Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 599

Chapter 599 Setting a Trap

It was no wonder Wright let out such a gasp.

The exchange of blows between Andonara and the white-armored woman just now, in terms of power, was as if a tank weighing thirty or forty tons had hit an SUV that weighed only about two or three tons at about 80 kilometers per hour.

But the white-armored woman who flew backward wasn’t injured at all.

Andonara just pulled a fast one and directed all the force of impact to force her opponent away from the oasis.

Because Roland was still in the oasis.

She didn’t want the fallout from her fight to affect Roland.

Like a meteor, the blue firebird hit the white-armored woman who had risen from the sand and dust. There was another terrifying crashing sound, and an angry dragon’s roar came from the blast that spread like a circle.

A white dragon that was at least fifteen meters long and stood up to four meters tall appeared in the cold magic.

Then its wings shook and it shot up into the sky with a strong wind.

The blue firebird spun around and gave chase. The two “monsters” soon disappeared high in the sky. Roland wanted to use the Human Cannonball combo to chase after them, but then he immediately gave up on that idea. It wasn’t that he couldn’t catch up, but a huge dark shadow was gradually appearing on the horizon ahead.

After ten seconds or so, the intelligent golem was seen walking over step by step.

It looked slow, but it traveled quite fast; after all, it was so tall that a casual step spanned over twenty meters.

This was Roland’s target.

“Sure enough, it’s coming over. I’ll mess with it later, you guys cooperate with me?”

“Cooperate how?” Wright asked urgently.

Roland first transformed into Stoneform, then took out the magic brick and stuffed it into his body.

wer see

The raging magic power seemed to distort the space around it.

“I’ll dig the hole later and you guys help bury it!”

The eighteen meters tall stone golem rushed off, a huge cloud of sand bouncing off from the bottom of his feet as he ran over quickly.

The men who stayed behind him, especially Wright and the other commanders, each swallowed large swathes of sand.

Sweeping the sand off his bald head, Wright looked at the stone golem who was running forward furiously and couldn’t help but mutter, “Another celestial. Digging a hole and helping bury it? Incomprehensible, but whatever. Brothers, go command your teams, split into two groups, big and small, one group to help Roland, the other group to stand by in case something unexpected happens.”

The players moved quickly and were soon lined up outside the oasis in three large square arrays and two smaller ones.

The large square arrays began to move toward Roland.

The smaller square arrays stood by in front of the oasis.

Roland ran fast, and in no time, he was only about three hundred meters away from the intelligent golem.

He waved his hand and used Dimensional Anchor.

With the intelligent golem as the center, a transparent spatial chain hooked the nearby space tightly.

The intelligent golem looked at this Dimensional Anchor and stopped.

Being a body of steel, it couldn’t make expressions, but its mental power could.

Spellcasters could communicate with mental power, and the intelligent golem allowed its mental power to express disdain and contempt visibly.

Roland was unmoved and continued to sprint.

At this time, the intelligent golem felt proud.

In the past two days, it had finally had enough time to absorb magic power because of the white dragon’s help.

It was now in its best shape.

A golem with sufficient magic power was invincible.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So what if its spatial movement abilities were restricted by the Dimensional Anchor; it was not afraid of anyone now.

Including the three elders in the Magic Tower.

Those three goons.

This time, the intelligent golem Barton thought he had to win beautifully, and then the glory of this great victory would be given to his love.

At the thought of that beautiful silhouette, a passionate flame rose from the cold body of the intelligent golem Barton, a flame that converged on his eyes and then jetted out.

Two bright red lights like searchlights shone on the running stoneman.

The stone in front of the stoneman scorched and cracked at an extremely fast rate, then detached.

It wasn’t even fifty meters into the run, and there was already a large layer of stone missing from the stoneman’s chest.

But the stoneman was still running wild, and when he was still a hundred meters away from the intelligent golem, he leaped and reached forward with both hands, trying to rush to hug the latter’s waist.

Seeing this maneuver, the intelligent golem cursed angrily with its mental power. “Again with these cheap, nasty tactics.” He knew very well that if he was held tightly, he would more than likely be flipped to the ground again by this damned stoneman.

So it had to stop its “ray irradiation” ability, take two steps straight back, pull out the longsword hanging from its back, and deliver an inverted vertical slash.

The upper half of the stoneman was sliced off and landed with a thud on the sand.

Due to its overly large size, the stoneman landed with a lot of noise, and powerful wind currents jetted around, raising a large amount of sand and dust.

Knowing that it couldn’t kill the stoneman this way, the intelligent golem took a half step back and raised his sword, slicing the stone golem on the ground from two halves into four equal parts.

Even then... it still wasn’t able to kill an Elemental Lord.

So the intelligent golem decided to continue to slice the stoneman into more pieces, and then crush it into powder with his magic; this way, even the Elemental Lord would have a hard time resurrecting. In this way, it frantically swung the long sword in its hand, cutting the stone golem into dozens of pieces of varying sizes, and was about to find a way to turn the stone Elemental Lord into powder when it suddenly found that it was being held from behind by someone. The hold was so firm and so tight that it could barely move.

Who is it?

The intelligent golem turned around and found that the hands holding his waists were two huge stone hands, which were finely built, and the rocky protrusions on them were clearly visible.

When did another stoneman appear? Elemental Lords can move stealthily?

The intelligent golem was astonished and was about to struggle, but then noticed that two hands were stretched out on the sand, and fixed its legs as well.

What’s going on!

There are four Elemental Lords?

The intelligent golem was startled and hurriedly used its mental power to check its surroundings. Then, to its surprise, it found that somehow, it was completely in the enemy’s mental power field.


The intelligent golem knew that it was bad and struggled in a hurry.

First, it slashed the two pairs of stone hands pulling its left and right legs with one strike each, then it dropped the longsword in its hand and tore at the stone hands holding its waist with all its might.

As an intelligent golem, it was extremely strong and did this easily.

Just as it tore off the hands, however, a dozen more pairs of stone hands grew out of the sand and grabbed its legs. Damn, what’s going on? The one controlling the intelligent golem was, after all, only a Master Mage’s soul with limited experience.

He simply didn’t understand what was happening and what was the cause.

He tugged and tugged desperately.

He had to try to rip all those stone hands off of himself.

Indeed, he could tear off these stone arms... yet he could not tear them nearly as fast as the stone hands could grow out of the sand.

Within a few minutes, the giant stone hands of varying sizes had already gripped on tightly to the lower half of the intelligent golem’s body.

And more stone hands grew, trying to wrap around the entire golem.

Damn it!

The intelligent golem struggled desperately, but it couldn’t move at this time.

Nor could it use spatial magic to teleport away.

Barton, who was the soul core of the golem, was anxious and shouted with his mental power, “Contemptible. Let go of me and fight me squarely if you can.”

Roland snorted.

I just passed Master, and you are already almost Legendary, aren’t you ashamed to talk about a proper fight?

During the three days he spent in bed, Roland didn’t just lie there.

Aside from the small benefits that Andonara offered, Roland had spent three days thinking about how to deal with this golem.

It was powerful, extremely resistant to magic, and had an extremely high physical defense.

It had almost no weaknesses.

But after three days of thinking, Roland still came up with a new tactic.

He felt that it was quite reliable.

It was necessary to use Dimensional Anchor first to prevent the opponent from escaping. Then, fight the opponent in close combat as an Elemental Lord, but this would only be a distraction. His real intention would be to find a way to control the golem.

And then bury this golem in the ground.

To do so, he used his data on magic nodes to temporarily improve the ability of Elemental Embodiment.

Some of the properties of Hand of Magic were incorporated into it.

The nature of the stone Elemental Embodiment was subsequently altered a lot as well.

The outer layer of the stoneman was now no longer just an Elemental Embodiment, but stone armor.

The real Elemental Lord was still the size of a normal human and was hidden within the huge stone shell.

It was like piloting a robot.

While the intelligent golem was slicing up the stoneman wildly, Roland’s real Elemental Embodiment dove deep into the sand layer under the stoneman’s shell.

He then manipulated a large number of earth elements into countless stone elemental hands and grabbed the legs of the golem.

“Let go of me!”

The golem grew anxious and fearful as its spirit roared, and it lowered its legs slightly, then propelled with its legs, trying to use its sheer strength to break free of these annoying stone elemental hands.

But what it didn’t expect was that just as it pushed upward, it seemed to step through something for a moment, and its legs sunk, going deep into the sand and dust.

What’s going on!

The golem looked down and its soul was almost scared out of its body.

Somehow, the sand and dust beneath it had turned into a swampy terrain.

Stone to Mud... the name flashed through the golem’s mind.

It struggled desperately, its eyes emitting intense rays of red light, trying to roast the swamp dry.

“You’re not going to get away with this, scumbag.”

This quick wit of his was more than good, and the water in the swamp quickly dried up under the glare of the light rays, turning it into black, hardened earth.

Seeing that it worked, the golem became excited.

“I told you, you won’t get away with it.”

It increased the power of the rays’ output, two red pillars of light that were almost three meters wide in diameter.

The swamp quickly turned into black land.

But Roland, deep in the sand, saw this with his mental power and smiled instead.

“This idiot.”

After the golem steamed the swamp all dry, it tried to tear off some stone elemental hands on its body, and then braced its hands on the ground firmly, trying to pluck itself out.

But then there was a brief pause in his mental power.

Then came ripples, and these ripples grew denser and denser, crashing into each other, and finally became monstrous waves.

It couldn’t pull itself out.

Roland burst into laughter deep in the sand layers.

After the mud hardened, they were just chunks of rock.

The golem fixed the lower half of its body in the rock. It would be a wonder if it could pull itself out.

According to the principles of mechanics, trying to hold its massive body up with both hands was a difficult task in itself.

Add to that the fact that the lower half of its body was immobilized and there were plenty of stone elemental hands gripping it.

These three factors combined made it so that it would have to use a force that could lift three times its own weight to pull itself out. However, even if it could exert three times as much force, the ground its hands were touching would not be able to support such a large force.

In other words, there wasn’t a large enough area for the force to be applied.

If it used all its strength, its hands would sink right into the ground like piercing tofu. Sure enough... realizing that it couldn’t pull out after some effort, the golem panicked and immediately used all its strength. With a slush, its hands pressed straight into the earth.

What happened!

Under the sand and dust, Roland was grinning from ear to ear. He used his magic power to turn the sand layer near the hardened black earth into mud again.

This time the golem could no longer struggle, and it could only watch itself sink with a bunch of rocks and dirt.

It sank faster this time. But it still put up a lot of resistance before it sank into the mud.

It frantically tore up stone elemental hands and shined its two rays of light everywhere.

The look of a complete lunatic.

The ground was trembling.

It wasn’t until after it had sunk completely into the mud that Wright finally came over with the men.

He saw this scene from afar and exclaimed, “As expected of the strongest Mage, such quick thinking.”

With those words, he waved his hands. “Fill the pit.”

Players now fully understood what filling the pit meant.

Players who knew the spell Mud to Stone made a strong effort to turn the mud into rock, and in a short time, a semi-circular lid that was fifty meters high and about a hundred meters in diameter was pressed on top of the swamp.

Roland wormed out of the sand layer, changed back to human form from his Elemental Embodiment, and then sighed in relief.

Wright came up and asked, “How is it, can this hold it down?”

“The ground is over three hundred meters deep,” Roland said with a smile. “What do you think?”

“It’s definitely not going to pop up,” Wright said admiringly. “You’re still the best. Even if we thought of this method, we wouldn’t be able to do it.”

Roland smiled and felt that this was indeed the case.

Humans never lack good ideas, but they lack the capital to turn them into reality.

For example, someone knew that an artificial sun was the future of mankind.

But they were only the leader of a small African country, overseeing a population of a million or so. The number of undergraduates was less than four thousand, of which two thousand were literature students, one thousand five hundred were finance students, the other four hundred were doctors or something, and only about a hundred were studying physics.

The local university lecturers were all hired from abroad.

In this case, even if one knew that an artificial sun was the future, they couldn’t make the technology for an artificial sun even if they put the whole country’s money on it.

There probably wouldn’t even be enough to build a few kilometers of major roads.

Only when the foundation was laid and when there was enough strength...

...A good idea would be a good idea, and a good plan would become a good plan.

Otherwise, it would just be a pipe dream.

That was the case now, and some players had thought of burying the golem alive.

But Rock to Mud took time to cast, and the larger the range the longer it took. It would take them nearly a minute to make the large swamp that trapped the golem.

In that time, the golem would’ve realized and ran away.

But Roland only needed a dozen seconds.

And Roland had a way to temporarily control the golem.

This was the difference between the number one Mage and them.

In just a few fights, he could figure out a method and execute it.

“So it’s quite prescient of me to be a casual player.” Wright sighed deeply, then looked at the other commanders in the back and gloated, “At least I won’t feel such a terrible blow.”

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