Loving Madeline

Chapter 183 - Wicked Father

Madeline's POV

I don't want to come with Hunter and mom to the boardroom, but I know I need to give them my moral support even if I feel so worried I will embarrass them since my knowledge about the company is still very limited. But I can tell that Hunter was very excited to introduce me to the rest of the Directors. I can feel that my husband felt nervous since he has been gone for more than one month, and I am aware he was worried about Clark Divenson more rather than the other Board of Directors.

Even if Hunter felt uneasy, he was so excited to walk beside me going to the boardroom, and I felt so happy to attend the BOD meeting for the first time. And I was delighted when they greeted me warmly, and I can tell all of them are pleased to see my husband back in the office, and I my smile turned into a scowl when Clark Divenson entered the room, and the whole place turned so quiet, and I could feel the tension. Charlotte was with him, and as usual, she was looking daggers at me, and if only looks could kill, I could have died right away the moment Clark Divenson and his daughtef looked at me.

Until now, I still can't believe why they couldn't accept me as Hunter's wife, even if we have been married for so long now. I know they both want Kaye to become Hunter's wife even if my husband showed them that he would never have Kaye in his life, but they still insisted. I could see and feel the hatred on Clark Divenson's face as he looked at me, and then he turned his gaze to Hunter. He was Hunter's father, but he never showed his son that he supported him as a father.

I felt sad for my husband, but I realized Clark Divenson was a wicked father, and I know my husband tried his best to reach out to his dad even if for how many years he showed it to Hunter's face, his achievement will never be enough unless he will marry the heiress, Kaye. She was the only daughter of the number one wealthy man of the entire country that is why Clark wanted her to be his daughter-in-law even if for how many times Hunter declined his order. Before we got married, Hunter's dad has been bugging him to marry Kaye, that is why when my father died he took the opportunity to marry me. I was a stranger to him but he chose me than to be manipulated by his father.

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I know at first, Hunter only married me for convenience, but I never thought that he would fall in love with me, and I felt so grateful that it happened because I knew from the first moment I laid my eyes on him, I fell in love with Hunter right away.

The meeting started, and I couldn't believe Clark Divenson would insult me in front of the BOD. He hurt my ego, and he humiliated me, but I can't deny his words were true since I know nothing about the business yet, but since Hunter's mom promised to train me, I felt confident I could work for Hunter, but now that Clark shamed me, I realized he was right. Even if it hurts me, I couldn't disagree with Hunter's father. I know there are moments in our life we need to face the truth, even if it hurts. 

But after the meeting, I could no longer control myself when he told Hunter I should hide, and I know he already knew that I was pregnant with Hunter's child. It made him angrier, and even if I felt worried, I needed to be more vital to face him and Charlotte for the sake of our baby. Clark almost slapped me on my face, but Hunter stopped him. I felt the knots on my stomach when my husband stopped his father from hurting me, and I felt so proud of my husband that this time he stood up against his father.

"Are you tired?" My husband asked me after I recited his schedule for tomorrow, and he was looking at me tenderly, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling at him as I realized it feels so good to be with my husband all the time. He got closer to me, and he caressed my back, and the soothing sensation of his gentle touch made me close my eyes. I want to erase the image of Clark Divenson on my mind. As possible, I'm not particularly eager to discuss what happened at the BOd meeting today since I wanted to focus on my new work and my pregnancy.

"A little, but as long as I am near you, I felt alive and energetic," I replied, and he grinned at me that made my heart flip with happiness. Hunter cupped my face, and he kissed me tenderly on the lips before he talked with me again.

"I am sorry, Madeline, I should have never asked you to join the BOD meeting today, I felt so excited to introduce you to the Board of Directors of the Divenson Mining Company, and I have forgotten that my father is still one of the BOD's," Hunter said, and I smiled at him.

"It was okay, Hunter, besides, your father has done nothing to me but hurt me ever since I came to the Divenson mansion, and I could say I am used to it, but still, I can't stop myself from getting hurt every time he will insult and humiliate me. I know you are hurting too, Hunter, because I can tell even if for how many times Clark hurt you, you were still hoping one day he would come and apologize for all the things he had done to you." I replied, and my husband pulled me up from my chair, and he put his arms around my waist while he looked at my face, and I couldn't stop myself from blushing as I stared at his compelling eyes.

"Yeah, you were right, and until now, I can't understand why my father was doing all this to me, but don't worry too much, Madeline. I will never let anyone hurt you. Always remember, I will always be here to protect you." My husband responded, and I caressed his face.

"Thank you, Hunter. I know that is why I don't worry about anything because I know you will be there to protect me." I said, and he smiled at me as he tucked in some strands of my hair at the back of my ear.

We agreed to eat dinner at our house since we both knew Hunter's mom, and Lily was waiting for us. I noticed mom was silent the entire dinner, and I could tell she was still upset about this morning's meeting.

"Hunter, Maddie, I want to talk with you in the library after dinner." Mom declared, and I can feel that she felt so uneasy, and the trembling of her voice was telling me something was going on, and I felt my husband tense up, and I am sure he was feeling the same way too. 

Mom asked Cerila to bring us green tea in the library, and we all sat on the couch at the center of the mansion's library.

"Mom, what is going on? Is everything alright?" Hunter asked right away the moment Cerila left us, and Leticia Divenson looked at her son for a long while before she spoke.

"I will never be fine until I will tell you the truth, Hunter. I asked Madeline to be here with you since I know she can calm you anytime." Leticia said, and I felt so worried for my husband, and I can't stop feeling nervous as well.

"So what kind of secret will you reveal this time, mom? I can tell this is something big because you are not going to look like this. If this is only about work, I can tell this is something about who I am." My husband declared, and I could see his mother's face turned so pale.

"I never thought that a time would come that I am going to tell you this secret because I planned to bring this secret with me on my grave, but it seems Clark will never stop bothering you and Madeline," Leticia said, and I can tell she was trying her best to control her voice from trembling.

"Clark was one of the best employees of the company, and my father loved him because of his dedication and commitment to his work, and he was diligent. I also worked in the company, but I had a boyfriend at that time, and I got pregnant with you. Still, my boyfriend had an accident and died before I could tell him I was pregnant. As a daughter of one of the richest men in the country, my father has a reputation to uphold, and when he learned I was pregnant, he had no choice but to find the most suitable man available." Mom said, and I could feel my entire body turned so cold, and when I looked at my husband, I couldn't read the expression on his face, and then he looked at mom, and I could see the pain on Hunter's face.

"So, Clark Divenson is not my biological father?" He asked in more than a whisper, and I held his hand, and I felt glad he tightly gripped my palm as if he was holding me for support.

"Yes, he signed a non-disclosure agreement before we got married, but I fell in love with him before I gave birth to you. He was your father in the paper only. Because of his greed for money and power, he agreed to my father's condition without complaint, but I never expected he would turn into a monster now; I know he was faking everything with regards to you since he knew your grandfather wanted you to be the heir of his company. I am sorry, son, and I hope you will forgive me. I have made terrible mistakes because of Clark." His mom said, and I saw her tears fell on her cheek.

"It is fine, mom, at least now I know the reason why I never felt he loved me, and I am so fucking glad he is not my real father because, to be honest, I don't want to call him my father. Only Calixto Morgan showed me a fatherly love, and now I have all the answers to why Clark treated me as an outcast, and he can't just get rid of me because I am the eldest son, and he can't tell me about it because of the NDA. I know you were trying to protect me, but how I wish you told me sooner, so I didn't waste my time wishing for him to love me as his son." Hunter declared.

"Please excuse me." My husband added, and he let go of my hand and left us in the library. I wanted to go after my husband, but Leticia Divenson was crying now after Hunter left without a second glance, and I didn't have a choice. I moved closer to her, and I hugged her to give her comfort. At the same time, I want to be with Hunter because I know my husband is having a hard time as of now. I know this new information was too much to process, and there are so many questions I wanted to ask Leticia, but I can tell she was also having a tough time as she continued to cry on my shoulder.

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