Loving Madeline

Chapter 200 - Selfish Decision

Hunter's POV

"Hunter, Madeline's Aunt, including her entire family, is fine, so I think what is going on with Madeline has nothing to do with her Aunt," Cal said on the other line. I know he is still on his vacation, but I couldn't stop myself from calling him because I know Calixto can help me calm my nerves every time I am feeling like this.

"Thank you for that information, Cal, I just found out someone took Lily, and this person must have contacted Madeline. I need your help. I know you still need to rest, but I cannot do this without you, and I am so lost right now. I don't know what to do anymore, and I am so worried about my wife." I responded as I was following Roman's car, and we had been driving for hours, but we couldn't find my wife's car.

"What do you want me to do, Hunter?" He asked.

"Can I pick you up? Could you come with me and look for Maddie?" I said as I tried to calm myself.

"Okay, pick me up here in our house. You have to relax, Hunter. Madeline will be fine. At least now, we have a lead of what happened." He replied.

"Yeah, and it became worst. You know how much I love Lily, Cal, and she has been more than a sister to me since she was a little girl. She was very close to me. And I couldn't imagine what happened to my sister right now, and I couldn't believe my wife would come after Lily without telling me." I responded.

"You know your wife, Hunter. I could tell Madeline would do anything to any of us. She is willing to sacrifice herself for the common good of everybody." Cal replied.

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"Yeah, and I hope she thinks about it carefully because she is pregnant, Cal. I am so worried for Madeline and our baby. What if something will happen to her." I said as I released a heavy sighed, and I was gripping the steering wheel hard, and it felt like my entire life depended on it, and as I looked around, it seemed like everything around me felt so bleak.

"You have to think positive in a moment like this. I could say another ordeal you have to face with your married life, and now you have to face it with courage, don't worry, everything will be alright." He responded, and this time no matter how many times Cal will tell me everything will be alright, I can't help feel so worried.

"Everything will only be okay if she is safe with me, Calixto. And you know what? I wouldn't say I like that Madeline is an independent woman, because Can you see what she had done? Madeline decided something without telling me anything about it, and I am her husband, Cal. I felt hurt that my wife didn't confide with me, and I could tell she is still hesitant to trust me, maybe because I have hurt her too much." I declared.

"No, I don't think so, Hunter. Whoever took Lily called Madeline, and of course, it is understandable that this person warned your wife not to tell anyone, or else something will happen to your sister. Girls tend to follow the rules, and you know their nature. You can do nothing about it now, all we need to do is trust Roman to locate your wife, or you can coordinate with the local authorities." Cal responded.

"Yes, of course, but for the time being, I want to find her as soon as possible. See you in a while, Cal." I said, and I ended the call, and I called Roman immediately, and I told him I needed to pick up Calixto at his house. And the moment we arrived at Cal's driveway, he was already standing outside his home with an overnight bag in his hand, and I couldn't help but smile as I realized Cal was now ready to come with me, and I felt better.

"Thank you, Cal," I said after he settled himself on the front seat.

"You are always welcome, Hunter. I couldn't be at peace in our house knowing something was going on with Madeline and Lily, and they are like my daughters too." He responded as I started the car and drove away from his house. 

"I am was angry with Roman, why he didn't call me right away, I was only gone for a while, and then when I got back in the villa, my wife was no longer there, and I felt so frustrated Cal," I said, and he tapped me on my shoulder.

"I understand how you feel, Hunter. Let us hope for the best, and I think your father, or maybe Kaye has something to do with this. I couldn't believe your father would be this desperate to use your sister to have Madeline." He said.

"Yeah, and I think after this, I have to go to the Divenson mansion and speak with my father," I said.

"Of course, if we can't find them, we need to go there. Maybe Clark took them at the mansion." Cal said, and I suddenly felt nervous about going back to our previous route when I saw Roman change direction, and I didn't ask him why. I just followed his car. After an hour, we stopped at a residential house, and my bodyguards got out of their vehicles, and we did the same, and Roman led the way. When he opened the old gate, I could see an abandoned house, and my eyes widened when I saw my wife's car inside the garage, and I was about to run when Cal held my wrist.

"Hunter, don't." He said.

"But I need to see my wife, Cal," I responded, feeling irritated why Cal stopped me.

"I know, but you have to control yourself for your safety, Hunter. Let Roman and his men search the entire area. We don't know who took Lily, and they can be random bad guys who wanted to have fun and play some stupid games." Cal said, and I didn't move an inch from where I am. 

We waited for Roman and the rest of my bodyguards to search the entire place, and the anticipation was killing me. I was hoping my wife and sister were fine, but when they got back, I knew right away, they were no longer there.

"Mr. Divenson, I am sorry, but we haven't found anyone." Roman declared, and I nodded my head.

"Ask one of your men to drive my wife's car," I ordered him.

"We need to go to the Divenson mansion," I added.

"Copy, sir," Roman responded, and I opened my car, and I got inside feeling lost again. We drove away from the abandoned house, and this time, I remained silent as I tried to analyze where they took my wife. There is a possibility they changed their car and continued to drive to their next destination, and I wonder how Roman found out my wife had been there.

Well, I could tell working from the investigation bureau for a long time before I recruited him to become my bodyguard made him excellent with his job. I couldn't believe my wife and her best friend were able to escape under Roman's watch, and I wondered what Gina and Madeline did to them. 

We were on our way to the Divenson mansion when I heard my phone ringing, and I couldn't stop my heart from pounding when I saw Gina's name on my screen. I quickly answered her call, and I put her on speaker.

"Gina, where the hell are you?" I asked, and I could no longer hold my anger and frustrations.

"We are on our way to your house." She said with a trembling voice, and I felt relieved they were safe.

"Okay, I except to meet you there," I said and ended the call before she could say another word because I felt so excited. I asked Calixto to call Roman to change course because we needed to go home to our house, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling because I can now see my wife, and I will make sure to punish her tonight in bed, I will make my wife scream my name, and I will shower her entire body with kisses. I suddenly felt so hot, and I couldn't wait to take Madeline into my arms. It makes me drive faster, and I almost laugh when I see Cal out of the corner of my eye tightly gripping his seat.

"Hey, you need to slow down a bit, Hunter. If you want to see your wife again, I guess you don't want to end up in the hospital or the morgue." I heard Cal say, and I laughed.

"I am sorry, Calixto. I can't stop myself from feeling so excited, you know, after a stressful day, Madeline is the only one who can make me feel so happy and energetic like this; my wife is like a multivitamin that keeps me going." I responded, and it was his turn to laugh.

"I am so happy that Madeline made you this way, Hunter, and I could tell she was sent from above to make you happy like this, and for how many years I was praying you will find someone who will make you whole again. And Madeline Brownwood was that woman." Cal declared, and I looked at him sideways, and I beamed at Cal.

As I drove along our driveway, I could hear my heartbeat. And I could feel the sweat on my palms, and I realized I was so excited to see my wife.

"Hunter!" Lily came running to me, and she was crying, and I took her into my arms. And I never felt so relieved in my entire life to see my little sister, and I hugged her tightly. At the same time, my eyes searched the whole area because I couldn't see my wife, and when I looked at Gina, I could tell right away that something was wrong, and my heart was screaming no, as I realized my wife had made a selfish decision.

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