Loving Madeline

Chapter 136 - My Worst Nightmare

Hunter's POV

My worst nightmare happened when I was widely awake, facing my angry wife, and for the first time, I have seen Madeline full of hatred and pain on her face. It breaks my heart to see her anguish, and I hated myself that I caused her too many sufferings. God knows how much I love her, but I don't even know how I'm going to fix all this as I listened to her poured out all her resentment towards me. 

And when Maddie asked me that she wanted something, I told her that I could give her anything she ever wanted because I want to see her smile at me again, but I never expected that she would be asking for a divorce in a stern voice, and my world turned upside down. And I never expected that I was so excited to see her this morning only to hear that one word that made me feel lose everything that I have. 

Madeline doesn't know that I draw my strength from her, and she became my guiding light in this world when I thought there is nothing worth fighting for, and I want to take her into my arms and tell her I love her so much, and I want her to stay, but no words came out from my mouth. I am so terrified if I will make it worse because I still want us to work, and there is no place I want to be but be by her side and love my wife as we grow old together.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I felt mortified by the things that I have done to her, and the idea of losing my wife scared me to death. I was shocked, and my heart pierced, and I want to tell her that I can make everything perfect just for her, but I know she will never believe me because instead of being alone in my office, she finds me with Rebecca. I know I deserve the excruciating pain that I felt that penetrated deep inside my core, and seeing the angelic face of Madeline in pain tripled the grief that I feel as of the moment, and if there is only one thing I can do to erase everything so she can be happy again I will do it in a heartbeat.

But she didn't even listen when I apologized, and I told her that I know I made a big mistake. And I regretted all the stupid mistakes I have made, and I need her in my life, and I don't love Rebecca anymore since I only love her. I begged Madeline to listen to the other side of the story because I don't know what to do without her in my life since she is my everything. After all, Madeline is my wife, and I love her so much. And I want her to listen and believe in me, but I know she is too hurt to listen to any of my pleadings, and it made me realized I have to do anything to win her back.

"Mr. Divenson, what are you doing? Go after your wife." Calixto said the moment he got inside my office, and I couldn't control myself anymore as my tears poured down on my cheeks.

"She asked me for a divorce, Cal, my wife, hated me so much, and I know I can't blame her," I said as I no longer care if I was sobbing like a child.

"Oh, Hunter, I know Madeline is hurt, but I am sure she still loves you. You can't blame me, Hunter, for how many times I told you something like this would happen soon if you do not tell her everything. But since you believed that your wife loves you so much and she will stay by your side forever, but we both know Maddie is hurting, Hunter. She is only a young woman who was so in love with you, but what do you expect? Do you want her to be with you and get hurt every day?" Cal said.

"Cal, you know how much I love my wife, and I am willing to do everything for her, and even giving up being the CEO of this company to be with her, I know I was such a fool for hurting Madeline," I said in a defeated voice.

"I know, Hunter, but you should manifest your love for her through your actions full of affections and not the things that could hurt her more. You have to be honest with her, and I am aware of how much you love Madeline because I have witnessed everything you have done to her, but you have to accept that at this point, you made a terrible mistake, and you hurt your wife beyond you can imagine." Cal responded.

"And right now, go after your wife, Hunter, don't just sulk and cry here in your office. I am sure Madeline is still walking on the emergency exit stairs because I made something to the elevator so she can't get out fast because I know you will make another mistake today that can worsen your relationship, she is wearing high heels, so I am sure she is walking slow." He said, and I couldn't help myself but smile at Calixto as I murmured my thanks and hastily get out of my office, and I can tell all my staff is shocked to see me running the moment I got out, and I made my way to the emergency exit panting.

"Madeline! Madeline! Please wait for me!" I shouted as I descended the stairs three steps at a time. I felt so glad that, at last, I can see her perfect figure coming down the stairs as she holds the railings. Cal was right because she was wearing her sexy heels. They made her slow down her pace. Still, I felt more hurt when she made her steps faster when she realized I was chasing after her, and I doubled my effort until I reached her on the bottom of the stairs; and I am out of breath, and I am just glad I am wearing jeans and t-shirt because I felt comfortable.

I hold her wrist and spun her around, and I hate to see the anger behind her cold gaze. And I pulled her closer to me, and I tightly hugged her. And I felt her fight against me as she yelled at me, but I am stronger than Madeline. I wrapped her with my arms, and when I smell her sweet scent, I grunted as I realized what a jerk I am for hurting her all through these years. 

"Hunter, please, let me go." She shouted at my face.

"Not a chance, Madeline, not until you will listen to me what I have to say. And I will never let you go unless you will tell me, you can spare me a little of your time to hear me out." I said to her.

"You had your fucking chances, Hunter, but you let them passed before your eyes, and don't blame me that this is all happening right now." She said in a cold tone, but I am so glad that she stop fighting, and I can't stop myself from stroking her back. And it feels so wonderful to be this close to her, and I am aching for my wife, and I want to tell her everything will be all right between us, but I don't have any fucking idea where to start.

"Madeline, I am so sorry, I know I hurt you big time, and as of this moment to tell you the truth, I am so terrified of losing you, and I don't know what to do anymore to convince you that I only love you. But one thing is I am sure about, and there is no fucking way I will allow you to stay away from me because I will do everything in my power to make you love me again. And you have to believe me that all the years that I was with Rebecca, I never have been unfaithful to you." I said, and she laughed.

"Oh, yeah! And how can you explain to me that you impregnated your ex, Hunter? How can you tell me you didn't have sex with her when in fact, I saw it with my eyes that she was pregnant with your child." She snarled, and this time, her anger made her suddenly strong that she was able to push my chest hard, and she got away from my embrace, and turned around, and walked fast, leaving me stunned.

"They drugged me, Maddie," I said loud enough to make her stopped in her tracks, and she turned around and looked at me with an unreadable expression on her face.

"They? Really? I don't think so, Hunter, you always spent time with her, and it is only possible that you made love with her, and what she was doing in your office early this morning if nothing is going on between the two of you? I don't want to hear any of your lies anymore, Hunter." She said in an angry tone.

"Madeline, there is only one thing I want to ask from you, you have to believe in everything that I said. After all, I know I omitted some truth because I don't want to hurt you, but I never lied to you, and I will never will because I am so fucking in love with you, Maddie." I said, and she was shaking her head.

"Just let me go, Hunter." She said.

"Okay, I will let you go, for now, Madeline, but it doesn't mean I am giving up on you because I will make the world know how much I love you, Mrs. Madeline Brownwood Divenson. And I will do everything I can to win you back." I said, and I kissed her lips before she can react, and damn! Madeline's lips taste the same, so sweet and so enticing, and I felt like I was in heaven and I am no longer shocked when I felt a loud slapped on my face, but it was all worth it, and I smiled even if I can feel the sting on my face.

"You have no right to kiss me that way, Hunter." She said in an angry voice after I claimed her sweet mouth, and I realized her face turned so red, and it made me wonder if it was because of her anger or because of the sweet kiss that I gave her.

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