managed to pull Christian back to reality, Christian’s blue eyes even immediately met Kainer’s green eyes. “Kainer.”

“What are you thinking now?” Kainer instantly let out the curiosity that was currently gathering in her head.

Christian purses his lips. “Zwetta, it seems that she hates me so much now. It seems that my chance to get back with her is gone.”

“Why do you think like that?”

“Zwetta looks at me with hatred, Kainer. She looks so angry and disappointed at me, I just can’t find the love in her eyes,” Christian replies hoarsely, his chest tight as he speaks. The words Zwetta earlier had an impact on him.

“Then are you going to give up here, Christ?” Areez, who was sitting behind Kainer reacted quickly. “Where’s your fighting spirit, Christ?”

“If you love her then fight for your love, don’t give up like this.” Areez resumed his speech. “Where did the Christian Clarke I know go?”

Although he didn’t like Areez’s impudence, Jack was grateful that someone had helped him resuscitate his daughter. Jack, who also had a big hand in Zwetta of his family, chose to remain silent and let Areez intervene first.

” Zwetta has returned when I haven’t had time to apologize to her, plus Robin’s arrival. I really don’t know what to do, everything is so difficult and complicated for me right now,” Christian said hoarsely.

Areez pursed her lips. “How much do you love your girl? Is your love as big as my love for Suri?”

“Areez Floyen!” Jack warned Areez loudly.

Areez chuckled, his joke by bringing Suri’s name was apparently not right. After clearing his throat slowly, Areez resumed his speech. A sentence he deliberately uttered in a clear provocative tone to infuriate a Christian Clarke.

“If you really don’t want to fight anymore, then let the girl go. Let her go back to her superior and mentor. sinful to make Robin richer,” Areez said quietly, Areez deliberately brought up Zwetta at the last moment of speaking to make Christian realize that now he is the one who can save Zwetta from her bloody job.

Christian’s face looks even paler when Areez mentions Zwetta’s risky job, his chest tightens again when he remembers how Zwetta got money for that damn Robin Jones.

“I’m not letting go of Zwetta.” Christian muttered under his breath. “I won’t let her go, Zwetta is mine and I won’t let her go back to being a killing machine for Robin.”

Jack and Areez smile at the same time, both happy that Christian is back to his former enthusiasm. Areez’s words really managed to get Christian back in his spirits.

“If you don’t want to turn your girl back into a killing machine then you have to make her come back to you, I’m sure if your girl still has feelings for you especially before you two have enjoyed the sweetness of Paris for days.”

Damn it.

Christian clenched his fists. “You’re spying on me?”

Areez immediately raised his hands in the air. “I’m not spying on you.”

“So how do you know if Zwetta went to Paris together?” Christian asks emotionally, he’s annoyed that Areez’s privacy has been intruded on him.

“Dimitri, he was the one who reported you and Zwetta in Paris to me.”

“Who is Dimitri?”

Areez shrugged his shoulders. “My men.”

“You said you weren’t spying on me!!!” Christian shouts loudly, he feels cheated by Areez blatantly.

“It’s not, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to accept my men’s reports, does it? Dimitri does live in Paris anyway, so don’t blame me if I find out about you and Zwetta in that city full of love,” Areez replied calmly without feeling guilty.

“Fuck you!”

Areez chuckled. “Ok, forget about that. That’s not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about something else.”

“Talk about what?”

Areez grinned widely. “Do you think Zwetta has no chance of getting pregnant again?”

Not only was Christian shocked to hear Areez’s words, everyone else seemed very surprised to hear such a personal question.


“You’re a grown man with a lot of experience, so I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to waste such a golden opportunity, would you? Especially when you were in love with a girl who had the same face as a girl like that. you miss it, so it feels like if you do that with her Zwetta pregnant again are very high and if that happens then you will easily get her back,” Areez said seriously. “No woman will be okay after finding out that she is pregnant, so you must immediately confirm the pregnancy.”

The frown on Christian’s forehead slowly disappeared as Areez closed his lips, his intelligent brain processing the words that Areez had just said shamelessly. In silence Christian glances at Areez who is smiling widely, the man looks so happy.

“Don’t think I’ll let you do what you want with Suri, even though you’ve helped me like this,” Christian says suddenly. “Any rotten plans that are currently running through your head to Suri I guarantee will never come true.”

Areez’s face was bright red. “I’m not perverted !”

“I’ll take your word for it then.” Jack, who had been silent for a while, immediately responded to Areez’s words. “If you dare to land your dirty hands on Suri then your meeting at that time will be last with Suri.”

“Why am I your target?” shouted Areez frantically.

“You don’t intend to keep Suri away from me, do you?” Areez immediately bombarded Jack with questions that scared him to death, everything he was doing now was for the sake of his future with Suri. Areez is willing to go to great lengths to exert his ability to find information about Zwetta in order to be side by side with Suri and he doesn’t want all his efforts to be in vain.

Seeing how panicked Areez is right now making Christian laugh out loud, he looks happy to see how much suffering Areez is being scared.

Feeling much better, Christian then slowly got up from the sofa where he was sitting.


“Let’s go, Kainer,” Christian says quietly.

“Go? Where are you going, sir?” asked Kainer, confused.

Christian purses his lips. “Going to see Zwetta, I have to abort his meeting with that damn Robin Jones. I’m pretty sure that guy has bad plans for Zwetta, that’s why I have to cancel their meeting.”

“You want to see Zwetta, son?” asked Jack in surprise.

“Yes, Dad. I think what Areez said is true, I have to make Zwetta come back to me. I’ve lost a child and this time I have to make sure my child grows and is born well.

Jack’s eyes are wide open. “Is Zwetta...”

” No, I don’t know yet. I’m not sure whether Zwetta is pregnant at this time or not, I definitely have to keep her by my side and check her condition as soon as possible before Robin does anything bad to her,” Christian said firmly. “I’m sure Robin’s arrival to Luxembourg is not just wants to see me, he must have an ulterior motive that is harmful to Zwetta.”

“A hidden intention that harms Zwetta?”

“Yes, that man is so crazy about Zwetta. I’m sure he must have some evil plan to get Zwetta back to him.”

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