Loving Madeline

Chapter 174 - Feeling Grateful

Hunter's POV

"Are you ready to go home, son?" My mom asked me on the following day, and I broadly smiled before I answered her. I felt glad mom came early to the hospital because I am getting crazy being confined in this place. Still, I felt delighted that everything was fine with my laboratory test results, and I owe it all to Calixto.

"Of course, mom, I have been dying to go home to see my wife and my sister. I was controlling myself not to walk out from this hospital yesterday because I want to see my Madeline." I replied, and my mom smiled at me.

"I know, son, but it is all worth the wait; you need to take a bath first, make yourself more handsome, to impress your wife. I can't imagine the happiness Madeline will feel the moment she sees you tonight. I left the office early because I also want to spend more time with you. I miss you so much, son." My mother declared as she sat down next to me on the bed.

"I know the moment we will get home, you will spend your entire time with Maddie, and that is why I came earlier than necessary." She added, and I touched my mom's face.

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"I thought I would never see you again, mom. It was the darkest moment of my life, and I am so thankful for Calixto because if he wasn't there. I know I will never come out alive from the underground." I said, and I narrated everything that happened to Cal and me to my mom, and I could see the pain on my mother's beautiful face.

"That was a terrible experience, Hunter, and I will forever be thankful to Cal for saving you. I know ever since that he was loyal to you, and I can tell it the way he looked at you that he cares for you more than just his boss and more than friends, and I am aware he cares for you like a son." Mom said.

"I know, mom," I said, and we spent the entire afternoon talking and laughing, and I realized how much I miss my mother. We got out of my room, but before we went to the parking lot, I visited Calixto, and it was good to see Cal after more than twenty-four hours of not seeing him.

"I miss you, Hunter!" He exclaimed the moment he saw me, and Cal greeted my mom, and he was shocked when my mother came to the side immediately and hugged him. My assistant was shocked that Leticia Divenson would hug him, and I could tell the panic on his face while grinning at him.

"Calixto, I know, no words can express how happy you make me; thank you so much for bringing out my son alive from that tunnel. You save Hunter, and I will be forever grateful to you. And I want to buy you a house and lot, and I know it will never be enough, but I want to give you something because you make me feel so happy." She said after she released Cal from her embrace, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling when I realized Cal blushed. I know my mom is so beautiful, and it makes him uncomfortable.

"Mrs. Divenson, you don't need to do that because I care about your son, and I am also aware if Hunter wasn't there, I couldn't get out from that tunnel alive. I was sick, and he also took good care of me. And I know I will never survive without Hunter by my side. He helped me more than he realized." Cal said, and my mother gave him a beautiful smile.

"Okay, then, that is nice to hear that my son also helped you, but I am still going to give you that house and lot, and a brand new car for your son, don't say no to me, Calixto. To refuse an offer is an insult, so you don't have a choice, Mr. Morgan." Mom replied, and I stifled a laugh when I looked at Calixto's face.

"Think of it as a birthday gift, and thank you gift coming from me. I know you will celebrate your birthday one week from now, so I guess you don't have any reason to say no to me. Goodbye Calixto, and take care. Please send my best regards to your wife and children." Mom said, and she looked so sophisticated as she stood next to Cal's bed.

"Thank you, Mrs. Divenson, for making my upcoming birthday complete." He said, and my mom smiled at him, and she waved her hand at him before she turned around and walked to the door.

"See you soon, Cal. I need to go now to see my wife." I said as I smiled at him.

"Goodbye, Hunter, and good luck with your reunion with your wife, and please say hi to Madeline for me." He said, and he was beaming at me.

"Sure, Cal, and I am sure she will come to your house one of these days to give you a warm hug," I said, and he chuckled.

"Madeline will be so happy to see you, and I can tell you are now back to your old self in just one day of resting, and you looked like a model from a magazine and not a survivor who was buried alive 2000 feet below the ground." He said, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing at his comment.

"Thank you, Cal. I know I would not be laughing now if not for you, our experience taught me how to be strong, patient, faithful, and it made me appreciate the beauty of being alive. And I realized we don't know what the future holds, and I want you to know, I am so thankful to have you in my life." I declared.

"Me too, even if I am old, I feel the same way. Goodbye, son, see you soon." He said, and I tapped his shoulder before I said goodbye to Cal.

I drove my mom's car, and I felt so happy. When I looked at the rearview mirror, I could see the vehicle of her bodyguards, and I was delighted she was also thinking about her safety. I know I should deal with Clark Divenson after all this, for how many times I give my father and sister a chance, but I am sure Kaye's family is backing them up. And the moment mom told me all the miners got out safely after the second blast. I could tell my father had something to do with the explosions on the site.

I was driving the car on the maximum speed limit because I couldn't wait to see Madeline, and for how many times I almost got beyond the speed limit, and I am just glad mom was beside me who reminds me to control myself.

I can feel the rapid beating of my heart as we near our mansion, and it feels like I haven't seen my wife for years because I missed her so much. And I felt so happy when we arrived at the main gate of our home, and after I assisted my mother in climbing out of the car, I walked ahead of her because I could no longer wait, and I almost stumble on the ground as I ran going to the main entrance of our home.

I could feel my hand was trembling as I held the door handle, and when I opened the door, I realized how much I missed our home. And when I walked going to the grand staircase, I could feel the racing of my heart, and I couldn't stop my tears from falling on my cheeks when I found my wife standing at the bottom of the stairs looking like an angel. And she was wearing the last dress I bought for her before the incident happened. I could see the surprise and the happiness on her face as she ran towards me, and I met her halfway, and the moment we came near to each other, I lifted my wife's frame from the ground, and I turned her around, and then I kissed her on the lips passionately.

I missed the softness of her lips and her natural scent that always drives me crazy. Madeline smelled so heavenly, and I felt glad mom brought me presentable clothes, and I took a long shower before I met my wife. I kissed her long enough to make us both breathless, but it never stopped me from claiming her mouth again. We were both gasping for air when I stopped kissing my wife when I heard the clearing of throats, and we both laughed. I can't get enough of my wife, but I know we have all the time later, and I can't wait to be alone with Madeline.

I pulled out a chair for my wife without releasing her hand, and I was still holding her hand while we were staring at each other. And I want to kiss her again, but I know we need to eat dinner, and I felt so happy to be with her again, to see her lovely face, and of course, to be with my mom and sister too.

"Welcome home, Hunter, and thank you for coming home to me." She whispered in my ear, and I squeezed her hand before I spoke.

"Of course, I promised to grow old with you, Madeline, and I came back because we still need to have babies, and I can't wait to be alone with you tonight." I whispered back, and I loved how my wife blushed, and I felt so grateful that I was given a second chance to live my life and to be reunited with Madeline again. And I realized we should be thankful for all the blessings that we have, especially the people we love, and most of all, the gift of life.

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