Loving Madeline

Chapter 142 - He Is My Husband

Madeline's POV

"Hi! Mom, how are you? I hope you are happy wherever you are. I came to tell you that I am so happy today. The last time I came here, I was crying the moment I sat on the ground until I left. Thank you for your guidance. I know it was my fault in the first place that my husband met his ex again because I was the one who brought him to the mental care homes, but my intention that time was only to help Rebecca. And I never expected these things would happen to all of us. My husband hurt me, and I know Rebecca was also a victim because I know Charlotte used her to get back to Hunter." I said as I squatted in front of my mom's grave after my lunch with Calixto. 

The last time I visited her grave, I was so alone and in too much pain. And every time I felt so lonely and when I think the world is against me, I will come to the cemetery and talk with my mom.

And it is so funny because even if I know my mom can't reply to me, it feels like every time I talk with her, the pains and the heartaches will lessen; that is why every time I felt so disheartened, I will bring her fresh flowers, and I will ask for her guidance, and her help because I know my mom's possible advice. And how I wish she is is still alive so I can share with her everything that I felt, but even if she is no longer with me physically, I still believe she will always be there watching over me. I thought when my mom died, she became my guardian angel, and even until now, I still believe she is out there guiding me.

"The last time I came here, I told you I would file a divorce, but I am so grateful for today, mom because Calixto told me everything. I felt so happy to know that my husband is still in love with me, but he hurts me, mom, by not telling me the truth, and I know you told me once that if Dad will come to you and asks forgiveness for abandoning us, you will still forgive him because you told me you will always be in love with dad. And the reason you left him was that you were in love with him." I said as I looked at my mother's epitaph.

"I was young back then; that is why your words confused me. How could you love someone who hurt and abandon you? But now that I became mature and I experience love, I was able to understand your words, mom. At first, I decided to leave Hunter because of the same reason you told me. I am in love with my husband. That is why I walked away from his life, thinking he wanted me to go without knowing the entire truth. I thought he was still in love with his ex." I said as I cried.

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"But I was wrong, mom, I left home without telling him where I am going, I gave him up easily, and I should have given him a chance to talk, but my anger blinded me, I know he was consumed by his guilt, and he felt ashamed, and he was afraid to face me. And I can still feel the pain, but I know I want to be with him mom, but I hope he will understand that I need to heal myself first, and I am hoping he will not give up on me too, and he will wait for me when I am ready." I said as I try to compose myself when I noticed people walking in my direction.

I wiped my tears, and I stood up, and then I said goodbye to my mom. I sat on my car seat for a while before I start my car and drove away from the cemetery, and I can tell I felt better after I talked with Cal, and after I spoke with my mom, I felt like I am now ready to face the world.

"Oh my goodness! Madeline! I knew from the very start that his siblings and father had fooled your husband. Can you believe that?" Gina asked me after I told her everything.

"Yeah, it is unbelievable, Gina," I said, and after her shock, she sweetly smiled at me, and she gave me puppy eyes.

"Does it mean you will give him another chance?" She asked, and I smiled at my best friend.

"Of course, but I want to ask him to give me some space because I was hurt too, Gina. And Hunter is still guilty of hiding the truth from me, and I understand on the night before my graduation day, he left without saying anything because he was afraid if I learn the truth that night, I will leave him. His own family tricked him, and I left him, Gina. I am his wife, and I should have been there to give him comfort." I replied.

"Yeah, but you were hurting, and he can't blame you, and so many things happened, Madeline, but I hope your love for each will remain strong. I am just happy that you know the truth now; at least you will not spend your time crying every night." She said, and I grimaced at her.

"Don't give me that look, Madeline, and you can't fool me. I know you, we have been best friends since I can remember. And I know you miss your husband because you are still in love with him." Gina said, and I smiled.

"Yes, of course, and why should I feel ashamed about it, he is still my husband, and I am proud to say I am still madly in love with Hunter, but this time I want to take it slow. I am glad Cal told me he advised Hunter not to come near me after finding out I left him. And I am glad he listened to Cal, because I am sure I will be shouting at him and I will speak hurtful words, and I am aware we can never take back what we have said, I know we can say sorry, but no matter how sorry we are we can never erase the hurtful words that we uttered." I said.

"Yes, Madeline. You are right, and I am so happy that at last, I can see a genuine smile on your face, and I can now sleep peacefully." My best friend said, and I felt guilty.

"I am sorry, Gina, for always making you feel worried about me. Don't worry this time; I am sure nothing can come between us. I promised to fight, and I will not be a coward anymore." I said.

"Hey, it is nothing; all I want for you is to be happy, and I will always be here for you, Madeline, and don't ever hesitate to call me anytime you needed my help because I know you will do the same for me." She responded, and I smiled and nodded at her.

"Don't make her wait long, Madeline. You know Kaye is always in the background, willing to snatch your husband anytime." Gina said.

"Over my dead body, Gina, not a chance; I will make sure Kaye will know her place." I said.

"That is my girl." My best friend replied, and her smile broadens but deep inside my heart, she gets me, and I suddenly felt worried about Kaye, and I recalled her words the last time I meet her at the grocery store.

"Hey, are you okay?" Gina asked me when she noticed I was lost in space.

"Yes, I am fine, " I replied, and I tried my best to smile at her.

"I think your break is over. You better go back to your work now, and thank you for your time, Gina." I said to her.

"Okay, you are always welcome. I will have a sleepover this coming Saturday at your house. Be sure to stock your refrigerator with my favorite food, Madeline." She said.

"Of course, I already bought your favorite ice cream, and you should decide now what movie we are going to watch because I hate it when we spend hours deciding on what movie we are going to watch." I said, and she laughed.

"Okay, but I think this weekend we agreed to watch a comedy, but we can change it to romance since I am sure your heart is okay now." She said, and I shook my head.

"Whatever, Gina, we can also have horror or thriller movie." I said as I stood up because I don't want her to get fired from her work because of me. I said goodbye to my best friend, and I left Gina's workplace with a happy face, and she was right. My heart is a little okay now that I learned the whole truth.

The moment I arrived at my home, I suddenly felt nervous when I found my sports car in front of my driveway, and my limbs are trembling as I climbed out of my car. The moment the passenger's door of my sports convertible opened, I saw the most handsome man I ever laid my eyes on, and I realized how much I missed him. My heart is pierced when I saw the sadness on his beautiful face, and I can tell he doesn't have enough sleep because I can see his eyebags. Still, his intense gaze made me feel like fainting on the ground as I can feel the butterflies on my stomach, and my heart is racing as I watched my husband walked closer to me with a bouquet in his hands.

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