Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 98 - Do You Swear?


"Well, I have to go back," Etan said firmly. "Even if they don't know we've received the message, we have to be back by tomorrow night. My parents will think I'm avoiding returning if I'm back much later than the mid-day meal. And Ayleth's as well, if they have heard anything. So, if we're both going back, the only question is… whether we get married before we do. But tell me why you believe that to be the best course. I thought we believed forcing the marriage would create conflict?"

His hand tightened on hers and her heart began to thump. 

She wanted to do this. Badly. She wanted Etan, not just in pure desire, but… she wanted him at her side. She wanted to stop hiding her love for him—and stop him from hiding his.

"It would. It will," Falek admitted slowly. "But it will also require a more measured response from both your parents. If you are in a contractually bound, consummated relationship, they cannot simply hide it. The scandal would be even more immense than what will occur when others learn you've married in secret." The man sighed heavily. "It isn't what I would choose, but I do believe in what you two wish to do. I believe in your vision. And if they have learned about your relationship, I can't see a more certain way to ensure they will hear you out when you return to the Castle—and the festival."

"We can't forget the Peace Accord," Borsche added. "If you are married, there's no traditional or legal grounds for the other nations to evict you from the Accord. However if you have simply… stolen her virtue, many nations would see that as a breach of the Festival's peace."

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Ayleth had to work not to jiggle in her seat. All the men in her life were working, aiming for her marriage, and she wanted that so badly. 

Then Falek got to his feet and approached her, offering a hand. "May I speak with you alone, Ayleth?" he said quietly.

For the briefest moment, Etan's hand tightened on hers. But then Falek looked at him, not in challenge, or aggression, but with… some grief. Some hope. Etan looked at her then and she nodded. He let her go and she reached for Falek's hand as he helped her to her feet, and they walked a short distance away, around a small thicket of trees until they were hidden from the view of Borsche and Etan. 

When Falek turned to face her, his face was lined and set. But he wasn't angry. 

"What is it, Falek?" she asked quietly. 

"I am torn," he said, his hands gripped to fists at his thighs. "I want to see you happy and settled, and I do believe Etan is the right man for you, Ayleth, I do. I believe if he was from almost any other nation, your parents would see him as a fine husband."

"Then what is the problem?"

Falek raked a hand through his hair. "You know you are a sister to me, Ayleth. You know you are precious to me."

Ayleth swallowed the sudden pinch in her throat and nodded. 

Falek sighed. "I feel like if I go through this with this, I am stealing something from your father. I feel like I'm stealing his place in your life. And I feel like you will miss… you will miss so many memories and traditions that should have been yours to look back on and cherish together. Etan as well. But… I find myself torn. Afraid I am stealing from you and the King—and the Queen—even with good intention. And I… don't want to give you up."

"Why would you have to give me up?" she laughed. "You're my Knight Defender."

"I am your Knight Defender as appointed by your father. I am under his rule, and vowed to protect you—but I vow and serve the King. Ayleth, he can remove me from you and order me anywhere and I would have to go."

Ayleth blinked. Then blinked again. "No… that can't be right. My mother said you would be at my side my entire life!"

"And I would. I will! If your parents allow it. But under these circumstances… Ayleth they may name me Traitor, and they would not be incorrect. I have… I haven't protected you as I should have. And now I plan, knowingly against their wishes, to bring you into union with their enemies. Hell, if it wasn't about me, I would name me a traitor! I already see myself in that light."

"Do not," Ayleth said, her words firm and pressed through her teeth. "You are the furthest thing from a traitor and if my parents can't see that—"

"Ayleth, your goals conflict with theirs, can you see? That is the very definition of traitor. You are a traitor, but I understand why. This is… a very unique form of revolution. You choose your people over your parents and I love you for it. I pray the people will too, when they hear. But regardless of that fact, the moment we step foot before a man of the cloth and you sign your life to Etan… you stand in opposition to your King. And if I stand with you, so do I."

Ayleth licked her lips. She hadn't thought about it in those terms. Hadn't allowed herself to think about it. 

He was right.

"Ayleth?" Falek whispered. "Are you absolutely certain you are prepared to do this?"

She stared at the man who had been more father to her than her own. Who had played older brother, protector, friend, and Knight for almost her entire life. Who had both disciplined and aided her in this. And who now faced a death penalty for doing so. 

"Would you vow to me, Falek?" she whispered. His eyes widened, but she rushed on. "You are correct. And my answer to you is, yes. Yes I am certain I am prepared to do this. But I am not prepared to lose you. We will need you. Your wisdom, your strength. I will need you if I am to foray into an unknown realm. So… yes. I will break my honor and defy my King for the greater good of my people. But I will not require the same of you. If you cannot… if you cannot, I will release you. I will send you back and you can even raise the alarm. I will not force you to stand against the King."

"But that would remove me from you!"

"And I do not want that. But I also do not want to force you to become something you aren't, Falek. So the choice is yours. If you wish to stay loyal to the King I will discuss it with Etan and Borsche and we will figure out how to do this without you breaking your vows. But if you… if you would swear fealty to me. Discard your vow to my father, for my sake… I would have you not only as Knight, but as Advisor, and I would keep you at my side for the duration of my life." She swallowed and Falek stared. "So, I will ask you again: Would you swear fealty to me, as… as your future Queen, and current ruler?"

Falek's mouth dropped open.

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