Loving Madeline

Chapter 46 - Hunter’s Mom

Madeline's POV

When I wake up the following morning, I am disappointed when I couldn't find Hunter beside me, and I miss him already, and when I stand up from my bed and pick up my phone on my nightstand, I can't stop myself from smiling when I see he has a message for me.

"Good morning beautiful, I am sorry if I didn't wake you up because you were sleeping like a baby. I need to leave early because of some problem at the site, don't worry, I will make it up with you later this evening. I want to take you out to dinner, just the two of us." He said, and I giggle as I reread his messages, and I felt excited about having another date with him. I am shocked to receive a text from Gina asking me if I am already awake, and I replied to her immediately, and seconds later, I heard her knocking softly at my door.

"Why did you text when you are already standing on my door?" I asked, but I am shocked to find Leticia Divenson in front of my door instead of my best friend, and when I looked around, I can see Gina on the hallway leading to her room, and I realized she was also on her way to my room to talk with me, but Hunter's mom came first. I suddenly felt so nervous because I didn't expect Leticia will visit me in my room. I didn't show her that I am affected by her presence, but I brace myself from possible snarky remarks from Hunter's mother, and I was stunned when I find her smiling at me.

"Can we talk, Madeline?" She asked, and I only nod because no words came out of my mouth. She gets inside my room with poise, and I can tell her eyes are examining my room with her laser eyes; and I am just glad my room is spotless, and I already made my bed. She turned around and looked at me in the eyes, and I am mesmerized to see her face this close; Hunter's mother is beautiful beyond words, and no wonder where Hunter got his handsome look. Her perfect face is incredibly worthy of praise, and I felt so tiny standing in front of her.

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"Madeline, I know I have been harsh to you from the first moment you arrived in our mansion. I know I judged you before I was even able to know you. But it was all an act. This morning I came to apologize for everything that I have done. I know it wouldn't be easy on your part living in this house with no one to turn to except my younger daughter, Lily." She said, and I am shocked to hear Hunter's mother apologizing to me.

"It is all up to you, Madeline, if you will believe me or not, but after what happened with you because of Parker, I realize you are a wife material for my son. And I need to do something to keep you here in this house. As a mother, I love all my children, but I have done something terrible to Hunter. I can't tell you about it yet, but someday I will share it with you." She said, and I can feel her sincerity.

"Of course, I believe you, Mrs. Divenson, please have a seat." I replied and motioned for her to sit down, and I am so happy that I found my voice again.

"Thank you, Madeline, and I am sorry if my husband and children judged you based on your status. Being an illegitimate child was not suitable for my son, and Clark wants him to find the best woman to be our son's wife, but lately, I realized he doesn't need someone wealthy and from the aristocracy social class." She added as she settled herself on my sofa.

"This is the first time I saw my son interested in someone after, of course, his first love." She said, and I want to ask her if she was talking about Rebecca, but I am still in my state of shock because Leticia Divenson humbled herself and apologized to me.

"It is okay, Mrs. Divenson, I understand you only want to protect your son, and I know I am not the right one for Hunter." I said, and when she stared at my face, I can see her sympathy.

"Look, Madeline, I know I haven't been a good mother to him when he needed me the most, but you must understand I was so afraid of his father. Clark is very strict, and I don't need to elaborate on his personality because I don't want you to hate my husband even more." She said, and I realized their family is not perfect as it seems.

"I tried my best to help Hunter, but his father threatened me. I know I came from a wealthy family, but the moment I married Clark, I belong to him; I was so much in love with Clark that no matter how hard my life is from the moment I married him, I stick around because of our children." She said and let out a soft sigh, and I realized Leticia Divenson was a battered wife.

"Mrs. Divenson, I don't know the whole story, but if you needed someone to talk with, I am just here willing to listen, and you don't need to worry about me because I understand, and I already forgave you. I felt so happy that you came and talked with me." I responded, and she took my hands.

"Thank you, Madeline." She said, and I saw tears that welled up in her eyes.

"Hunter needs you, and I am sorry that my other son fell in love with you too. Now that I am this close to you, Maddie, I realized how beautiful you are that no matter how I tried my best to stop my son from marrying you, he still wants you, and not only that. I also understood now that you are a kind woman, you didn't file a case against my other son, I know he almost takes you by force, and he could have killed you, Madeline. I understand that the rivalry of my sons will never end." She said and never released my hands.

"To tell you honestly, when people see us in magazines, they thought we are a perfect family, but it was far from the truth, Madeline. This house is full of mysteries and lies. But I am asking you don't leave my son ever again, for he needs you in his life. I know Charlotte will be your constant enemy because she will only listen to her father, but I am hoping that someday she will realize how cruel her father is, and I want her to be friendly to you." She said, and I pity Leticia now.

"You can call me mom, but if we are in front of my husband and children, just call me, Mrs. Divenson, for the time being, but after your marriage with Hunter, you can call me mom even in front of other people. I welcome you to our family, Madeline. I don't want my children to hate their father. That is why no one knew about Clark's brutality towards me." She said.

"You should learn to fight him, Mrs. Divenson, your children, are now all grown-ups, and Lily is not a child anymore." I said.

"I hope it would be that easy, Maddie." She said, and I can see the sadness in her eyes.

"I should go now, and I hope you understand me now, Maddie, as a mother, I want my son to be happy, and I hope you will stay by his side whatever happens." She said meaningfully, and I am now thinking that something is going on in this household that I need to uncover, and I think this has something to do about Rebecca.

"You don't need to worry about it, Mrs. Divenson, I love Hunter, and I will fight for my love for him." I replied.

"Thank you, Madeline. When you left, I was terrified if Hunter will lose himself, and I felt so happy when he found you. I better get going now before Clark wakes up." She said and stood up, and I send her to my bedroom door. And I am shocked when she hugs me, and I felt so happy that Hunter's mom finds a way to talk with me, and now I realized her words are only for a show, she didn't mean every word she said on the first day that we met.

"Does it mean you don't hate me?" I asked, and she nodded her head and smiled brightly at me.

"No, I don't hate you, Maddie, and it was the opposite. Do you know I cried when I am alone because I felt so guilty that I have hurt you? You are innocent, Maddie, and I want you to stay away from this house, but I realized you are a strong woman and a fighter, and you are the only one good for Hunter. And I can see how much you love him, so I am hoping you will never run away from him again, and I am excited about your upcoming wedding, Madeline." She said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Divenson." I responded, and she hugged me one more time before she left my room. Hunter's mother had long gone, but I remain standing in front of my door, still unable to believe what happened, and it made me realized Hunter's mom has a difficult life. She was hiding everything from her children because of her undying love for her husband. 

I can feel that Clark Divenson is hiding something, and I will never stop myself from discovering the truth. And I want to help Hunter's mom even though two of her children are doing bad things to me.. But at least now I have Lily and Leticia on my side, and I can't stop myself from feeling so excited to be Hunter's wife and help him heal his broken heart even though I don't have any idea what happened to Rebecca, his first and only love.

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