Loving Madeline

Chapter 108 - More In Love With My Wife

Hunter's POV

"Mr. Divenson, I think we should leave now, I have been searching almost the entire campus of the University, but I haven't seen Madeline," Cal said.

"Where could she be, Cal?" I asked.

"I think in a moment like this, she is with her best friend. You know she is hurting, and I am certain she is with Gina right now." Calixto said.

"I think you need to go home, Hunter. You don't need to worry because I am sure she will come home to your house. Madeline loves you, and there is no way she will leave you." Cal added.

"I know that she loves me, Cal, but I hurt her terribly today. I don't know what to do anymore, but I am sure about what I feel. I love my wife, and I will never leave her. The only thing I can do for her right now is to show her that she means a lot to me. I will not bring Rebecca into our house." I declared, and his eyes widened, and a broad smile spreads across his face.

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"So, what are you going to do with her?" Calixto asked.

"I want you to prepare the penthouse, and I will bring her there. And then, I will ask Lucinda to look for her, and I will hire maybe two nurses, and they will be in a shifting schedule to monitor her medications. And I will look for the best psychiatrist in the whole country. And as possible, I will spend more time with her so that she can recover quickly. I don't have the heart to hurt Madeline more. Maybe in this way, she will realize how much I care for her." I said.

"Well, that is a brilliant plan. I thought you would never look for another alternative. I want to ask you the same thing, but I know I am not in the position to tell you what to do. But I was hoping that you will find another way so you can lessen the pain of Madeline." Cal replied.

"Even in the middle of my confusion, I know how much I feel for Madeline. But I am aware as of this moment that I need to stay with Rebecca most of the time. It pained me watching her in her current state, and she used to be so healthy and happy. I couldn't believe my father will do this to her. She lost her sanity because she was always thinking about our son and me, and of course, that tragic accident drove her mad. And my father lied to her. How could he be so selfish, Cal? I mean, why does he need to do this?" I asked, and I notice almost all the car in the parking lot is gone. And I realized Cal was right. My wife only texted him that she needed to submit a report as an alibi because she couldn't take the pain.

"Your father is always hungry for wealth, power, and fame. And it is no longer a question of why this happened to you and to the women you love. I understand that you are the most affected by this, but I am sure you can overcome this predicament. Today, I realized that being handsome is not that easy. Imagine you are torn between two beautiful women, and I know you love them both, but you need to decide whom you want to be with because it would be so unfair for both of them." Cal said as I drive away from the campus.

"I never thought you would experience this kind of dilemma in your life, Hunter; you are rich, handsome, and popular with girls, but I am aware that once you fall in love, you are loyal, but how can you show your loyalty to both Rebecca, and Maddie?" He asked, and he released a heavy sigh, and it feels like Cal is the one suffering right now, not me.

"You may say, I am popular with women, but you knew how much I avoided them after Rebecca's fake death. I spent so much time thinking about what could have happened if I will be given a second chance to be with Rebecca again before Maddie came into my life, and why do I need to see her now? I am living my life happily with my wife." I said as I continue driving my car, and I wish to see Madeline because I want to make sure she is okay. After all, we couldn't contact her number.

"Hunter, there is always a reason why it happens. Everything happens for a reason." He replied, and I half-laughed.

"That is bullshit, Cal. What could be the reason for this? I don't think this is fair, and this is too much for me to take. I couldn't find enough reason why this is happening to me right now. The only mistake I made was I doubted Rebecca's love for me that day." I said.

I parked my car in front of Gina's house, and I quickly climb out of my car, and Calixto did the same. I walked towards the main door when I saw her mother came out of the house, and my face fell when she said Gina is not yet around since she is still working at the restaurant. We left the place, and I became more frustrated when Gina's colleagues informed me that she left early from the restaurant today, and I felt so disappointed that Gina does not answer my call. And I realized maybe Maddie begged her not to answer me. Out of my frustrations, I hit the steering wheel for how many times.

"Hey, Hunter, we need to eat dinner," Cal said.

"How can I eat dinner when I am feeling like this?" I asked him, and I can see the concern written all over his face. And I felt so grateful that Cal is with me at this very moment because I know without him, I don't know how I will survive this ordeal, and right now, I am losing my fucking mind.

"Even if you don't want to eat, you have to. How are you going to survive if you will lose your health? It would help if you are strong so you can face your problem heads on. You can do this, Hunter, you are strong, and all you need to do is believe that everything will be well. You can't solve this crisis overnight." He said, and I agree with Cal.

Then, I find the perfect place for us to eat.

"Are you sure you want to be here? I mean, if you're going to look for Madeline, I can go inside and inquire; you don't need to bring me here to eat." He declared, and I can't stop myself from smirking.

"Do you think I am a jealous freak? Come on, Cal, you have to accept Jack Morigan's cooking is superb, and there is no place I want to eat right now, but here. I know how much Jack likes Madeline, but I am confident my wife loves me, so you don't need to worry about anything." I said, and I turned off the engine, and then I walked inside to Jack's place, but Cal was walking beside me. I was hoping to find my wife in this place.

"Mr. Divenson, Cal, it is nice to see you here in my brother's restaurant. Is Madeline with you?" Lianne asked, and I need to swallow my saliva before I can answer her. And I felt so down that Madeline is not here. I am just glad Calixto answered her on my behalf.

"Just the two of us, Ms. Morigan, your friend was busy making reports, and we came out from office a little late, and we are both starving," Cal explained, and Jack's sister smiled at us, and she handed us the menu, and she turned around and left us after she took our order.

"After dinner, you need to go home, Mr. Divenson. You don't need to drive me home, and I can take a taxi." Cal declared.

"I am going to send you whether you like it or not, Cal," I said.

"Hunter, you don't need to do that." He replied.

"I insist since I asked you to come with us today in visiting Rebecca, and that is the least that I can do. And there is no way I am going to allow you to take a taxi. Don't worry, and I will ask one of the drivers to send your car to your house right now. You don't need to come to my estate to get your car." I declared.

"Thank you, Mr. Divenson." He responded, and I am glad he stop arguing with me. Our order came, and I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled the aroma of the soup and the main dishes. I eat since I don't want my assistant to reprimand me. It is so funny to think that every time we are outside the office, our situation will be reversed. Cal will act like my boss because he keeps on nagging me and reminding me of what I should do with my life. But I can't deny I love it; he conducted himself like he was my father.

We eat in silence, and I enjoyed my meal because the food was tasty. And I heartily devour my food as I scan the area, hoping I will find Madeline, and I can tell Calixto looked so happy that I eat my meal.

There are so many things playing in my mind at the moment, and I want to go to the Divenson mansion since I am not done with my father yet, and I want to confront my mother regarding this matter, and I couldn't believe they hide this vital information from me.. And I hope Madeline will stay with me and help me face this battle because I perceive I need to help Rebecca, but deep in my heart, I know I want my wife because I realized I am more in love with her than my ex.

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