Loving Madeline

Chapter 267 - I Am Home

Madeline's POV

"I am sorry if I ruined your surprise birthday party," I said to my husband.

"Shh, you need to go to sleep, my love. You are tired, and you just gave birth to an angel. I want you to know that it was the best party ever. I love you, Madeline. Thank you for making me feel this way." He said as he cupped my face, and then he kissed me softly on the lips, and even if I felt so tired, I could feel my heart flutters with happiness.

"I love you too, Hunter," I murmured, and I drifted into a beautiful sleep, and when I walked up the following morning, the scene in front of me made my eyes water. Hunter was dancing our son to sleep, and I couldn't believe I would see him like this one day, and I could feel parenthood suited him well.

"Good morning! My love," I greeted him, and when he turned around, I could see the beautiful smile on his face, and he put down our little boy beside me on the bed. Then he took out his phone, and he took a selfie of us, and he let me see his phone later, and I smiled when I realized it was his new wallpaper. His previous wallpaper was our picture together taken on our wedding day, and now that we have our son with us, it feels like everything is in place.

Then the rest of our family arrived, and I felt so happy to see them, and I could see. The tears were on the eyes of Hunter's mom, Lily, and Gina as they looked at my son.

"I am an aunt!" Lily exclaimed as Hunter handed her our baby, and my husband dried the tears in his sister's cheeks.

"Yes, you are officially an aunt now, Lily, and I except you will be here during summer to help Madeline to look after Frank." My husband said, and I laughed.

"Of course, Hunter, you don't need to tell me that because I will volunteer," Lily responded with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Welcome, Frank Luis, I am your aunt Lily, and I promised you I will be the greatest aunt in this world." Lily declared, and we all laughed, and I suddenly remembered my mom and how I wished she was here with us, but I know she is happy now wherever she is, and I promised to bring my child in front of her grave the moment we will visit Archois.

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"Hey, congratulations, I am so happy for you, Madeline," Gina whispered when she came closer to me, and she was holding my hand.

"Thank you, Gina, for being here with me. I want to enjoy this moment with you," I responded.

"I felt glad that you finally delivered your baby boy, and I could tell he looked like your husband." She said.

"I thought he got my face," I responded, and she shook.

"No, you are so in love with your husband, and that is why your son looked exactly like him." My best friend answered.

"Fair enough," I replied, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. And I will never be ashamed to tell the whole world I am so in love with my husband because that is the truth. When it was my grandpa's turn to carry my son in his arms, I could see the happiness on his face, which was priceless.

"Frank, welcome to this beautiful world, don't worry, we all love you, and I will make sure you will have the brightest future, and I couldn't wait to teach you how to ride a horse and drive a car." My grandpa said, and I cried in happiness, and I hope he will live long enough to see my son grow into an adult. And I wish that for my grandpa.

The following day I got discharged from the hospital, and we went home to the castle; I was surprised when aunt Francine threw a welcome party for our baby and me, and I felt so happy that I was finally home. On the first night, my husband and I slept in the nursery, and the following day after that, we ended up bringing him into our bedroom.

And I only agreed that the nanny would be on duty during day time since I wanted to be with my son during nighttime, and even if the nanny Hunter hired was around, I always asked her to bring our baby boy into our room. I wanted to be hands-on with him, from breastfeeding to changing his diaper, and I loved every moment I spent with my little angel.

"The baptism would be next month, and what do you think? Is it safe to invite your father and sister?" I asked my husband, and I saw him curled his fists on his sides.

"I know you wanted to believe that they will change, Madeline, but I am sorry. I could say my dad and Charlotte are lost cause, and there is nothing we can do to save them." He said.

"Oh, my love, I was thinking maybe now that you have a son, he will finally stop being wicked," I responded.

"I don't think so, Madeline, I think he cursed the day I was born, and no matter what I do, I can never please him, and he will always hate me without a valid reason. I know it hurts me so much because I hope and I wish that one of these days he could be with us and celebrate special occasions with us, but I don't want to put your life in danger again, especially now that we have our son." My husband said.

"It would be too risky, my love," Hunter said as he put his arm around my shoulders, and we were inside the nursery room looking at our little boy soundly sleeping on his crib.

"Okay, I think we should invite mom and Lily, and of course, Rebecca and Parker," I said.

"Yeah, I already asked Gina to send the invitation, and I am so excited for his baptism." He said.

"Me too, my love," I said, and we both walked towards our bed inside the nursery room, and we knew it was funny, but we couldn't help it, we always wanted to be near our son, even if we knew he is safe inside this castle.

I couldn't help thinking about what happened to me before I gave birth to him, and I hate to think that while his father and sister are free, we can never be safe. I don't know if they can accept us in the future, but I think it would be impossible.

I pity my husband because I couldn't believe that his father and sister are his enemies; instead, they should be one of the persons we can trust to help us if ever we are in need because the family will always be a family.

I know Clark became more devastated when Hunter's mom didn't withdraw the divorce case she filed, and I asked my grandpa not to file a lawsuit against Hunter's dad and Charlotte. My grandfather was frustrated with my decision, and I know it wasn't a wise judgment, but I still believe in second chances.

"Madeline, how many times do I have to tell you? Sometimes you need to close your eyes because there are things you cannot change no matter how desperate you are, and you have to make a wise decision for the good of everyone. Let me handle Clark's and Charlotte's case." My grandpa said after he got shot by Kaye.

"Please, grandpa, they are my husband's family, and I couldn't take it if they were in prison," I responded, and my grandpa's face fell.

"Madeline, what should I do to make you change your mind? I am sure your husband will not be against it, and that is for your safety." He insisted.

"I know, but I don't want Hunter to feel guilty at the end, and not only for Hunter, but I also love Lily, and I know how much she loves her dad even if she hated him, and I can never put Clark behind bars knowing it will devastate her daughter knowing her father and sister were in jail," I said.

"Oh, Madeline, you reminded me so much of my wife. Your grandmother is so much like you, and I know I can never win against you, and I think all I need to do is double or triple your security to keep you safe. I love you, Madeline, and I don't want anything to happen to you." He added.

"I am sorry, grandpa, because of me, you've got hurt," I said, feeling so guilty that he took a bullet for me.

"Hey, it wasn't your fault, Madeline; besides, I will do it again for you." He said, and I shook my head.

"You are not doing anything like that ever again, grandpa," I said, and he smiled at me.

"Okay, I will make sure to hire the best agents in the country." He said as he ruffled my hair.

"Are you okay, Madeline?" Hunter asked me, and I snapped back at present and smiled at him.

"Of course, I have never been better," I said, and he offered his arms to me.. I scooted closer to him as we listened to the nursery rhyme on his cellphone, and I was smiling while I listened to my husband sing along, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing, and I realized I was home in my husband's arms, and I am a happy wife and mother.

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