Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 133: Sect Entrance Examination Part 2- Show your worth

Chapter 133: Sect Entrance Examination Part 2- Show your worth

"Hello everyone!" Inside the big stadium, Johnny was standing on the big stage holding a mic in his hand. He was looking at the crowd of youths, surprisingly there were some monsters too. This was indeed surprising because even if their sect accepts monsters, those monsters won't come so easily.

After all, that was a sect established by a human, how can any monster bow its head to a human? So it was hard for them to swallow the pride and co-exists with humans. After all, once you are a higher-level monster, you may not have complete control, but at least you can control your desire to kill.

So, high-level monsters do not slaughter lower-level humans otherwise, this earth would be complete hell. Because no matter how strong humans get, monsters will keep slaughtering mindlessly until only powerhouses remain.

Although he was surprised, he didn't show it on his face. He smiled at the crowd and spoke "Welcome to the Entrance Examination of Supreme Sword Sect. Before we start the actual examination, as a sect leader; I would like to point my views to anyone who can pass the entrance exams."

"Supreme Sword Sect, just from the name you can guess it is related with a sword. If it was the previous sect leader, he would've only selected swordsman, but I am not like him. His point of view and my point of view is completely different. He believes in talent, I believe Will."

"And believe, if you possess enough Will, our sect will turn you into a genius even if you are not."

'Our sect will turn you into a genius even if you are not.' These words were very domineering, especially for those ordinary people who couldn't awaken magic or martial path. Among them, the most excited one was Jamel Torres. These words meant a lot to him, even though his condition of living and others were completely different.

Other ordinary people were hoping to get awakened to support their families, while he was hoping to get awakened to free himself from his family restriction.

Seeing so many excited faces. Johnny smiled but soon that smile disappeared as he continued "But nothing is free in this world, if you want to something, you must have something that is equal in worth. Of course, I am talking about Will. If you don't have enough Will to bear the pressure of strong, then you aren't welcome here."

Hearing this, those excited faces disappeared and turned serious. They knew Johnny wasn't joking here, and everything comes with the cost. At this moment, Johnny continued "So, we'll go through a trial. The first is the test Will and last is also the test of Will."

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"I will realize my suppression at everyone present here. Five minutes, those who can stand for five minutes without passing out will pass. And this goes for everyone, including those with a unique talent. In other words, if you do pass out, you can go back to where you come from even if you are unique."

"Alright, I'll explain the next step after everyone passes this test." After this, he could hear crowd discussion among each other, some of them had serious faces while some didn't. At this moment, Johnny murmured "Giant Will + Sun's Suppression + Soul Suppression"

"Bang" Suddenly, a huge wave of power burst out of his body, spreading throughout the stadium. This power includes his Giant Will, his sun's energy, and soul suppression. But this power was just half of his true power.

Still, though, his power knocked out half of seven hundred people at once. This was very frightening, as most people began to cry in despair.

"This pressure is killing me. I can't hold on."

"How is this a trial? I-It is simply murder."

"N-No, I can't hold anymore."

As time passes, more and more began to pass out. But there were few people standing three without even buzzing. Jamel Torres, Jian Tian, Ouza, and ten others. These people weren't having any difficulties, as for the rest, they were barely holding on including Jester and Mohammad.

Of course, this was very horrible. Time felt too long for those.


Finally, five minutes passed by and only fifty people remains. Among these fifty people, thirty-five had blood gushing out from many parts of their body which were bite-marks. Jamel Torres has no aura around, and no bite-marks either.

Except for him, the other fourteen were covered with different aura. Jian Tian had a sharp sword aura around his body, negating the suppression from Johnny. Ouza had a powerful body, and there were five monsters near him, standing with red energy around them.

There were two girls near them, one was Noelle and another was Lucy. Of course, there was Raphael too. Although they had already entered the sect, Johnny still forced them to pass the trial. There were three almost same-looking youths with bulky bodies.

They were Nil, Pill, Chill, weird names but these were given by their parents. They were triplet, and their mother died after giving them birth. But they were unique because all three of them were Warrior with the same cultivation.

As for the last one among fifteen unhindered people, it was another girl with a ponytail. She was short as if she was around thirteen and wearing a pink skirt. Her round face made her cute.

As for the remaining thirty-five, they were in bad condition, barely holding on. Among them, only five were unique that includes Mohammad and Jester, as for others, they were ordinary people. Looking at them, Johnny lifted his mic once again and spoke "What I am going to tell you could be harsh, but I hope you've remembered what I've told you at the beginning."

"I can turn you into a genius only if you show your worth. That was my promise, and I'll keep it. But you need to be good enough for that. Now everyone here with unique ability has passed the entrance examination part 1."

"Of course, everyone with unique ability has already got a chance to be our sect disciple, but the uniqueness in your ability will decide your future in the sect. It means your worth, how much should the sect spend upon you? But if your ability is not very unique, you can choose to stay here."

"You will go through part 2 which is harder but if the longer you stay, the more benefit you'll get from the sect. As for those participants who have awakened their path, you need to stay conscious in the next two minutes on increasing pressure."

"With every minute, passes, the pressure will increase. So you need to stay conscious for only two minutes. Of course, since you guys haven't awakened your path, you might want to stay longer."

"Your value can only be presented through this trial. This means you need to stay longer if you want more benefits from the sect."

Hearing his words, despair flashed in those ordinary people. They were covered in blood, and they still need to go through another test. But none of them opposes, because they knew, this was their only chance.

"Start!" Johnny shouted, didn't even give them time to recover. From his body, immense pressure was released. Previously, it was half of his full suppression, slowly it was rising above half.

"Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud"

Before even a minute passed, Jester and Mohammad with fifteen others passed out on the ground.

"Whoosh" A figure moved very quickly and took them out. Johnny had no intention of damaging the body further, so he asked Klink to take them out. Klink was fast and strong, so he didn't worry about this task.

Then, only thirty-two remained on the stage.

"Thud" "Thud"

But soon, two more bodies fell on the ground before two minutes passed by. But after two minutes, ten more bodies fell on the ground. Soon, another one minute passed and the next ten bodies fell on the ground.

It has been three minutes, now no one had relaxed look on their faces at this moment. James Torres, Jian Tian, Ouza, three monsters, Raphael, the girl with a ponytail, Lucy, and an ordinary youth. At this moment, everyone was giving their all, but James Torres was still in good condition.

He had suffered a lot, and his Will was on a completely different level than others. Soon, another minute passed, at this moment, only five remained.

James Torres, Jian Tian, Ouza, the girl with a ponytail and an ordinary youth. It was surprising that another ordinary youth was still standing on the ground. But his body was covered blood, his eyes were blinking rapidly.

With more pressure than this, he might not be able to stay conscious. At this moment, even James was biting his tongue and lips to stay awakened. Everyone's body was burning with heat, except Ouza but he was feeling an immense amount of soul suppression.

"Thud" "Thud" "Thud"

The next minute passed, and three bodies fell on the ground unconscious. Only James and Jian Tian remained. At this moment, Heavenly Sword God Meridians were working with their full potential while James finally began to pinch and bite his hands to stay awake.

"I don't want to remain waste. I need to stand up. I can't pass out. I need to prove my worth. I won't remain waste. I'll show them the miracle of hard work." Although his voice was very low, it was still heard by Jian Tian.

At this moment, sudden emotion burst out of his heart. These emotions were completely new. These were the emotions when certain someone challenges you. It wasn't just the emotions of challenge, but feeling that if you hold back, you'll lose.

He was a genius, a genius that was above everyone. Even though he could see Johnny and Klink weren't much older than him, it doesn't mean he'll lose to anyone in terms of cultivation. But he knows, there is a heaven beyond heaven. It just that, the excitement of challenge and hard-work was already buried deep in his heart.

But now, these emotions, those excitements were coming, bursting out of his heart.

"I won't lose." At this moment, Jian Tian who was silent till now murmured in low voice. Biting his tongue, he kept pushing himself to break his limits.

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