Loving Madeline

Chapter 94 - I Love You

Madeline's POV

I can't stop myself from feeling so happy even though deep in my heart, I know what I have with my husband is borrowed time. I love him so much. That is why I am willing to make the sacrifice, and I know he needs to learn the truth, his father already played with his heart, and I want to make him happy. I can tell Hunter is happy right now, but I am sure his happiness will be complete once he reunites with Rebecca. I want to take this chance to be with him, holding his hands, kissing him, cuddling, and making love from time to time.

I temporarily set aside all my worries, and I want to take this opportunity to enjoy my last moments with my husband because I want to remember all the good memories that we have. We are on our way to the Divenson mansion, and it has been a while since I last visited the estate. The moment we arrived, I couldn't believe Lily is already waiting for us in the parking lot, and she became taller, and she is no longer a child. I can see the changes in her body, and she became a beautiful teenage girl.

"Maddie!" She screamed the moment I got out of the car, and she ran to me and hugged me tightly. And I can't stop smiling when Hunter hugged us both.

"Mom wants to see you, Madeline before we left for the mall," Lily said.

"Of course, I want to see mom too," I said, and Hunter takes my hand, and we get inside the main house together, holding hands while Lily is walking ahead of us.

"Hunter! Madeline, it is nice to see you both." She said, and she kissed both of us on the cheek. We sat on the sofa of the living room and talk for a while, and I felt so glad that I haven't seen Charlotte or Parker, and most of all, Mr. Clark Divenson. 

"Mom, I want to have a sleepover at their house; please allow me to stay even for one night, mom, and ask Tony to pick me up tomorrow early morning because I know Hunter will go to work while Madeline has a class," Lily begged Leticia.

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"Okay, but this one time only, okay?" Mom said, and Lily jumped on her feet and hugged and kissed her mother. We said goodbye to their mother, and I am so happy that Lily would be sleeping in our house. 

The moment we arrived at the mall, she immediately moves from one boutique to another, searching for dresses and shoes, and when she already found the perfect fit, she asked her brother how many dresses she can have.

"Sky is the limit, Princess." He said to his sister, and Lily smiled broadly at Hunter.

"Madeline, I want you to fit some dresses too." He declared, and I shook my head.

"How can I wear all the dresses you bought for me? I still have a lot of dresses in my closet, and I haven't tried all of them." I replied.

"But I want to buy more for you." He said, and I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"I am good, Hunter, we are here today for Lily, and I enjoy watching your sister, and she is fascinating to be with, and it made me realized how much I miss her," I said, and my husband put his arm around my shoulders. I can tell the sales lady was looking at my husband from the moment we get inside the boutique, and I noticed her staring at him, and when she realized I caught her staring at my husband, she pretended to arranged the dresses on the rack. Does she know my husband? 

After Lily bought dresses and shoes, we get out of the mall, and Hunter brought us to Archois famous restaurant to eat our lunch, and after we eat, we go to the city's amusement park, and I had fun since we tried all the rides they can offer. And it was so overwhelming that Hunter holds my hand the entire time, and he keeps on whispering sweet nothings on my ear that made me have goosebumps all over my skin. On the way home, Lily fell asleep in the car.

"Wow, she must be exhausted, and I am so glad that she had fun." Hunter declared as he looked at his sister the moment we arrived at our house. I slowly shake her body to wake her up.

"I am sorry, Madeline, I can't stop myself from sleeping, "Lily said.

"It is okay, Lily, and it is better that you fell asleep because I know you get tired from the rides," I answered, and I offered her my hand to assist her in climbing out of the car. We eat our dinner, and we played Lily's favorite card game, Uno. It was so fun because whoever losses the game will carry a pillow on its head while we continue playing the game, and if ever the pillow will fall out from the loser's head, automatically the loser will have lipstick on his/her cheek.

In the end, Lily and I are laughing when Hunter lost five consecutive times, and we almost covered his entire face with lipstick. In return, he gets the lipstick, and he tried to put lipstick on our cheeks too, and we run away from him, and he chased us around the house. Our laughter filled the entire space, and then suddenly Lily disappeared, and I realized she was hiding that I didn't even know where she is, and my husband caught me on the waist, and he turned me around to face him, but instead of putting lipstick on my face, he captured my mouth. 

And the moment I felt his soft lips brushed mine, I felt my knees turned like jelly. We are kissing each other near the kitchen's counter, and I felt the electricity that travels my entire frame, and I can feel the knots on my stomach when I felt my husband slithered his tongue inside my mouth, and when he finds my tongue, he sucked it that made me let out a soft moan. And we are both out of breath after our passionate kiss, and before I can move my body, Hunter kissed me again, and this time we savor each other's lips, and he only stops kissing me when Lily comes out from her hiding place.

"Oh, wow, sweet!" Lily giggled when she found us making out in the kitchen.

"Are you having fun, Lily?" Her brother asked her, and she beamed at him.

"Yes, I do, Hunter; please find time to bring me here to your place once in a while. I am always alone in my room most of the time painting in the Divenson mansion because I have no one to talk to, unlike here I have the two of you. Do you think you can adopt me, Hunter?" Lily asked him, and I smiled with his sister's words, and Hunter laughed.

"What are you talking about, Lily? Do you want our father to hate me more? You know he doesn't want his kids to leave the Divenson mansion." Hunter said, and Lily pouted.

"Just promise me you are going to visit me in our house from time to time." She declared.

"I promise to visit you every weekend as possible." My husband said, and his sister's face lights up, and she hugged Hunter and then me.

I stayed in the guestroom where Lily will be sleeping since she asked me not to leave her until she falls asleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, and I got up from the bed after making sure she was already sleeping. I tiptoed as I walked outside her room, and how I wished I am still a child so I am free from worries and anxieties.

"Is she sleeping?" Hunter asked the moment I get back to our bedroom.

"Yes, she looks like an angel sleeping," I said, and I can't stop myself from grinning.

"I thought she would beg you to sleep beside her the entire night," Hunter said.

"I can't soundly sleep if I am not sleeping beside you," I said, and a beautiful smile spreads across his face, my husband is sitting on the edge of our bed while I am standing in front of him, and I can't stop my eyes from staring at his muscular chest since he is half-naked. I want to run my fingers on his chiseled chest.

"The same with me, Madeline. I find it so funny at first, but when you sleep over at Gina's house, I realized it would be so hard to sleep without you by my side. I miss your scent, your face, and I miss all about you, Maddie." Hunter declared, and I felt my face blushed, and my entire body ignites with fire when Hunter holds my hand, and he takes me into his lap. He turns me around to face him while I am still sitting on his lap. His intense gaze is making me hot all over my body.

"Madeline, thank you so much for making me feel this way and for saving me. I never thought I could feel this way again, and thank you for making me fall for you. I love you, Mrs. Madeline Divenson." He declared, and I felt like I am in seventh heaven, and I can't stop myself from feeling the butterflies in my chest and from feeling so happy, and we shared another passionate kiss and how I wished time will stand still and we will remain like this forever.

"I love you more, Hunter," I replied, and he looked at me with tenderness, and I forget everything.. All I think is how he makes me feel right now.

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