Loving Madeline

Chapter 133 - I Want To Impress My Wife

Hunter's POV

I wake up early from my sleep, and I couldn't help but looked at the empty space beside me as I feel the longings that I have to see my wife. And I know I need to talk with Madeline soon because I can't let her stay away from me this long, and I think at this time, her anger towards me already subsided. I know what I have done to her was unforgivable, but I wish her love for me will prevail. I know how much my wife loves me, but I am also aware that I caused her too much anguish, and I wish that she will hold on to our relationship.

I got up from our bed with a heavy heart, and I go to the bathroom and take a shower. The emptiness that I feel inside my heart is killing me, and I will not wait another day without seeing Madeline. But I am afraid to face her because of what I have done to her, but knowing that she is doing great makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. I couldn't believe that Madeline will go on with her life without me.

"You don't need to worry about anything, Mr. Divenson, because your wife is fine, and she is moving on with her life without you," Calixto said on the day after he found my wife, and I couldn't stop myself from being hurt of what he had said to me.

"Don't say it like that, Cal. It seems you want to emphasize that my wife is now happy without me." I replied, and he looked at me with concern on his face as I leaned my back on the backrest of my swiveled chair as I adjusted my necktie.

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"Well, knowing that she bought a house and a new car near the outskirts of the city is enough to tell us that she wants to stay away from you. And I can tell she doesn't want to associate with you anymore. And you cannot blame your wife, Hunter, because what you did to her was too much, and no wife can forgive you for what you have done. Even though I know you are innocent but the fact that you hide everything from her is enough to make her flee even if deep in her heart she wants to stay and hold on." He said, and his words made my heart bleed that day.

"And you didn't get the courage to chase after her, and right now, I know she thought that you no longer care about her," Cal added, and I want to throw the papers on my desk at Cal for being so honest with me, and I can tell right now he is pissed at me for doing nothing.

"Calixto, you know how much I want to face Madeline, but I want her anger to subside. You don't need to tell it on my face how much I hurt her because I fucking know about it, and I am dealing with it every fucking second of my life right now. And I have never been so confused my entire life. I love Maddie, Cal, but I am also mourning because I lost another innocent child, and I know I am a horrible person. Still, I also need space to think everything over, and I want to decide what I am going to do with my family and the business." I said, and his eyes widened.

"Don't tell me you are planning to resign." He said, and I didn't answer him.

"Look, Hunter, I know that you are very confused right now, but don't ever resign as the CEO of this company because I am telling you, this is your life, and don't throw away the hard work that you did for this organization, and most of all, there are so many employees who depend on you, and once you will resign I am sure the operation will flunk again, we need you as our boss." He said, and I can see the worries on his face.

"I know you have a point, Cal. Still, if my father continues to threaten my life with his unexpected schemes, I don't want to deal with him because I don't know what I am going to do with him once he will do something terrible again, and of course, I am afraid for Madeline's safety. And I can never forgive him if he will do something to my wife." I said.

"Yes, I understand about that, but you have to remember that your mother has the largest share of stocks, so your father has nothing to do about if your mom will transfer her shares to you." Cal said, and he is right about it, and I know I have to continue working in the company for my mom, Lily, and Maddie.

The moment I finished taking a bath, I walk to the closet, and instead of getting the dress of my usual business attire, I opted to wear Madeline's favorite. Wearing casual jeans and a t-shirt will always fascinate her, and I smile as I remember how often I caught my wife staring at me with intensity every time I wear this type of clothing. And I love the way she scanned my entire frame like an x-ray, and God knows how much I miss my wife.

"Good morning, Mr. Divenson." Cerila greeted me, and I smiled at her. I asked her to stay at my house. After all, I want her to be there once my wife gets back because I know how much Maddie likes Cerila. 

"Good morning, Cerila." I greeted her back, and I know I surprised her when I give her a beautiful smile because since my wife left, I became so grumpy and I can't control my mood, even at the office I can feel the tension of all my staff every time I call for a meeting.

 I Cerila and my wife are good friends, and that is why I want Cerila to stick around. And since it is summer, she spends her time helping in the household chores, especially tending the garden, even if I hired a gardener. I know how much my wife loves flowers that is why I want to keep our garden the way she left it, so the moment she will get back into our home, I want her to know I keep everything like the way she wants it, and for the first time after she left I feel so energetic. After all, I am going to meet her sooner than later because I am done mourning over my lost child. I want to ask forgiveness from my wife, and I will beg her to come home.

"Hello, Cal. What do you want from me this early?" I answered Calixto's call over the speaker of my car as I drive away from our house, and I can't stop feeling so irritated on why he is calling me when I am on my way to the office.

"We've got a problem, Mr. Divenson, and I regret to inform you that I had to cancel all your appointments for today." He declared on the other line, and my forehead furrowed because I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"And why do you need to do that?" I asked as I try to contain my nervousness about why he needs to cancel my appointments with some prospective clients.

"Because someone wants to see you and schedule a meeting with you, but this client didn't tell me what time she will be coming over." He said.

"What? I couldn't believe you allow someone to have a meeting with me at no specific time, and I think it is time for me to replace you, Cal. You have been excellent with your job, and this is the first time you did something ridiculous. How could you give someone special treatment? You know how we deal with our clients, Cal. We need to treat them fairly." I said to him, and he fell silent on the other line that I thought he lost his connection again.

"Hello! Cal, are you there? Don't entertain that client, and don't dare to cancel all my appointments for today just because of her." I said as I let out a heavy sigh, and I couldn't believe Cal will make a poor decision like this.

"Okay, I will just tell Madeline Brownwood Divenson to visit some other time." He said that I almost hit the brake of my car abruptly that made my car swerved on the side of the road, and I felt so glad I was able to take control of my vehicle.

"What?" I asked in disbelief as I pulled over my SUV car on the side of the road to keep my heart rate come back to normal because I can feel my heart is beating so fast.

"Yes, your wife called me to have an appointment with you." He said, and I couldn't believe Madeline will take the first step, and I felt devastated why she has to go through Cal and not call me directly, but knowing that she is coming to my office to see me is enough to make me feel like a teenager again. And I felt so glad that I am wearing casual clothes since I know how much she loves me wearing this get-up.

"For goodness sake, Cal, why didn't you tell me right away that my wife wants to see me so you can cancel all my appointments and meetings for today. And I don't want anyone to disturb me the moment she gets inside the office and tell my secretaries to clean my office right now, and please ask someone to deliver a bouquet to my office, Cal. You could have told me ahead of time so that I can shave." I said, and he laughed on the other line.

I don't intend to voice out loud the last sentence, but I became so excited to see my wife that I don't know what to say anymore. I never felt this kind of emotion before. The excitement that I felt is making me feel like I am a teenager all over again, having the first meeting with my long-time crush. Still, this time it feels different because it is no longer infatuation. After all, it is more profound because it is called love. I don't need to impress someone, but I need to make this perfect.. I want to impress my wife, and I couldn't wait to see Madeline Divenson.

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