Loving Madeline

Chapter 165 - Patiently Waiting

Madeline's POV

I saw Cerila standing in the living room as I walked with Parker at the front door, and I saw Roman guarding the front porch. Parker waved his hand at me, and I watched him get inside his car. And he starts his engine and blows his horn before he drives away from our house.

"I am so sorry, Mrs. Divenson. I called Cerila to open the main door for me. Parker looked so desperate to talk with you, but I check him before I let him get inside the house, and he didn't bring any weapon that could harm you, and I was watching the entire time he talked with you. Mr. Divenson instructed me to protect you with my life. Rest assured, I will never let anything happen to you." Roman declared, and I looked at him in the eyes before I speak.

"It was okay, Roman, but I was just horrified when I found him standing inside the house. Of all people, I didn't expect that Parker will visit me tonight. And I believed him, and I think what he was talking about was true. I can see it in his eyes, and I hope I am right with my instinct to listen to him. I want to help Hunter's brother, Roman, and I hope we can help him because we all know that Clark Divenson is a wicked man." I said.

"I understand what you mean, Mrs. Divenson, and before Parker came, we already tightened the security since your husband instructed us to be extra cautious the moment something happened to him. Because he knew they would target you. But, like you, Mrs. Divenson, I am still waiting for the day that your husband will come home. I don't believe what they say. I can tell he is still alive." Roman said, and I smiled at him. I know he is one of Hunter's loyal men. And having Roman and his men around the house gives me comfort that I am safe together with mom and Lily. I know right now I could tell Roman is only trying to make me feel better and be more positive.

"Thank you, Roman. You may now go back to your post." I said, and he nodded his head and turned his heels away from me.

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"Madeline, I am so sorry, it wasn't my intention to let Parker in without your knowledge, but when Roman called me and informed me of the situation, I opened the door immediately," Cerila said. Even if the lighting in the living room is dim, I can tell she was blushing, and I realized the head bodyguard smites Cerila. And I can't stop myself from smiling, and I am going to talk with Cerila about this matter next time since I want my friend to open up with me.

"Don't worry about it, Cerila. Nothing happened to me, and I am still safe; besides, I know I can trust Roman." I declared, and she smiled shyly at me.

"Good night, Cerila," I said.

"Good night, Maddie," She responded, and we went on separate ways as I walked to the stairs while she walked leading to the servant's quarters. For how many times I told her to stay in one of the guests' rooms on the second floor of the house, but she insisted on staying at the maid's quarter at the back part of our mansion. I noticed that there are maids staying at the maid's quarters together with Cerila. Before, they all stayed at the residential houses provided by my husband within our estate.

I climbed the stairs as I think about Parker, and I felt glad Rebecca found love again in the arms of my husband's brother. And I wish their love for each other will never waver, and I hope Clark Divenson and Charlotte won't tear them apart, like what they were trying to do with my relationship with my husband. And I am just glad we found each other again, even if for how many times they tried to break us apart. And now we are facing another ordeal. But I will never show them I am losing hope, and I still believe Hunter will never let go, and he will fight for our love. 

I woke up the following morning ahead of my alarm with a heavy heart and heavy eyes because before I fell asleep last night, I had another crying episode. It made me realized I would never stop crying at night, not unless I will hear some news from the mining site. The moment my alarm clock buzzed, I got up immediately and hit the shower, and I take a warm bath. I smiled when I get out of the bathroom, and I found Lily sitting on the sofa.

"Good morning. Why are you up so early?" I asked her, and I realized she is wearing something formal, and she is smiling at me.

"Mom said I could come to Hunter's office as long as I will not bother you. And I promised her I would not do something that would irritate her and make her mad." She said, and I smiled as I looked for something that I can wear, and I felt my sister-in-law walked closer to me, and she was looking at my dress in the closet. And she asked me to try wearing the high waist pencil skirt with slit on the side and a white blouse and a blazer.

"You should tuck in your blouse, Madeline, so that you will have a more corporate look, and you should pair that with high heels," Lily said, and I smiled as I followed her instructions, and I felt so satisfied with my outfit. And I look at my reflection in the mirror. I looked more elegant and sophisticated.

"See, you looked so beautiful, and I am sure Hunter would love to see you in your corporate attire." She said, and I suddenly felt sad, but I tried to cover it with a fake smile because I know Lily's personality. When she finds me crying, she will also weep with me, so I better give her my sweetest smile so she won't weep.

"I know, Lily, and I am very excited to see him again," I said, and she was beaming at me.

"Me too, Maddie, and I couldn't wait to see him again because I need to say sorry after what I have said to him." She said, and I moved closer to her, and I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Lily, you should stop blaming yourself, okay? I already told you, Hunter is not angry with you because he loves you, and you are his favorite sister." I said, and Lily grinned at me, and after I blow dry my hair, I put on some lipstick, and then we get out of my room.

"Wow! You look great, Madeline!" Mom said the moment we meet her at the dining room, she is already drinking brewed coffee. I eat toasted bread with bacon and egg. And I felt so excited to be working at Hunter's office today, and I want my husband to be proud of me the moment he comes back.

Roman drove us in going to the office while the rest of the bodyguards are following behind us. And the moment we get inside the building, everyone greeted us, and I can feel my heart is beating so fast as we waited for the elevator to come down. 

Mom called an emergency meeting right away at the boardroom. She requested the presence of all the managers of every department. Mom discussed the important details about Hunter's current situation, and I can tell right away that mom is perfect at dealing with the employees. I felt ashamed when she informed them I would be the new VP for finance as a replacement for Charlotte. It was Charlotte's last position in the company, and I still need to learn many things, but I am confident Leticia Divenson will teach me what I should know. 

The moment we get back to my husband's office, I wanted to cry when I saw his things, especially the giant portrait on the wall of his office. It was a portrait of us taken on our wedding day. But I can't cry in front of his mother, so I stopped staring at our photograph as I focused my attention on her as I listened to Leticia Divension discussed the basic things I should learn about the company. It is about time to know its background.

We became so busy right away because there are so many pending documents on Hunter's table that needed my husband's approval. Mom approved and signed those documents while she explained everything to me before she signed the papers. I know my job experience during my On Job Training will never measure this since Hunter's mom gave me a higher position, and I don't know if I can make it. Still, being Hunter's wife, I need to prove to everyone that I know about running the company.

"Don't worry, Madeline, I will make sure you will learn everything you need to know. For now, we need to do it one at a time. Hunter told me once he will be the one to train you, but it seems we don't have enough time now. The morning passed too quickly, and we eat our lunch at a nearby restaurant. Lily spent her entire morning reading her book. And the afternoon also passed on a blur.

We get home and eat dinner at hour house, and I decided to go to our room and retire to bed early since I felt exhausted because of lack of sleep and my new work. And working at the office felt different from my previous part-time jobs since my new jobs require more concentration and analysis.

I walked close to our matrimonial bed after I took a shower, and I talk to my husband, and I told him what transpired at his office today.

"You need to come home soon, Hunter, because I need you here beside me at our house, and I also need you in the office, and I know you will be proud of me. I want to make one request from you, and I will not accept no for an answer. Please be alive." I said to him, and I could no longer keep my tears from falling.

There is still no sign of life underground, and the rescuers are losing their hope that my husband and Cal are still alive. I was praying hard that they will find something underground they can use to communicate with the rescuers and to let everyone know they are still alive. And I am still waiting patiently for my husband to come home to me even if the rest of the world is telling me to accept his death slowly, but being Hunter's wife made me find anything I can to hold on to. His promise that he will come home to me is my beacon of hope that Hunter is still alive.

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