Loving Madeline

Chapter 130 - Winning Back Madeline's Heart

Hunter's POV

I had never felt in too much pain before, not even when I thought, Rebecca was dead. I can feel the excruciating pain in my heart, and even though I felt exhausted because I didn't have enough sleep after what happened to Rebecca and our child. I am hurting because I lost another innocent child, and the pain of knowing that my wife left me is killing me inside, I tried to drink alcohol, but I stop because I know when I wake up, I can still feel the pain of losing Madeline. I didn't eat anything, and I didn't go to work either. And the betrayal of my entire family wrecked me, and I couldn't believe that my mom knew about it, but she didn't even tell me anything from the start so that I could have prepared myself.

I have been calling Maddie's phone even though I know it was too late for me, and it keeps on ringing, but she didn't pick up. I was thinking about my wife the entire time I was lying on my bed thinking about all the good things we had. I was thinking about her beautiful face, her sweet voice. The way she melts with me every time I kiss her and the way she calls my name. And I am such a fool for hurting her, and I felt so embarrassed that I was not able to stand with my promise never to hurt her again.

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And even though I try to avoid drinking alcohol in the end, there is nothing I can do but to find solace in the mansion's bar because there is no one that I can turn to at the moment. I am too ashamed to call Calixto because I know he will hate me if he finds out Madeline is gone. And I hate to think that there is no one that I can trust as of the moment, no friends I can share my problem with it, and no family that I can pour out the pain I feel inside me. 

I pulled out the bottle of Whisky from the bar counter, and I didn't know how many I have drunk until I became too drunk to stand up until I passed out on the floor near the bar, and the last thing I remember, I was calling Madeline's name all over again, and I was begging her to come home. 

The following day that I wake up, I find myself lying on the couch, and I have a terrible headache, and I wonder how I managed to bring myself to the living room. And when I raise my head, I found Calixto sitting on the couch across me. And I have never been so happy to see him in my entire life. And when I looked at his attire, I realize he was wearing a business suit, and I can say he came from the office, and my assistant was here because I didn't report to the office and when I looked at the clock on the wall it is already one o'clock in the afternoon.

"When did she left?" He asked me after a long while, and he sounded like an angry father talking to his son, and how I wish at this moment that Calixto is my birth father and not Clark Divenson.

"How did you know that my wife left me?" I ask in more than a whisper, thinking that Maddie is no longer inside the house. I felt the pang in my chest, and the pain I feel inside my heart is still there.

"Well, you don't need to tell me about it because judging by what is going on with you right now, I can tell that your wife left you. You have never been late at work without telling me what is going on. You don't know how worried I was, and for how many times I tried calling your cell phone, but you didn't answer me, and I thought something happened to you. I was also calling Madeline, but she didn't pick up either." He declared, and I close my eyes again. I felt so happy that Calixto is here with me.

"You have to go back to the office, Cal, because you are the one I can trust, and knowing that my sister is there, I can tell she is now planning a plot on how to evict me from my position," I said.

"She can never do that to you because she knew you are the only one who can run the company smoothly. Charlotte doesn't have your abilities, Hunter. Even your father knew that, and that is the reason why you are his favorite child, but what I don't understand is he wants to manipulate your love life and insisted that you should marry Kaye. He was so obsessed with the idea that you should marry the heiress." He replied.

"He can never force me to marry anyone, and that is the thing that I am sure I can do. And I will do everything to win my wife back." I replied, and I can see the smile on his face, and even though I am not feeling well because of the hangover that I feel I am still thinking about Madeline.

"Cal, I want you to send someone to look for Madeline, but don't do anything yet. I want to know if she is fine and living comfortably, and I want to give my wife space and let her anger subside. After all, I don't want to go to her right now because I know she will never talk to me, or worse, she will push me away. I don't want to hear anything coming from her sweet mouth that will cause me pain because I am too afraid if she doesn't want to be with me anymore because I can never take it, and I want my wife to come home to me because I will be waiting for her. Our bed will be forever empty without her, and for heaven's sake, she knew how much I love her, Cal." I declared.

"Yeah, but you lied to her, and I don't need to remind you for how many times I told you that you should tell her so that none of this will happen." He responded, and I couldn't disagree with him.

"You know the reason because I love her so much, and I don't want my wife to leave me, but yeah, you're right. And I hate to think that in terms of my love life, you know what is best for me. And this is the first time that I will accept that you were fucking right, Calixto. I deserve all the pain that I am feeling right now because of lying to her." I declared.

"And I want you to make sure that Rebecca will leave the penthouse after she is discharged from the hospital. Make sure she will settle at the house that I provide for her, and I think it would be enough because I don't want to get involved with her anymore. I couldn't believe that Rebecca tricked me after what I have done to her. My wife has been very understanding, and she was thinking about her welfare but what Rebecca did was unforgivable. And I couldn't believe she was fooling me since I was eighteen years old, and I hate my father for not telling me anything." I said, and I saw his face saddened.

"I am going to stay at the company for Lily's sake. Of course, for the future of our kids because I am going to have children with Madeline whatever it takes because even if I have to ask forgiveness to her every day, I will do that to be with her. I love my wife so much, Cal, and I couldn't imagine my life without her beside me. And I wish she will forgive me." I said.

"Of course, I believe your wife is a forgiving person, but I don't know if she will take you back as her husband," Calixto responded, and my eyes widened, and I never felt so scared of losing something in my life, not even losing the company.

"Don't say that Calixto, You knew how much I am hurting right now, and then you are telling me that, and you are here to give me your moral support, and I was expecting you to boost my confidence not to discourage me, and make me feel worse," I said, and he laughed.

"I am sorry, Mr. Divenson, I was stating a fact, and I am trying to make you strong. Speaking of strong, you need to get up now and take a bath, and you have to eat something. I already asked Cerila to prepare porridge for you and chicken soup for your hangover. You could have at least call me, so I drink with you. I am going to go back to the office, but I am expecting you to be there tomorrow. You have to fight for your right, Hunter, and I know you are strong, and you can do this, and don't worry, you are going to win her back." Calixto said, sounding like my boss again, and this is what I love about him. He was really like my father and my boss at the same time.

"Don't worry because I will do everything I can to help you because I know how much you love her. And the only mistake that you made is you lied to her, and you hide something significant from Madeline, and it is only natural for her to act that way. Still, it doesn't mean she doesn't love you anymore, and that is the only thing that I am sure of because I have witnessed how much she loves you, Hunter. And I know Madeline is loyal. You need to get back on your feet so that you can have your wife back." Cal added.

I suddenly feel a little better even though I am still hurting inside, and I nodded at him. And I get up and take a bath, and I quickly get dressed and eat my food. He didn't leave the house until I finish eating everything Cerila prepared for me.. I felt so grateful that at least there is still someone I can depend on who gives me support and his understanding, and I felt so thankful to have Calixto in my life, and he was right I need to be strong so that I can have my wife back, and that is my aim now winning back Madeline's heart.

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