Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 651 - Talk More On That

Chapter 651 Talk More On That

Roland looked around and asked, “Where’s your Margret?” Logically, as Schuck’s mount, Margret should never be away from him.

Schuck shrugged helplessly. “This is a crusade, a matter of critical importance for the Church of Light. Margret is a red dragon and naturally inclined to evil, although she hasn’t done anything horrible. But even so, it’s inappropriate for a red dragon to join a crusade. It would’ve been fine if she were a silver dragon or a golden one.”

The metal dragons had the alignment of law, and they were said to be rather close to the Church of Light.

Roland smiled and said, “Then you can set out first. I’ll stay here for a while. If what you described really happens, I’ll deal with it.”

“Thank you.”

Leading the Guardians of Light, Schuck went to the teleportation array, followed by the logistical division of the Church of Light.

A lot of weapons and food were delivered into the portal too. Many players observed the march and pointed fingers at them.

They didn’t have a problem with the Guardians of Light; they were only learning from the configuration and formation of the troops.

Further ahead was a troop that was exclusively made of young nobles.

There were only about two thousand of them.

Counting the logistics personnel, there were about five thousand people.

All of them were quite good-looking. Their fair skin and the arrogance on their faces both revealed that they were born nobility.

Those people had looked humble until this moment.

It couldn’t be helped. The troops that just passed them were the famous Guardians of Light, led by a Saint Samurai.

A Saint Samurai could call whoever he executed evil, and other people had to acknowledge his declaration.

They would be idiots to incite conflict with such people.

After the troops walked away, they were left alone with thousands of Golden Sons.

Before they came to Hollevin from Fareins, Stephanie had repeatedly warned them not to piss off the Golden Sons or do anything bad in front of them, or even the royal family wouldn’t be able to save them.

They all remembered her warning very well.

Also, their families had sources of intelligence too, and they were quite familiar with the power of the Golden Sons.

However, the Golden Sons were still not as intimidating as the Guardians of Light.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After all, they hadn’t personally witnessed what the Golden Sons could do yet. After all the Guardians of Lights went in, a lot of players followed them.

Very soon, the place became much emptier.

Then, a young noble walked to Roland and asked, “May I ask if you are Mr. Roland?”

Roland nodded.

“The First Princess asked me to report to you. She said that you would make arrangements for us.” After saying that, the young noble delivered a letter. “She asked me to give this to


Roland opened the letter, which was hand-written by a female and carried the seal of the royal family of Fareins.

The letter asked Roland to take care of those young nobles, who were the descendants of the major families in Fareins Kingdom and the future of their country.

Not all the young nobles were useless. Of the two thousand nobles, ninety percent really considered the expedition an opportunity to improve themselves. About a hundred of them were only here to claim credit. They were all descendants of grand nobles and required additional attention. Of course, Roland was free to punch them if they caused trouble, as long as they weren’t killed. It was fine even if their limbs were severed. After all, they could regrow those organs with healing magic.

After reading the letter, Roland asked, “What’s your name?”

“Hunter Biden!”

Roland was briefly stunned. “You’re General Biden’s youngest son?”

“No, I’m the second oldest among my siblings,” Hunter continued anxiously. “I have a little brother named Richard.”

Good thing that he wasn’t the youngest son... Roland vaguely remembered the king of Fareins talking about the special relationship between Biden’s youngest son and his sister-in-law.

This Biden guy seemed rather capable.

He was level seven, the highest of all the nobles from Fareins in the troop.

It seemed that Stephanie didn’t pick random people. The commander she appointed knew what he was doing.

“Then what’s your plan?” asked Roland.

Hunter stood straight. “The First Princess asked us to listen to your command on all matters.”

Roland thought for a moment and said, “You stay here for now and go to the Realm of Devils later.”

“Okay, no problem.”

Hunter nodded and returned to his unit, relaying Roland’s words.

Then, many people started complaining and making a fuss.

About thirty people cursed at Hunter, and Roland simply watched them silently.

He saw Hunter trying to explain himself, and how those people got more and more disobedient.

In the end, about twenty of them walked toward Roland.

Hunter anxiously tried to talk sense into them, but they disregarded him and made a beeline for Roland

In fact, not just Roland, a lot of players nearby were drawn in by the fuss.

The twenty people stopped in front of Roland and observed him.

Roland looked at them quietly without saying anything

After a moment of silence, a sunny-looking young man who was obviously good at socializing stepped out.

He stared at Roland and said, “You’re Archmage Roland that the First Princess mentioned?”

Roland raised his eyebrows and nodded.

“Sorry, but I need a minute with you.” The young man seemed rather polite and smiled in a friendly manner. “Although the First Princess has said that we all must listen to you, I have to ask you one thing. Have you ever commanded a troop?”

“No, I’m better at solo battles.” Roland paused for a moment and continued, “On the other hand, I’m good at commanding squads.”

“In such a case, you’re incapable of commanding us.” The young man went on with a smile. “Commanding a troop is different from commanding a squad. It involves a lot more things. Those who don’t have military knowledge can’t do it well.”

Roland gave an oh. “So you’re suggesting...?”

“You must be very capable to have been nominated by the First Princess.” The young man pointed at the nobles behind him. “But we’re far too honorable to be sacrificed in this battle, if you know what I mean.”

“You want to stay behind and not participate in the battle? That’s fine. That’s our plan anyway.”

The young man waved his hand. “Not exactly. We’re going to fight too, but we’ll only kill the devils that we can kill, without the risk of being wounded. Sir, I’m sure you know what I mean.”

Surely I do!

He wanted Roland to tie up the devil captives and deliver them over so that they could be killed.

“Of course it’s possible, but what price will you


Roland didn’t feel insulted, as he was already fully aware of the moral decadence of the nobles in this world.

Their opinions and outlooks were very different from those of players.

Things that the players found unbelievable or unacceptable were just common sense to them.

For example, even though the First Princess repeatedly asked them not to meddle with the Golden Sons, they still did.

It was only because they felt that they were nobles, and that if they were subtle instead of straightforward, it wouldn’t be a conflict.

“Didn’t you make a deal so that we could come here and claim credit?”

“We indeed agreed that you could come to claim credit, but we didn’t promise to protect you or satisfy your every wish.” Roland smiled.

The young man seemed at a loss. He looked around, only to find that his companions were equally confused, so he asked again, “You’re unwilling to obey us when so many noble heirs are here? Didn’t the king ask us to hire our own subordinates and troops here?”


Roland was shocked.

Then he realized that it was the king of Fareins’ trap. He probably wanted the nobles to recruit more Golden Sons for the kingdom of Fareins to use.

After all, undying Warriors and Mages could be deadly weapons for any family.

The number of Golden Sons that a noble family could attract would also indicate how influential the family was.

Of course... the royal family didn’t have to do that.

Stephanie had already caught Roland, the Golden Son with the greatest potential!

So that was what the king was up to. However, Stephanie knew the Golden Sons better, which was why she said in her letter to Roland that the nobles could be taught a lesson as long as they weren’t killed. “Some people might be willing to follow you.” Roland looked around at the players. “They will follow you if your payment is tempting enough. It’s all up to you whether or not you can draw anyone in.”

The young man looked at the Golden Sons in confusion and said, “Why don’t you choose some candidates for me, Mr. Roland? I’ll give you one gold coin for every Golden Son that’s willing to join my family.”

One gold coin? That’s a lot of money!

Roland probably would’ve accepted the mission if it were two years earlier.

However... after submitting the multiple teleportation magic array to the Goddess of Magic, he would never be short of money, and his dignity and pride mattered more at this moment.

He shook his head and said, “I’m not interested. It’s your own business. However, I need to say something to you. While you stay here, you must abide by the rules of this place. Don’t do certain things that can be insulting; otherwise, don’t blame me if you get beaten to death.”

The young noble looked around at the players and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Roland, just tell us the truth. Do we need to go to the front line or not?”

“No,” replied Roland with a smile. “You’re free to hire anyone here, but don’t do anything against other people’s wishes, or I won’t be able to ensure your safety.”

“Got it!”

The young noble looked at the players hanging around eagerly, especially the female players who had added stats points on Charm.

He then looked back at Roland. “I was told that Mr. Roland seduced the queen of this country two years ago. I’m quite impressed. I always find other people’s wives intriguing too. Perhaps we can talk more on that later.”

Roland’s face became as dark as the bottom of a pot.

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