Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 178: Mask

Chapter 178: Mask

In anger, Noah decided to take this battle more seriously.

* Bamf *

Once again Noah teleported around the healer, but not even giving time for the teleportation flames to disappear, Noah teleported again.

*Bamf* *Bamf* *Bamf* *Bamf* *Bamf* *Bamf* *Bamf*

To everyone's confusion, both opponents and the public, Noah was teleporting non-stop, at a very high speed.

If it was already difficult to locate a person who was teleporting, when that person began to teleport at such a high speed as that, the task was impossible.

Not knowing what to do, the warrior started attacking around whenever an explosion appeared. But unfortunately, no attacks from him connected this time. If Noah didn't have the spatial perception, he himself would have been lost after so many teleports, but because of the skill, he knew precisely where he was, where the enemies were, and especially, where a small fire bomb was.

James had taken this opportunity to generate some small fire bombs with his Blessing, and taking advantage of the fire mess that Noah's teleportations were doing, he hurled everything at the group. Noah had already proved to them that even in such a chaotic situation he would be able to identify attacks and deflect, so James was counting on it.

And just as they expected, without Noah even having to attack, James' bomb went into that area and Noah teleported away just before the explosion.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


When the bomb exploded, several glass walls exploded together with it. Splinters of glass appeared everywhere, but Noah didn't care. Taking advantage of the dust and smoke that the explosion caused, he teleported to another place and quickly located the two players on the enemy team.

The healer was using his Blessing to heal himself and not die, while strangely the warrior was using the sword to deflect and cut the most lethal glass that came towards him, ignoring the serious injuries he had received from the explosion.

Noah took advantage of the warrior's distraction and used the [Fire Claws] to eliminate the healer, while James threw more bombs and ended that warrior's life.

Throughout the battle, Noah felt that there was something strange about this warrior. It was as if he was faster and stronger than a player with generic Blessings could be, not to mention the reaction speed he had, which was abnormally high to the point where Noah doubted whether he really was human.

With the Healer and the warrior dead, killing the other reborn players was easy, and fighting 5x2 against the healer and the warrior was also not difficult, which guaranteed Noah's team another victory, but unlike the previous day, a much more difficult victory.

{Wow! I believe this has been the battle with the highest technical level in the championship so far? At all times I was in doubt as to whether Lucifer would win or whether DarkSword would be victorious. But given Lucifer's monstrous teleportation speed, it would be difficult not to win that match. Apparently the teams that are going to deal with them in the next matches will have to be very careful about this. After all, an enemy that moves at such a high speed is very dangerous. What do you think about it, analysts?}

Hearing the question presented to them, analysts Tixinha and Toboco were a little embarrassed. If they could, they would have chosen not to comment on Lucifer's games anymore, since there was not a moment that they had gotten it right about this strange player. Unfortunately for them, apparently all the data they had about Lucifer was incomplete, since at all times he showed something new that they were not expecting.

{I didn't think Lucifer could handle DarkSword's monstrous reaction time using an even more monstrous teleportation speed. It is common knowledge that people with space Blessings find it difficult to use skills often, since specifically this type of Blessing has a very high energy consumption. But apparently, against all the information we have, Lucifer once again showed that his ability cannot be read by common sense. Honestly, if I were to bet my money on someone from now on, I would probably bet on him, since if I am going to get my analysis wrong, at least that would earn me some money,} Tixinha said while getting a little nervous and playing with the audience for distraction.

Toboco, the other analyst also gave his opinion. {I have to agree with my dear friend Tixinha. It is strange to have to deal with a player like Lucifer. The information we have about him is apparently out of date, or Lucifer was deliberately hiding his own strength. I find that very difficult to happen, but if he has more surprises to show during the championship, Team From Hell has many chances of reaching the finals. Unfortunately he already has a lot of powerful skills. The chance of him showing more new skills like that is very small.}

While the narrator and the commentators talked about it, Noah and his team went out into the virtual lobby and saw the other teams looking at them with expressions burning with the desire to fight.

Everyone there had studied Lucifer's skills, and dealing with the skills he had shown had already been very complicated. When they realized that Lucifer was still holding out on them, players who thought they would have an easy win now began to reconsider that thought and started taking battles more seriously.

Noah clearly didn't care for them. Yesterday he had discovered a very interesting player.

Apparently Noah was not the only player to "have a Space Blessing" in that championship, and that other player was someone closer than Noah imagined. Pearl and his team were resting for the next match, as they would go after the next match.

Noah knew that his Blessing itself was not necessarily a Space Blessing, in fact, he took advantage of the size of hell to close the distance between two places, making it look like he went from place to place instantly. But this would be the first time he was going to deal with a player with a real Space Blessing, and Noah was really excited about that.

Because of the reaction of the other players in that place toward their team, Noah and the boys were not comfortable, in addition to not wanting to disturb Pearl and their team, who were the only acquaintances they had in that place, and left the virtual environment.

Because of the night before, they were very sleepy. Only Noah did not have this problem, because of his Stamina statistics which were already 70% higher than that of a normal human because of the points he received when leveling and absorbing stats from other people.

So bored, Noah decided to take a walk around the city alone. As the place was very busy because of the championship, Noah went on foot, since he didn't want to get stuck in city traffic and waste so much time. Not to mention that because of the championship, the stores were all open, so Noah could find anything he wanted in that area.

Without looking for anything specific, Noah walked around the stores looking for things he could take as a souvenir for Maggy, or buying things he might like. Maybe he could grab some gifts for the boys at the hotel, after all, money was no problem for him now.

Leon had already transferred the $85,000 prize from the fight because of the agreement they had with his church priest wanting them to meet. Not counting how much he had received from the recent raids, Noah had more than $100,000. Even though he had set aside a portion for Maggy's treatment, a lot of money was still left.

In one of the stores he entered, Noah saw something that caught his eye. It was a red mask with large fangs protruding from its mouth and a pair of horns on its forehead.

The quality of that mask was very good. While he held it, he realized that it was more resistant than porcelain.

"Excuse me, how much is this mask?" Noah asked the salesman that he was almost asleep at the store counter.

When the man heard Noah's question, he immediately woke up and started talking in a very animated way. "This Oni mask? As this is from the oriental culture, we sell a lot to the young audience, I really think it suits you a lot. Taking everything into account, I'll sell it for a lower price than normal, only $1,000."

Hearing the price of the mask, Noah said nothing, returned the mask to the display place and started walking out of the store quietly. It was not because he had a lot of money that he was going to waste it on such things. He thought that mask would cost a maximum of $ 80.

Seeing Noah leave without saying anything, the man began to speak desperately. "Wait, wait! Don't go out! I can guarantee you the mask is worth the price!"

As Noah had nothing to do, he decided to stop and listen to what the man had to say. As much as he liked this mask, it was just that - a mask. It wasn't something he needed to the point of spending such a big fortune just for something like that. But if what the man had said was true, then Noah could give it a try, as he was curious about what was so good about this mask that the price would be equal to the earnings of an invasion of a Rank E Fortress.


Please read the author's notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

As we reach 7,5k votes last week and I don't update 7 of the extra chapters, for a personal reason that probably you guys already know what it is, this week will have 13 extra chapters! Vote for more next week!! :D

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