Loving Madeline

Chapter 160 - The Explosion

Hunter's POV

I was smiling the entire ride to the mining site as I think about my wife waiting for me at my house later tonight. I felt so excited having dinner with Madeline and my mom, and Lily. And I felt so delighted that my little sister is now okay, and she is no longer upset with me since she texted me saying sorry about her walked-out episode a while ago. I know she hated me after she learned that I couldn't come with them to the mall. She doesn't have any idea how much I wanted to spend time with Maddie and her.


"Calixto, " I called my assistant, and I stifled a laugh when I saw him jerked from his seat; and I can tell he fell asleep, and he opened his eyes quickly and turned his gaze at me.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Divenson?" He asked, and I can tell that he is still sleepy.

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"I would like to ask you to have dinner with us in our house tonight because I know you are our number one fan, and it is only logical that I invite you," I said, and he laughed.

"I am sorry, Hunter, but I am having a date with my wife later tonight, and thank you so much for the invitation. I love to see Madeline and ask her never to leave you again. But I think, whatever happens, your wife will stick with you, and I am so happy for you, son. And I hope that everything will be all right between you and your wife. Because I know you are both in love with each other and it is a waste if you will continue to break each other's heart. You are a lovely couple, Hunter. I hope this time you will never make the same mistake again." Cal declared, and I can tell we are now in a friendly mode.

"Thank you, Cal." I said.

And I realized being the CEO of our company, and I can't just ignore something this big. I know the name of our firm is at stake here, and I couldn't afford to lose even a single man from the site because I value and treat my employees equally, and I wonder what is wrong with them why they need to have a strike.

The moment we land, Mr. Parker greeted us, and he told me about the situation. There are at least thirty-six men who are waiting for me underground. At the same time, he can't give me the exact number of men waiting for me at the entrance.

"Mr. Divenson, thank you so much for your time, Sir. I know you are a busy man, and I am sorry that I couldn't contain the situation. They put a barricade so no one can enter the mining site anymore, and they threaten to kill anyone who will pass the blockade they created. I asked them what they want, but they said they would never negotiate with anyone except you. They will only talk with You, Mr. Divenson. The first group is at the entrance while the second group is waiting for you at the tunnel." The Operation manager said, and I let out a heavy sighed as I assessed the situation. And it was more complicated than I thought.

"And our first problem now is the miners who are guarding the main entrance of the mine." He added as we walked towards his office. We talked about the possible reasons why they are having a protest. Then, Mr. Parker handed me the list of employees involved with the ongoing protest underground and their background. I don't want to involve the authority yet, since the miners were asking for my presence, and I need to deal with it immediately because I promised my wife to meet her in our house. And today should be special because Madeline is coming home to our house, and we will be spending the night together, which makes me feel so excited. So, I decided to talk to them right away.

I never expected my negotiations with my men would last longer than I expected. We almost didn't eat lunch since they have so many demands that I can't easily give since I need to considerate the company policies. And I wonder who is behind this sudden protest. And suddenly, it dawned to me, and it could be Clark Divenson. The way they reason out told me they had been briefed. I tried my very best to talk with them in a friendly manner. I let them understand the situation, and I told them I always value them being the employees of our company.

And there is a part of me that felt relieved that this happened since I felt glad I was able to hear their grievances about the company policies. I tried my best to let them understand the management side so that we can attain the best solution to their objections. I felt so glad that at last, they talked with each other, and their leader walked closer to me, and he told me he now understands everything. He asked me if I am true to my word when I say during the beginning of the negotiation that I will never fire them after this incident, and I gave him my word.

I know it was risky on the part of the company since there is a possibility they will do the same thing again. Still, I was sure my father was behind all this, and all I need to do is convince them that we are the only mining company that offered the fairest salary and benefits for all the employees. And now that the entrance is clear, I became so eager to go underground and talk to the remaining miners who barricaded the tunnel to hamper the twenty-four hours operation of the gold mine. 

"Mr. Divenson, I don't think this is a good idea. You don't know what they are capable of, and there is a big possibility you could get hurt." Cal said, and I stopped on my tracts, and I looked at him in the eyes.

"That is why I don't want you to go with me, Calixto; at least if something happened to me, you could tell my wife I love her so much, and I need to get over this with soon because I want to come home and be with Madeline, during dinner," I replied. 

"Do you think I will allow you to go down there 2000 feet below the ground with those people we don't even know what they are capable of?" Cal said, and I smiled at him.

"Cal, you need to listen to me, stay here, and wait for me. And that is an order." I said, and he shook his head.

"I will never allow you to go down there alone, Hunter, not only because I am your assistant but because I am your only best friend." He replied, and even if I felt so frustrated about what is going on in my company right now, I am still glad I have Cal, and even if he is hard-headed as of the moment, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. And I know Calixto will never take no for an answer. I let out a heavy sighed as I put on the PPE given to us by Mr. Parker.

I asked the operations manager to stay at his post while we got inside the tunnel using the elevator. And after the peace negotiations, I had with the first batch, I am confident I can also convince the miners who are there waiting for me to come to listen to my reasoning, and I think this time I need to be more compassionate to them. Even if I don't want Cal to go with me, but deep inside me, I want him to be there to give me his moral support. We were already on the elevator when I noticed he brought the backpack I saw earlier in the helicopter.

"And why are you bringing a backpack, Cal?" I asked, confused.

"This is for emergency purposes only, Mr. Divenson; just in case we can't go out immediately, at least I bring something we can use, like medical supplies, ready-to-eat food like walnuts, peanuts, chocolate bars, and many more." He said, and I was laughing hard as I shook my head.

"Don't ever laugh at me, Mr. Divenson, because anything can go wrong; it is better to be ready always." He replied, and I stop myself from laughing because when I peeked at him, he looked so serious. We fell silent until we reach our destination, and the moment we get out of the elevator, I saw the protesters. I couldn't believe they are just like the first batch of miners, they have placards, and the protesters got so wild when they see me, and they almost talk at the same time that I couldn't understand anything until their leader silenced them. And the negotiations started, and I only repeat what I have said to the first batch, but I realized this group of individuals would make it harder for me to do my job.

We continue to talk until their leader asked Cal and me to move away from them since they want to discuss their decision first, and I felt relieved at least I can feel they are considering the options I gave them. 

Then suddenly, we heard a loud explosion that made the entire tunnel shook. It happened so fast that I felt Cal dragged me when a large rock fell to the bottom. I heard shouts and screams as the ground and rocks continued to cover the tunnel until the whole place turned so quiet. I heard Calixto's voice is calling me before I felt something hit my head, and the last thing I remember is the beautiful face of my wife, and I was calling Madeline's name before my world turned so black, and I fell to the hard ground, and I passed out.

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