Loving Madeline

Chapter 155 - She Can Calm My Troubled Heart

Hunter's POV

I kissed my wife on the lips before I get inside my car, and I left Madeleine's place with a heavy heart. I didn't want to leave, but I know I have to go to the site and resolve the issue that made my General Manager frantic that he asked for my immediate presence on the site. I can feel the yearnings of my heart as I saw my wife getting smaller in my rearview mirror as she continued waving her hands at me. I want to stop the car and run back to my wife, and beg her to come with me so I will feel at ease, but her good news to me gives me comfort and knowing she will be coming home, at last, it was enough for me to become more excited, and it makes me feel so energetic. 


"Hi, mom, good morning!" I greeted my mother the moment she answered my call. I am already at the helipad, waiting for the helicopter to arrive. I am usually impatient about time issues because I don't want to be late wherever I will go, but looking at my watch, Calixto is already thirty minutes late. Still, since I am in a happy mode, I didn't mind, and instead of feeling angry with my assistant for being late, I called my mother to tell her the good news, and I want to ask her a favor.

"Hello, son, how was it? Did you make up with your wife already?" She asked, and I can feel the excitement in her voice.

"Yes, mom, that is why I am calling you," I replied, and I was grinning, and I can feel the satisfaction in my heart as I watched the busy metropolis down below.

"Oh, that is good, Hunter. I am so happy for you, son." Mom said as I can feel her happiness, and I imagine her beautiful face smiling right now, and how I wish I can talk to her about it in person, I want to come home and personally asked everyone to get ready and prepare the house. 

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"Thank you, mom, please, tell the staff to clean the entire house and fill the whole living room with fresh flowers, and not only the living room. I want the whole place to be filled with fresh roses with all types of colors, especially red roses. And kindly instruct them to put the most fragrant of all the flowers they can find in the garden, or maybe you can order some imported flowers for me, mom, that we can put inside our room. I want Madeline to know she is very special to me, and I love her dearly." I said, and I heard my mother giggled on the other line.

"Oh, Hunter, you are such a sweet husband. Don't worry; I will take care of everything. I am just happy that even if we have some problem at the site, your relationship with your wife is now okay. I know you are so excited right now, as I can feel it through your voice. Don't worry, leave everything to me, and all will be perfect." She said, and I smiled.

"Thank you so much, mom, I know I can always rely on you, and I am glad that we are back together. And I hope everything will be okay at the site, and I am just wondering why this is happening right now when everything seems so fine the last time I visited them." I replied, and I heard my mother released a heavy sigh.

"Me too, Hunter, I wonder what happened out there, and I don't want to worry you, but I have a feeling your father has something to do about this, and I know Charlotte has been bugging your father to do something that can harm the image of our company after you fired her, and not only that I heard they have a business venture with Kaye's family. And they are planning to take you down, so I want you to be careful, son." My mom said, and I don't want to hate my father, but it seems he was doing everything he can to ruin our relationship as father and son, and I can't believe he will do something g like this. And I am sure he had some contact on the site, and he made an offer they can't refuse.

"I am sorry, mom; I know you are hurting because you love dad so much," I said in a defeated voice.

"It is okay, Hunter, I have been hurting ever since, but I tried to ignore all the pain because of my love for him, but I realized loving thyself is very important to, and your father is selfish, and I didn't expect him that his love for money and power will turn him into a monster. To be honest, I was hoping after I left him, he will change and will come to his senses, but he got worse. And I could no longer feel my love for him." My mom declared, and I ache for my mom.

"I love you, mom, and always remember I will always be here for you," I said as I feel the longing of seeing my mother.

"I love you too, son. Take care always." Mom replied, and I say goodbye to her. After five minutes, I heard the roaring of an approaching helicopter.

"What took you so long, Cal?" I asked as I buckled my seatbelt.

"I am sorry, Mr. Divenson, my stomach got upset." He replied, and I almost laugh, but I don't want him to know I am having fun with what happened to him.

"Are you okay now?" I asked, concerned because I can't deny Cal is my favorite of all my employees.

"Yes, I already took medicine." He replied, and we fell silent as we moved away from the helipad of the HM building.

"Do you have any idea that you are smiling like an idiot?" Calixto asked me after a while. And if I weren't only in a happy mood, I would snap at him. Still, since my wife told me before I left her house that she will be coming home, I can't stop myself from feeling so happy, and I felt so excited about it that I want to settle what is going on on the site right away so I can come home and personally get the entire house ready. 

"I know, and it is all worth it to be called an idiot, and I don't mind if you will call me mad, crazy, as long as Madeline is coming home, Calixto," I said as I looked at him sideways, and the smile that spreads on his face is enough to tell me that he is so happy for us.

"Wow! That is good news, Hunter." He widely beamed at me.

"Yeah, and that is why I want to make this quick," I replied, and his face fell.

"What?" I asked him.

"Mr. Divenson, I don't think we can settle this issue right away, and can you see I bring you some extra clothes and food supplies?" He asked me and my eyes got so big.

"What? Are you kidding me, Cal?" I asked him, and I felt uneasy when he shook his head.

"No, I am not, and I know you want to come home right away, and you are not alone, Mr. Divenson, you know I am a family man, and I want to come home to my wife as early as possible, but when Mr. Parker told me the situation out there I could tell we need to stay a little longer unlike the times we visit one day is enough, but I think you can't resolve this issue right away, Mr. Divenson." He said, and I leaned back in my seat as I realized something is really going on out there, and I suddenly became nervous, but I tried to calm myself by thinking about Madeline's beautiful face, and I regret that I was not with them right now.

"Are you hiding something from me, Calixto?" I asked him, and I looked at him in the eyes when he turned his head to face me. And I suddenly felt hot wearing a business suit, and how I wish I opted to wear jeans and t-shirts.

"Nothing, and why should I hide something from you, Mr. Divenson? You are the firm's CEO, and I don't think hiding some important information from you could do us any good. Unless Mr. Parker hides crucial information from us." He replied.

"By the way, thank you for bringing me home last night, and my wife was thrilled to see you. And she was happy that you are an excellent boss. And not only that, for how often she told me you are so handsome, and I hate to think she never told me I am handsome for so many years now. And I told her your wife is very beautiful." He said, and I chuckled.

"Don't get angry with your wife, and she was only stating a fact, Calixto," I said, and he frowned at me as I continue to laugh hard. And since I got Madeline back, it feels like I became a different person since I can laugh effortlessly, and I don't get mad quickly. It feels like Madeline is the most effective drug for me since she can calm my troubled heart. She can take away my worries with one touch of her smooth hand, and right now, even if I felt worried about what is going on at the site, knowing that my sweet, lovely wife will be waiting home for me made me realized that everything would be alright.

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