Loving Madeline

Chapter 122 - Celebrating With My Friends

Madeline's POV

Hunter's father is eyeing me like I am a suspect of some crime, and how I wish Gina came with me, I looked at him in the eyes, and I didn't blink because I don't want him to think that I am of afraid of him even though my stomach is in knots as I can feel the fear that crept within my body. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I wonder why he is here right now in our house after I graduated from college. As usual, he is wearing a business suit. And I can feel that something is going to happen to me, and whatever it is, I need to be strong to survive, especially now that I am having a hard time because of what my husband has done.

Hunter left without saying anything, and I expected him to call me and apologize for what he had done the other night. And I am also hoping that he will say congratulations to me, and I am so eager to hear from him that he is so proud of me, but nothing happened. He never texts and calls even after my graduation ceremony, and it makes me feel so bad, and I feel so angry right now. For the past years, I never complain about our relationship, and I think it is about time to exercise my right as his wife.

Clark was staring at me, and it took me a long while to talk to him because I am so afraid of what he will tell me this time that could wreck my heart and soul.

"Thank you, Mr. Divenson, for coming and for giving me this gift," I said to him as I clutch the gift on my chest. I can feel that it is a little heavy, and I wonder what kind of gift Hunter's father would give me.

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"You are welcome, Madeline. I gave you that gift because I want to remind you that what I had said years ago was right. I ask you to leave my son, but you stick with him through the years, and I allow you to finish your studies because Hunter's mother asked me to, and she reminded me that Frank was a good employee to us. He served us until the day he died, and as a sign of our gratitude towards your late father, I let you finish your education so the moment you will file a divorce, you can have a happy life." He said, and I can feel my entire body is shaking, and I thought he was done, but hearing the word divorce makes me feel so sad like three years ago.

"Madeline, you have to face the reality that you can never be my son's wife. And I hate to think that you are going to leave my son with a broken heart. You never listen to my advice before, and this time you will leave him for good, I am sure of it, and I want to remind you that I always win. I can tell that you thought I stop with my plans, If I didn't listen to my wife, you wouldn't be here standing right now in front of me, and you should have left this place a long time ago. You owe me your education, Madeline, and I am only asking you to leave my son now while you still can." He said, and I couldn't stop feeling angry with him.

"Mr. Diveson, with all due respect, I am Hunter's wife, and I will never leave him." l said, and he laughs at me sarcastically.

"I still remember that line, Madeline, from three years ago, but this time I am sure you are going to leave my son. And take this because you will need my help soon, and I want to remind you that you can call me anytime." He responded as he handed me his business card.

"I will never ask help from you whatever happens in my life. I couldn't believe that you can do this to your son. Why can't you allow him to be with me for the rest of his life, and why do you still want me to leave him. Haven't you done enough to Rebecca? What you have done with her was too much, and you ruined her life. And you almost wreck your son's life, and now you also want to destroy my love for Hunter. Why are you so heartless, Mr. Divenson?" I asked, and he laughed at me again.

"My dear, You have no right to judge me because you do not know what happened to Rebecca. What she had done that made me so angry with her. I am a busy man Madeline, and I'm going now, and I am sure you will be leaving this house sooner than later." He said as he turned away from me and walked towards the parking lot without taking a second look, while I am left with trembling legs, and I felt my heart is hammering against my chest. I am just glad that Cerila is just on time, and she helped me walked inside the house.

"I am sorry, Madeline. I want to help you, but I am just a maid, and I know that Clark Divenson is someone I should not deal with." She said as she looked at me, and I can see the concern on her face, and I shook my head before I speak.

"You are my friend, Cerila, I don't consider you as my maid, and you were right, it is better that you stay away from him because he even treated me like trash even if I am his son's wife, and he came here to tell me to leave his son. I don't understand him at all, and I am wondering why he wants Hunter to marry Kaye and why he needs more wealth when their family is considered one of the richest clans in the entire country." I said, and I let out a sigh.

Cerila took the present of Hunter's father from my hand, and she brings it to my room while I stay seated in our living room waiting for Gina. Today is my graduation day, and I thought this would be one of the happiest days of my life, but because Hunter is not around, I felt so down and sad. And it seems that I will never have a normal life. And maybe Clark was right. I need to leave Hunter because I realize he could never give up Rebecca. Even if he told me that he loves me, he still cares about her. 

He chose me, yet he still spends time with her, and now that I became more mature, I realized I have to stand on my own, for how many times I was thinking of leaving him, but my love for my husband is what keeps me going. And I don't want to leave Hunter because I know deep inside my heart it would be so hard on my part to live without him. For the past years, he became my life, and even though he helped Rebecca, he never made me feel that I am alone, only last night, and he made it worse today because it is my graduation day.

My best friend came with a box of wine in her hands, and this is the first time I badly need to drink alcohol. And I couldn't stop myself from telling her about Clark, and her face saddened.

"I am just glad that you are not crying, Madeline. I know your father-in-law will always make you feel afraid, and he can make your day turn so bad. And I wonder what could be the reason why you are going to leave Hunter, and it feels like he is very confident that you are going to do it this time, but don't mind him, Maddie, today is a special day, so we will celebrate your graduation day without thinking about Clark Divenson." She said as she put the wines on the bar counter.

"I don't know Gina, Clark Divenson surprised me today, and what surprised me more is his gift, and I am wondering why he gave me a gift," I said, and she smiled at me.

"Maybe to make himself less guilty of making you feel nervous and afraid, and I think you should be careful, Maddie, and I think this time he will make sure you will leave his son. He will never stop bothering you but be thankful that he allowed you to graduate, and I think you should talk with Leticia Divenson. Maybe she can help you." Gina said as we walk to the dining hall.

"Thank you, Gina, I didn't think about it, and you gave me an idea. I will call mom later, and for now, I want to forget that Hunter is not here with me, and I want to celebrate my graduation with you and Cerila." I declared, and she smiled at me while Cerila set the table so we can eat our dinner. She cooked my favorite food, and I realized I am starving this time. And now that I am with my two close friends, I devour my food heartily. And felt so glad I have them right now, and they make me feel better. They talk about trivial things while I couldn't stop myself thinking about my husband.

We moved into the living room, and I was looking at the main door for a long time, hoping Hunter would come home, but I haven't seen even his shadow. I became more frustrated when I looked at the Grandfather clock near our life-size portrait, which the photographer took during our wedding. We are both smiling, and I still remember the happiness that I felt during that time. I was leaning on his muscular body while his arms are around my waist. My heart is breaking as I realized it is getting late, and there is still no news about my husband. I was holding my phone for a long time and watching the contact number of my husband on my screen.

"What are you looking for, Madeline? Just dial his number. You are his wife. For heaven's sake, you have all the right to look for him and demand for his time. And it is about time that you should speak up for your right. You already graduated from college, and I think you are no more confident to face your husband. I know that he loves you, but what is going on with him and Rebecca should end soon because you cannot live your life like this, Madeline. Are you willing to share Hunter with another woman for the rest of your life?" Gina asked me, and it took me a long while to answer her. 

"I don't have any regrets about my decision three years ago when I told my husband that his fiancee was still alive, and we compromised. I tried to understand him because I know he was having a hard time too, and I am just thankful that he asked me to stay because I was the third party of their relationship, Gina." I replied as I tried calling Hunter's number, but his number is unattended.

"Madeline, for how many times I told you you are not the third party, you are his legal wife. You have all the right to demand Hunter his time." Gina responded.

"One more thing, I think we should open the gift that Clark Divenson has given you. I think it has all the answers to why Hunter is no show during your graduation day." Gina said, and I suddenly remember the gift, and I nodded my head. As I got up from the couch, they both mimicked my action, and my friends followed me going to the master's bedroom.

And as I opened my bedroom door, I can't stop the rapid beating of my heart as I looked at the gift on top of the bed. I hate myself why I didn't think about it when Hunter's father handed me the present, and I thought he was nice for once.. As I get closer into my bed, I feel my entire frame is shaking as I think what could be inside it, and I am scared to learn what kind of answer I might find inside the gift box, and I am just hoping that there is nothing inside that box that will make me leave my Husband, and I wish that my best friend was wrong.

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