Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 104 - The Vows - Part 1


There was a quiet moment where none of them spoke and her nerves got the better of her. For a full minute she couldn't hold his gaze—staring into his eyes felt like laying herself bare before him, but without the fire raging within to make her brave. She shivered with the fear of it and it wasn't until Jareth began to speak that her breathing evened out and she was able to look at Etan. Really look at him.

Then she couldn't stop staring.

As Jareth began, his tone both pleased and solemn, speaking on the sanctity of the bond they were creating today, she should have been listening. She should have been focusing on the importance of the moment. She should have been praying and vowing to the Goddess that she would not mess this up. 

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But all she could do was stare at Etan. And it seemed all he could do was stare at her. Did his heart leap with hope as hers did? Did he want to paint her with his eyes as she wished to—to burn into her memory the way his near-black hair fell over his forehead and into his eyes when he looked down at her.

The piercing intensity of his green eyes, locked on her like he was suffocating and she was air to breathe.

His shoulders, so broad and strong—the way his jacket clung to his upper arms, pulling against the muscles he'd built through sheer work and discipline. 

The flat planes of his chest… Goddess above, his chest…

For a moment she got lost in a memory of him back at the ravine, when he'd so desperately dived into the water, then turned and stood, facing her. The way the water slid off his body, rippling down his skin, following that heavenly V shape of his body—

She blinked and brought herself back as Etan's focus on her intensified and she wished no one else were here. That they could do this alone and without fear or nerves. But, she reminded herself, she would see more of him tonight. Have the chance to speak the words that wanted to come, but that stuck in her throat with fear.

Tonight would bring answers, and joy. Tonight would bring time and privacy and the… the end to this constant struggle, she reminded herself. She did not need to think about that, it was coming. What she needed to focus on now was Etan. What they were doing. What it meant for them.

Jareth's words finally broke through the hazy muddle of her thoughts. She squeezed Etan's hands as she listened.

"…contract of marriage is the greatest commitment two human beings can offer to each other. That you enter it willingly and with intention to honor one another will only please the Father, and bless you both. The vows you take today are sacred—written not only in the law, but in your hearts, and upon your souls. You use them to bind together, even to eternity. And they mark the recognition of your intentions for each other from this day forward.

"As you make these vows, you step into a new season in your life. One that marks the end of two individuals, and the beginning of a pair—two unified hearts, minds, and souls entwined. A shared life, a shared purpose, and shared burdens and joys. From this day forward you tell the word, we are each better together, than apart. 

"You will meet many enemies in your journey of life—in fact," he chuckled and shook his head, though there was little humor in it. "Both of you already have. And it is a miracle of the Father that while you were yet enemies you were able to find love for each other. It is a mark of the His purpose and plan for you. Do not dismiss it. Do not shirk it. Do not waver. Do not turn away."

Ayleth took a breath and caught sight of Borsche behind Etan, his face pale and drawn, as if he grieved. A spear of fear shot through her—until Borsche caught her eye and winked. Suddenly she could breathe again. 

"When you walk out of here today," Jareth continued, "you walk out as husband and wife. Forever only those to each other, terms that call the heart, and the mind. Remember this moment. Remember your love for one another. Remember it when you are hurt. Remember it when you are angry. Remember it when life parts you—and when it returns you to each other. Remember your love when you fear. Remember your love when temptation finds you. Do. Not. Release it."

She could hear Falek shifting on his feet behind her and wondered what it was about the words that made him fidget. 

"Love is the only truly eternal bond in this life. If you allow it, it will grow you, stretch you, change you, and mold you. It will also fuel you and drive you. Remember your love well, and often. Remind yourself of it. Do not swerve from it." Jareth swallowed, his hands clasped at his waist. "Remember, and vow to keep hold of it. While even the tiniest spark of the flame between you remains, do not waver. Do not blow it out."

He cleared his throat and looked at each of them in turn. "Now, the final step is yours. Each of you must speak your vows." Ayleth and Etan both tensed, and Jareth caught it, smiling. "Speak from the heart. Tell the Father what you know to be true. When you commit yourself, do so without fear. Tell each other of the love you will need to remember in the years to come. And tell each other why you choose to vow it." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Are you ready, both of you?" 

She and Etan both nodded, and Jareth smiled. 

"Etan, you are first. Please, show your wife your heart, give her your vow, and commit your life."

Ayleth blinked. She hadn't even thought about the vows. Was this a Summitran tradition? No, Jareth was Zenithran. What would she say?!

But then Etan's throat bobbed and he squeezed her hands and every thought flew out of her head as he stared her at and spoke, his voice shaking with emotion, and his hands trembling in hers. 

**** STOP! ****

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