Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 375 - Norst Cemetery Mystery ----- Part 1

Ayra trailed off Cedric closely as they wandered around Basarisk most infamous graveyard " Norst Cemetery." This cemetery was specifically maiden for wolves who lost their lives in order to protect Basarisk. One of the ancestor from Basarisk made this Cemetery in order to pay their tribute to wolves who willingly worked for the safety of their kingdom.

More than hundred of wolves were buried in Norst. Cedric examined on the graves, carefully took each steps as if he was even cautious about not bumping any one of those grave. Ayra could feel the deep respect that Cedric was giving to this graves. Subconsciously, she admired such kind side of Cedric with a small smile.

Norst were stationed far away from Basarisk's living villages. The creatures weren't so comfortable in living with wolves and wanted to stay apart. Thus the previous king provided them separate place away from kingdom and built an entire castle for their living. The castle was left abandoned now without any caretaker around. Most probably, the castle had become a ghost palace. Though wolves couldn't shift into any other form, they had knowledge like other cunning creatures.

Ayra trailed Cedric closely, followed his gaze each time he showed any suspension over something. After crossing twenty something graves, Cedric still failed to find anything suspicious. The graves all looked untouched and neat as if no one had stepped their feet over here.

Strange! Then how could the hidden attackers found wolf's bone to create such needle?

Ayra began to become a little bit worried upon his silence. She spoke, trying to get his attention,

" Your Highness! "

Cedric hummed tearing his gaze from a graveyard that was buried 75 years ago. Watching her anxious face, he assured tapping on her cheeks with his thumb lovingly,

" Don't be afraid! Nothing won't happen to you as long as I am here."

Her heart warmed a little after his words. She shook her head slightly and answered with concern,

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" What are you going to do now? These graves are all looking untouched."

Cedric exhaled a soft sigh. Narrowing his eyes deeply, he responded running his eyes across the surrounding,

" Seems like the intruder is quite professional, princess. But he is forgetting that he is messing up with Cedric Arnaldo Dixon. I am thinking about staying overnight in this abandoned castle. He will definitely come at late night to dig out one of those grave."

Only then Ayra looked back at the castle that stood among the trees. Those masses were so deeply wrapped around the walls that it was impossible to detect the castle with a single glance.

Ayra sutured reluctantly,

" There??"

Cedric chuckled at her response. Pulling her closer, he teased with a smug smile,

" Yes, unfortunately I have to postpone your bikini look for tonight. Since we are going to catch the intruder, I won't have the mind of enjoying your look."

Ayra pushed his hands away and responded with a snort,

" I am glad for that."

Cedric grinned smiling at her shy face wickedly,

" Don't be so happy! I am not letting you go. Even I won't forget it ever. You know how shameless your husband is."

Ayra was speechless truly. Now he was humaliating himself openly. Fine! She didn't need to talk about his humour anymore.


They stopped by there as per Cedric's advise. The identity of that intruder needed to reveal since wolves were Cedric's one kind of powerful preveilege.

The castle was totally messed, confined with various wild trees. One look inside the indoor was enough to give anyone the urge of running. To complete their unfinished business, the couple had to endure everything for the sake of truth.

The night came quite fast within a blink of eye. The entire day had passed in stalking around the forests and finding the clues of that intruder. Cedric appeared quite worried about the entire situation. So Ayra tried her best to stay obedient which wasn't usually seen. Naturally they had cat-fight in a day.

The sky began to become darker and darker as the time of midnight came closer. Basarisk had already a rainy weather and today it appeared little more vigilant. Occasional buzzes of thunderstroke could be heard from the distant skies. The weather kept sending her pre-warning before rains.

Inside a room of abandoned castle, a little candle was lightening the entire room slightly. Without a clean bed and table, everything were looking dusty. Cedric had to choose the room of that man who took care of those wolves. But his little wife still looked angry regarding the adjustments.

I mean, who could live in such dirty place?

Ayra was keeping the candle light on as Cedric watched her from back with a forced smile. He secretly hoped that she wouldn't mind anymore.

Walking back to Cedric, Ayra questioned narrowing her eyes at the dirty bed,

" Where are you going to sleep? "

Cedric looked agitated. Taking a glimpse of their bed, he reasoned with a weak smile,

" Come on, Princess! Don't tell me that you don't want to share the bed with me?"

Ayra mumbled narrowing her eyes at Cedric,

" The space is too little. I don't think that it is a good idea to sleep together tonight."

Cedric was going to say something but having second thought, he waved at her seriously,

" Come over to me first."

Ayra compelled after a while of hesitation and walked over to sit beside him. Without uttering any single word, Cedric inserted his hand through her collarbone and was attempting to remove the cloth from her left breast.

Ayra panicked after brushing off his hand,

" You.. What do you think that you are doing?"

Cedric replied with a scoff, determined to watch her left breast,

" Don't think that I didn't notice your scar! Let me see it! "

Ayra refused turning crimson in embarrassement,

" No, Your Highness! I can handle such small cut."

Cedric was more irritated by her continuous rejection. He warned shooting her a threatened glare,

" Princess! Either you let me take a look at it or I am going to rip off your pretty gown. I can't promise that what will happen next. Now you make the choice! "

Ayra was stunned after hearing his warning. Her face appeared like she was going to shed a bucket of tears but had nothing in eyes. Biting her teeth together in anticipation and thoughts, she agreed removing her protestory grip from him,

" Okay but don't do anything."

Cedric chuckled lightly,

" I promise! You know, I am a gentleman."


Another chapter is coming up within few hours. Stay connected! Who believe that Cedric is a gentleman?Lol! 

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