Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 125: Light

Chapter 125: Light

"Damn dude, how did you get a Blessed Rank C to fight for you here? It doesn't make sense. Someone from Rank C has never before accepted to participate in the battles that happened here. What did you offer him to come and fight? Your ass?" one of the young men in Robert's group asked the young man who brought the man into the fight with a curious but playful look.

Hearing the assumption of his friend, the young man could not help laughing a little and saying with pride, "Of course not. You know I'm incredible. I managed to find a powerful man who was looking for a certain person, and I offered him the opportunity to fight in an underground fight circle that might contain that person he was looking for... or not. Now if he is going to find that person or not, it is none of my business since I fulfilled my part of the agreement, hehe." The young man replied with his chest puffed up, thinking he was very smart for snagging such an amazing competitor.

"I can't believe you didn't have to offer him practically anything besides the ticket to participate, which you would already pay naturally... Damn it, you were lucky! As the first of us who will be able to have a champion, you must share part of the reward with us too!" said another excited young man.

They weren't considering that Noah would win for a moment. For them, Noah was just a peak Blessed Rank D, but putting someone like that to fight against a Blessed Rank C was practically begging for defeat.

Even though the difference was apparently only one rating, in fact, the vast majority of the Blessed were unable to cross that threshold. Even people who received Rank C Blessings would have a hard time crossing that threshold, so to be able to become a Blessed Rank C and leave the Rank C Fortresses on its own was almost a miracle.

As much as Noah appeared to be very strong, his opponent was a Blessed Rank C. Even the people in the VIP room realized that Noah's opponent was at least Rank C. His skills were more powerful and versatile than they had imagined, but some were beginning to wonder whether Noah might be Rank C, since he was managing to resist the man without taking any damage so far, although he had also been unable to do any harm to the man.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Because of the person who always said that Noah was going to win, and in the end that person was always right, the old people still felt a little intimidated to say that they thought Noah would lose, so as not to make fools of themselves again.

On the stage, Noah was still teleporting around constantly to try to get an opening in the man's defense, but as much as he teleported countless times, whenever he thought he would get an opening, that golden protective barrier would appear once again and defend against the attack he had had a hard time finding the opportunity to make.

Fortunately, the arena was very small, so he could teleport freely in there without worrying about the energy spent. After all, after his last skill level up, the energy consumption was lower. It was not a much lower consumption, but for such a small arena, with his energy supply being greater after he burned the first man, now he could use the teleports to dodge the attacks of the carefree man, which left the battle at an impasse.

With each of Noah's teleports, he left a small flame in place in order to try to use the same strategy that he used against Bobby to deal with this man, but unfortunately this strategy was no longer a novelty. When the man saw that Noah was doing this, whenever a new flame appeared, the man used a strange skill that made the flame become a point of light and shine a little until it disappeared.

Noah was starting to get frustrated. The flame that burned the man's arm had already stopped burning. Even though Noah continued to supply that flame with energy, the man probably actually used an ability to put out the flame.

"Ok, I believe the game is over. Let's end this battle soon." the man said, his voice getting a little more serious as he put himself in a more rigid position, apparently preparing for a major attack.

Noah's mind was trying to figure out what to do. He could just teleport out of the arena and save himself if it was too powerful an attack for him, but Noah didn't want to do that. It had already been very problematic to reach the finals; if he left the tournament without the money for Maggy's treatment, he would feel very bad about it, especially after he had determined to speed up the process of them leaving the city. He needed Maggy to start treatment to recover as fast as possible.

The man's eyes, which had already glowed golden, were now becoming even brighter. Little by little it was possible to notice that the brightness was growing so much that it could even be mistaken for two headlights. Noah always found Blessings that affected eyes to be very cool, and this one in particular was probably one of the coolest he had ever seen.

But he was feeling that just as this Blessing was very cool, it was also very dangerous, to the point that Noah no longer had the courage to look into the man's eyes. He knew he was immune to illusions because of the system, but an illusion was different from a flash of light that would blind him like the last skill that the man used. Because of the potency the man's eye had, Noah was afraid that if he was blinded by this ability now, maybe he would just recover with some medium level treatment.

Suddenly, instead of just the eyes, the man's mouth this time also started to shine until a little light also started to seep through the man's nose, and by the time Noah realized, it was too late; the man was exploding. The glow had become so strong because the man was using all the energy in his body for this attack, so much so that the energy started to overflow and conflict with itself, until the explosion became inevitable.

Noah couldn't even teleport since the pain he was feeling because of the burning that light was doing on his skin did not allow him to concentrate on where he wanted [Hell Tunneling] to take him. But there was something that Noah's mind was definitely focused on doing, that he considered the only alternative he could use right now, which was just to release [Hell Flames] in all directions around him to try to absorb as much of that energy as possible.

When the flames started to absorb the energy around him, Noah started to feel quite renewed. If it had been in any normal situation, he would have been very happy to be so satisfied to absorb so much energy, but at that moment it was not possible for him to feel that way. Already, the pain of his skin being burned was conflicting with the feeling of renewal that absorbing the energy was giving him.

Noah hoped the [Hell Flames] absorbed more than the damage that this explosion of light was doing to him, otherwise, having his skin deformed for the rest of his life would be the best thing that could happen to him, the worst... maybe death.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Noah managed to regain some consciousness. He realized that he only got it back because the man had decreased energy production with a slightly tired look on his face, which made Noah very concerned. He believed that such a powerful skill was at least a finishing skill, where the man who used it would be unable to continue fighting after using something as powerful as that. But aside from the slightly tired expression the man had on his face, nothing about him was any different. Even his eyes shone again with the light golden hue as if nothing had happened.

At that point, Noah felt his own skin being completely burned. He didn't know if it was burned to the point that he would have to pay a powerful healer to heal the scars, but he thought it was sure to look like it hurt.

But seeing that the other man didn't seem to have a scratch on him besides the first cut, Noah didn't know if he could win.


Please read the author's notes down here! hehe :3 ↓↓↓

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