Loving Madeline

Chapter 280 Brilliant Idea

Madeline's POV

"It is still a no, Madeline, and I am sorry, I can't risk it, my love," Hunter whispered in my ear, and I let go of his hand, and I got out of our room feeling so pissed with my husband.

I couldn't believe Hunter would not allow me to go home with him to our hometown. It has been a long time since we didn't visit Archois City because of the danger. I felt so sad when I heard about the accident and what happened to Rebecca and Parker; I wanted to come home immediately.

I know I will miss our little boy, but he will be safe if he stays here with my aunt and grandpa, and I can't risk bringing Frank with us; it would be too risky and dangerous for our family to travel together and I couldn't believe it is all because of Clark.

Lily and my mother-in-law left a while ago, boarding my grandpa's private plane; my husband needed to take care of some important matter in the office; he couldn't leave his office without making sure everything was in order, and he was planning to go tomorrow.

Hector Grant took over everything to Hunter, and my husband became the head of the company; and his role was to ensure the company was doing well and stable. It is his job to look over the operation, the finances, and the planning, even if there are managers under his command.

My grandpa wanted to make sure Hunter would turn over the company to our son in the future without complications. My grandfather wished to make the operation smooth, with no illegal issues, and it would never be that easy because there would be employees who would try to sabotage the operation for personal gain.

But I know my husband's capability and his intelligence is beyond compare, and that is one of the factors I became more in love with my hot and handsome husband, but as of this moment, I don't want to see Hunter.

I was fidgeting as I made my way toward my grandfather's study. I know he is reading something in his home office at this time, and I needed to speak with him or else I would go crazy.

I didn't even knock; I got inside quickly, and I smiled when I found him sleeping on his chair; and I sat on the side table watching him with a smile on my face. I almost laughed when I saw the horrified expression on his face when he found me sitting in front of his table; when he opened his eyes.

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"Oh, my goodness, Madeline! You scared me, and I thought my wife visited me for real since I dreamed about your grandma." He said.

I giggled as I realized how much he loved her and wished I got the chance to know and meet my grandma in person; she must be a fantastic woman; I could tell by how much my grandpa adored her even if she had died so many years ago. He didn't get married again, and I could tell it was true love.

"I could tell something is bothering you, and you are not in the mood, my child. What can I do for you, Madeline?" He inquired as he looked at me with concern on his face.

"It is Hunter," I responded as I averted my grandpa's gaze.

"Did your husband hurt you?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"Of course not, grandpa; I know my husband is not capable of hurting me physically; I know my husband loves me more than he loved himself," I said, and he smiled.

"You are correct, he told me about that, and his declaration of his love for you made me feel envious; how I wish I would be given another chance to go back in time, but I know we are living in reality, and it will never happen that I would go back in time." He answered.

"So, I will spend my life regretting the things I didn't make right, and one of those things I regretted the most, for being manipulative and a strict father to my son," Grandpa added, and I could feel the bitterness in his words.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, grandpa; I know wherever he could be; Dad is happy now to see you taking good care of his grandchild and me," I said, and his face lit up.

"Of course, I will do everything I can to keep you safe, Madeline." He said as he looked at me intently, and I could feel my nervousness.

"What can I do for you, again?" He asked, and I got up and moved closer to him.

"I want to come home with Hunter, grandpa Hector," I said, and his face fell, and I could tell there was no way I could come home to Archois with Hunter. But I wanted to see Rebecca and Parker for the last time. I wanted to say goodbye to them, and most of all, I wanted to end Clark's wickedness.

"Oh, Maddie, this is so hard for me to decide. I know you will get angry with me if I say no, and Hunter would not be happy with me if I say yes to you." My grandpa said, and he released a heavy sigh, and I could see the worries on his face.

"Grandpa, there is nothing you need to be worried about, you have your men, and I know you have a special set of bodyguards. I think this is their chance to showcase their talents and abilities in dealing with a wicked and smart person like Clark Divenson." I said.

"And making you as the bait? I am old, but I am not yet crazy, Madeline." He said, and I shook my head, and I gave him one of my sweetest smiles.

"Do you trust me, grandpa?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"With what is playing with your pretty little head? Why were you kidnapped and almost die during the fire on the boat and almost kidnapped by the pirate? No, Madeline, I will never trust you." He said, and I moved back to the chair.

"Grandpa, please, hear me out," I said, and he slowly nodded.

"I don't want Clark to kill another innocent person, he wanted to take me out of Hunter's life from the very start, and I know it is me he wants to kill, and he will never stop until he can have me again. I am so afraid if next time he will target my son." I added, and his face darkened.

"No, he can't hurt you, Maddie, and I will never allow him to touch my great-grandson over my dead body." He growled.

"Grandpa, we need to use this opportunity to capture him," I responded.

"And put your life on the line? There is no way I will allow you to risk your life, Madeline." He retorted.

"You need to relax, grandpa, and listen to my plan," I said.

"Okay, I will listen, but it will never be a guarantee; I will say yes to you, Maddie." He responded.

"Fair enough with me, but I doubt if you will say no to my idea, grandpa," I said, feeling so confident and excited to initiate my plan to stop and capture Clark.

"Well, I could say your idea is brilliant; as long as you are safe, I will not say no. I will contact the head of my security and tell him about your impressive idea." My grandfather said after I told him about my plan, and I could see the satisfaction on his face, and I could tell he was so proud of me.

"I believe this will work, and it is about time to bring him down; I was hesitant to take action since he was Hunter's father, and please, don't tell Hunter about this info I received a while ago from the men I stationed at Archois," he paused.

"Based on their investigation, it was positive that Clark was behind Parker and Rebecca's death, and I couldn't believe because of his greed for power and money, Clark would take the life of his son, including his daughter-in-law." My grandfather declared.

I couldn't stop feeling so angry with Hunter's father, and even if he wasn't my husband's biological father, he was the only father he knew; that is why Hunter cared so much about Clark. I couldn't imagine Hunter's reaction if he learned it was Clark behind Rebecca and Parker's death.

"Good night, Madeline; you should go back to your room now, don't make your husband worry about you," he said, and I nodded as I got up from my seat and kissed him on the cheek before walking out of the door.

I am so excited to tell Gina about my plan, and no one should know about it except my grandpa and his men, Gina and me.

"Hey," I said as I found my husband sitting on the last step on the top of the stairs, and I could tell he was waiting for me to return to our room.

"Aren't you angry with me anymore?" He asked, and I smiled at my husband as I sat beside him.

"No, I was upset, but I will never get angry with you, my love," I lied since I felt guilty that I felt so angry with him a while ago, and I know it was natural since I love my husband so much, and I couldn't believe he will say no to me, but I understand his purpose for saying no.

"You know that I love you so much, right?" He asked while he held and squeezed my hand, and I could feel the butterflies on my stomach as I found my husband looking at me with great intensity, and I could feel his love for me through his intense gaze.

"Yeah, I know, Hunter, and you don't need to explain why you don't want me to come home with you to Archois; I understand it was because of your love for me, and for that, I felt so grateful, and happy," I responded, and he smiled at me.

"I love you," I said, and I kissed him on the lips, and he kissed me back hungrily; I couldn't believe I would be making out with my husband on top of the stairs, and I giggled when my husband picked me up as if I weighed nothing at all.

Hunter walked faster going to our room, and I felt so excited and happy to share another intimate moment with my husband, wishing and hoping my plan would work out so we would no longer live in fear and we would live our lives happily, knowing no one is planning to hurt my loved ones and me.


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