Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 237: Battle for the Earth Part 2

Chapter 237: Battle for the Earth Part 2


A huge stream of flames gushed out of a largemouth towards hundreds of humans. The red flame enlarged when it released out of the mouth and covered hundreds of meters. Against such an enormous attack, everyone released their energy for defense.

Although their energy was strong enough, it only blocks the majority of the flame. As for the remaining minority, it burned down a small number of humans.

Since they couldn't defend themselves, most of them tried to escape. Unfortunately, none of them succeed. It was tragic for humans since most of them were War Saint Realm cultivators. In front of humans, there were hundreds of enormous creatures with red and black scales.

They had a huge pair of wings, a long tail, and a monstrous head. Each part of them was covered with scales. They were massive dragons. All of them were in their original form. A dragon at the very middle looked at the injured thunder emperor and said "Humanity return our ancestors soul or we'll erase your existence."

In front of the dragon, the thunder emperor was filled with blood. His clothes were tattered and the spear on his hand was broken. Not just him, most of the emperors had the same condition except Snow Empress.

She wasn't injured like others. Even Dream Empress and Light Empress were beaten hard. The dragon emperor situation was the most critical. Since he bears dragon power, he was instantly suppressed by the dragons.

"Erase us, what a big tone a lizard-like you have?" Suddenly, a mild voice rang in the sky. In front of the thunder emperor, a young man appeared. Beside him, few other people arrived. Johnny turned back and said, "You are really earth representative."

Suddenly, he touched his forehead and closed his eyes. In an instant, a new memory appeared on the Thunder Emperor's mind. It was the complete method of Heaven and Earth Eternal Domination Art. Reading this memory, the thunder emperor's eyes widen.

"Welcome to the Supreme Sword Sect!"

As he said it, he slowly floated in front of the main dragon and asked "I don't think you people have free time to waste on our planet. I wonder why made you lead so many lizards at once?"

"Human! Watch your tongue!" The dragon eyes turned red when he heard him calling them lizard twice. Not just him, everyone was beaming with anger.

The witch race who were watching from the sky felt speechless by Johnny's tone. Except for Rose, Klink, and Yan Yijun, everyone else was speechless. From the moment they accompanied, they have never fought weak people.

From War King to the Star Essence Realm cultivators, they did take many empowerments. But they have never shrunk when it comes to a fight. Suddenly, a black dragon floated towards Johnny and said "Human, as you said, we don't have leisure time to play here. So, return the thing you stole and we will return."

"For your information, we didn't steal anything." Johnny shook his head and spoke.

"Boy, don't lie in front of me! I can feel the energy of the ancestor's soul coming from that place." As the black dragon said, he pointed his claw at the Main Hall of the Supreme Sword Sect.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Johnny closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at Rose, nodding his head. Rose disappeared and appeared with a lamp in her heart. Then, Johnny looked at the dragons and said "I said, we didn't steal anything."

"Huh!" Hearing his words, everyone looked at him with weirdness in their gaze. They didn't understand what he meant. At this moment, Johnny continued "Why would I steal a trash soul who has been dead for millions of years?"


At this moment, everyone looked at Johnny with wide eyes. Even Klink and Yan Yijun were a little surprised. But they shook their head with a helpless smile yet again. Klink closed his eyes and the same goes for Yan Yijun. Both of them started burrowing strength from their secret method.

After all, opponents weren't very easy to kill at this moment.

"Holy F**k! Is that guy brain broken? Even we didn't dare to treat dragon race like this." The young man in purple robe sucked in cold air while floating far away from them. They had already entered the earth's atmosphere.

He especially watched Johnny. Originally, his gaze was fixed on Rose because he instantly realized her identity but now he couldn't look at anyone but Johnny.

"Miss, I think we should reconsider our decision. And if he weak, his death is fixed." One of the middle-aged men from the witch race speechlessly looked at Johnny and said. There was a little fear in his tone.

"No, let's wait!" But the woman with the red scarf shook her head and decided to wait. All of them were helpless against her orders so they decided to stop.

In front of Johnny, every dragon released a horrible killing aura to instantly suppress. The sky turned red and everyone felt horrible breath from those dragons. At this moment, they were completely mad.

"Lizards!" Suddenly, a soft voice rang in the sky. When others heard the voice, they followed the origin and saw a young lady. This young lady was none other than Rose. Suddenly, Rose's eyes turned red.


In an instant, a powerful breath came out of her body. The red sky started raining blood, the world beneath the dragon turned into hell, crawling with skeletons and the powerful slaughter aura froze everyone's soul.

Everyone looked at Rose with horror on their face including the young man in a purple robe. The slaughter aura brought horror to the dragon's heart. Although everything was just an illusion, they felt they had entered the world of hell.

At this moment, Johnny spoke, "Natasha, connect the cameras and record the festival." In an instant, Natasha started working under everyone's confused eyes. She connected dozens of cameras with the help of drones and few cameras focused on Johnny.

At the same time, she connected the entire world internet with these cameras and broadcast this situation live.

Then, he looked at those dragons and smile while saying "Two months ago, our sect was established. Before that, we made an overbearing decision. And due to that decision, many people lost their lives under the hands of monsters."

Then, he looked at Noelle and Raphael with apologetic eyes and continued "So, we held a festival in front of the entire world. Now, even though we weren't the culprit, it was still related to us."

Then he turned and looked at the cameras. But suddenly, looked at Rocky and asked "Do you have a way to broadcast this to the entire universe?"

"Huh!" Everyone got more confused as they looked at his act. The red dragon eyes were filled with fury as he saw Johnny getting more and more arrogant. He flapped his wings twice and swing its tail, rushing towards Johnny.

It spreads its claw and smashed towards Johnny. Seeing this, everyone shrunk but suddenly, they felt unreal when they saw a long sword colliding against the claw.


The sword was long, coated with red energy, and filled with intense sword energy. Holding the sword in his right hand, Klink blocked the claw of the dragon.


The dragon's momentum decreased with its energy. At the same time, the sword energy slowly dissipated at the sky. Looking at the swordsman in front of him, the red dragon made serious eyes and asked "Who are you?"

"Klink Zhen, the elder of the Supreme Sword Sect. I beg for defeat."

"Huh!" When everyone heard his words, their mouth twitched. Not just he, even the man with the purple robe had his face twitched. This made him think 'How weird is this sect? Why is everyone so weird but also powerful?'

Even he doesn't dare to say those words to the red dragon. After all, the red dragon's strength was equal to the Star Soul Realm. Not to mention, the dragon race has the better advantage when it comes to combat.


Suddenly, the black dragon sucked in a huge amount of dark energy and condense the flame inside its mouth. He aimed at Johnny and breath powerful flames in a single blast. But suddenly, a figure appeared in front of the flames while Johnny was still chatting with Rocky.

This figure spreads his arm and golden energy gushed out into the surrounding. In an instant, a huge square emerged out of the golden energy and trapped the flames inside of it. With a few seconds of trap, those flames vanished.

"Yan Yijun, the elder of the Supreme Sword Sect. I beg you, please join Buddhism!" In front of everyone, an extremely handsome boy spoke. Every girl had a blush on their face when they saw Yan Yijun. The young man in purple youth had jealousy in his eyes.

"Bang" Suddenly, another dragon gathered a huge fireball at its mouth and spew at Johnny. In an instant, another figure appeared in front of him and caught the hilt of her sword. Rose unsheathed her sword and touched the fireball with the tip of her sword.


In an instant, the fireball disappeared as if it was never there. Rose stood tall in front of Johnny and said "Rose Fenton, mistress of the Supreme Sword Sect. I beg you, please kill me"

Beggar Sect

At this moment, the Supreme Sword Sect instantly changed to the Beggar Sect in everyone's heart. At this moment, Johnny slowly floated in front of everyone and said "Everyone, Johnny Fenton, the sect master of the Supreme Sword Sect welcomes the universe in the Dragon Slaughter Festival!"

In an instant, heaven and earth turned silent.

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