Married the Scum Gong’s Villain Brother

Chapter 69.1

Translator: HuaEditor: Bamboozled?

Chapter 69: Sister-in-law + I’m not Yan Jingxun. (Part 1)

“Fuck, married? Are they for real….”

A member of the small group accidentally shouted out. He soon realized that it was wrong, and immediately covered his mouth, then looked at his companions in horror.   

His companion reacted similarly to him. But at this time, who would be stupid enough to really scream out. Everyone gave this companion a furtive look, but luckily there were many people around, and the sound was loud, so he didn’t stand out.

At the entrance, Shen Yijin, who announced that he was about to get married, was clean and tidy. He only said the invitation would be sent out to each family, and hoped that everyone would attend his wedding. He soon returned the microphone to Grandpa Shen.

Such an important occasion and event, even if it was surprising and  hard to believe, everyone should applaud and cheer.   

Old man Shen happily said a few more words, before announcing the start of the banquet and asking everyone to feel free.   

The cheerful and melodious waltz sounded on the well-decorated lawn. Many bigwigs in the industry who had a good relationship with old man Shen came to congratulate him, and even Shen Yijin and Yan Jingxun were also surrounded by them…  

Nobody knew what they were saying, only the laughter of those bigwigs was heard, and praising the couple for being a match for each other…   

Lin Li and others scattered silently. The small group gathered again in a corner. No one spoke this time, and everyone fell into a long silence.   

“F*ck, I f*cking said…when did Shen Yijin become such a frivolous person.” Finally someone couldn’t help but uttered a voice: “After a long time, he f*cking getting married…”  

“This…we also couldn’t imagine this ah. That Yan Jingxun still has this ability… Isn’t it too fast?”   

“Do you think they have known each other for a long time?”   

“…Fuck, you mean our Er shao was cuckolded?!”   

Although these people couldn’t talk about absolute loyalty to Er shao, they were in the same camp anyway.   

It was okay to eat melons and tease, but when they really knew that their Er shao “suffers loss”, these people wouldn’t make jokes about it again.  

Everyone started to think about the possibility that Er shao was wearing a green hat.   

“I don’t think so, in any case, it was Yan Jingxun who was dumped by Er shao.” One person said, “I don’t think Yan Jingxun really looks like the kind of person who steps on two boats.”   

“Yes, yes, don’t forget how humble Yan Jingxun looked when he liked Er shao… Although he seems different now, it was also true that he used to like Er shao!”   

“Not to mention Yan Jingxun, I don’t believe that Shen Yijin can do this. Even if he can, old master Shen won’t agree.”  

“You are right… Yi? Isn’t that Er shao!”  

Everyone who had almost shrunk to the courtyard wall saw a car driving into the gate from a distance and stopped in the side lane. Then, Shen Bohan, who had become extremely thin, got out of the car.

…It had only been ten days since they last saw him. Er Shao was so thin, and was totally out of shape.  

If it were not for the fact that they almost all grew up with Shen Bohan, it would be hard to recognize at first glance. 

When everyone saw that Shen Bohan got out of the car, they all rushed over, “Er shao, are you ok? You, you, you are very sick…”   

The first person to run up to the front was almost frightened by Shen Bohan’s thin wicked ghost-like face.   

“Shen Er, what’s the situation?” Even Lin Li couldn’t help but say, “Aren’t you just catching a cold and having a fever? How did you become this sick?”   

Shen Bohan waved at them, saying that he was okay. Compared with the previous two days, he was really fine now. At least he could walk by himself, although he still looked weak.   

Shen Bohan looked around subconsciously. At this time, his mother also got out of the car, and Lin Li and others greeted her.

Yang Nianjiao also looked pretty haggard these days. Thinking that Shen Bohan would be happy to see these friends, she said: “Why don’t you stay with A Li and others for a while, I’ll go see where your grandpa is. Your health has just improved, pay a birthday tribute to your grandfather and hurry to rest.”  

She said to Lin Li and them again: “Ah Han is still very weak now, and couldn’t stay under the cold wind for a long time, so you guys stay with him for a while.”   

Everyone hurriedly responded. After Yang Nianjiao stepped on high heels to leave, everyone was relieved.   

Er shao’s mother was very strict with him, especially after the last video incident. Mother Shen was not happy with Lin Li and others looking for Er shao to hang out again. Now she had left, others relaxed a little. They all held Er shao with all their hands, leading him to a place leeward.   

“It’s terrible, Er shao. These days when you’re sick, the sky in Dragon City has turned upside down!”  

The crowd said this and that. First, they asked Shen Bohan about his well-being, and then finally couldn’t suppress the curiosity and surprise in their heart. Someone took the lead to ask: “Er shao, do you know that your eldest brother is going to marry Yan Jingxun?”   

Shen Bohan, who was silently being supported by them to walk forward, suddenly stopped in his tracks.   

The man thought he was also surprised, so he elaborated in detail and said: “It was just announced! Your grandfather said it himself!”  

“Really f*cking shocked my whole family. Say, that Yan Jingxun…what magic power does he have? If it’s someone else, then forget it, but it’s your eldest brother! Your eldest brother! He’s actually going to marry him!”   

“And you didn’t see how he’s being pulled just now. He didn’t show any timidity in front of your eldest brother. Why was he so humble and timid in front of you?”   

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“It can’t be that he was spoiled by president Shen right, haha.”   

“Cough, cough…” Shen Bohan suddenly coughed.   

Other people rushed to pat Er shao on the back and handed him tissues, but it didn’t stop everyone from continuing their discussion.   

They didn’t fully express their surprise just now. At this moment, they wanted to talk about it in front of Shen Bohan, who was once the party involved, and was now half of the party involved.   

Someone said: “Yan Jingxun has actually upgraded his status, and he still followed your eldest brother, this… do we all have to call him sister-in-law in the future?”

“Alas, I don’t know what Da shao was thinking.. Maybe he prefers this type?”

“I think Yan Jingxun is really scheming. He couldn’t keep up with Er shao, so he turned around and changed to a bigger benefactor… I mean, he couldn’t catch Er shao, so he jumped to Da shao, and managed to enter the Shen family in the end! So you should be careful Er shao. Maybe he comes to your Shen’s house for other purposes…”  

“Shut up.” Shen Bohan said suddenly.   

His voice sounded extremely hoarse, almost changed from before.  

After saying these two words, he started to cough more violently, making the others look at each other—shut up? Which sentence caused Er shao to tell him to shut up?

Shen Bohan, who had returned from illness, looked a little bit gloomy, and everyone did not dare to offend him.   

There was only one who was not afraid of death and asked: “So Er shao, you already know of this marriage in advance?”   


Unfortunately, Shen Bohan did not answer him.   

They could see that Er shao also wanted to talk, but it seemed like he was gasping for breath like pulling bellows, let alone talking.  

As a last resort, everyone could only take him to sit on a chair.   

After the banquet officially started, many people in the courtyard began ballroom dancing. There were no people near the seating area they were at, so it was rather quiet.   

After sitting on the chair for a long time, Shen Bohan finally stopped coughing, but looked forward with a blank expression and still did not speak.   

Everyone was silent for a while.   

Yan Jingxun and Shen Yijin could not be found in their field vision, but the people in the group were still thinking about these two people together.   

After a while, someone said, “But forget it, as long as he doesn’t cuckold our Er shao.” 

“Yeah yeah.”

Seeing that the Second Young Master’s expression was not good, everyone did not dare to continue to stimulate him about this incident: “Whatever they are, anyway, it was our Er shao who dumped Yan Jingxun. Have you all forgotten? At first, Yan Jingxun chased behind Er shao every day. He followed him to the nightclub, and kept saying that he likes Er shao…”   

“Yes, I think Yan Jingxun was just like a dog around Er shao. He licked wherever he was asked to lick. Now, although he is following Da shao, in any case, isn’t he just licking to the top… Ah!”   

The person who spoke suddenly screamed, and at the same time, Shen Bohan, who had been sitting there slumped and weak, suddenly became violent, and punched the face of his talking companion.   

“Shut your fucking mouth!”   

Although he was still sick, his punch at full force was not light, and his roar was alarming.

 It was not over yet, he threw another punch immediately after he finished it, and shouted some swear words.   

The face of the companion was immediately colored, and the others were shocked, and they quickly stood up to pull them away from each other.   

“What are you doing, Er shao, why did you hit him?” Lin Li took the lead in holding Shen Bohan’s fist.  

He thought Er shao was only temporarily in a complicated mood, so he hit someone, but unexpectedly, Shen Bohan threw away his hand: “Don’t f*cking touch me, you’re also not anything good!”  

His voice was hoarse, almost broken, but the meaning of his words could still be discerned.   

Being ferociously pushed away, Lin Li was stunned. When other people around heard the commotion on this side, they all turned their heads to look this way, or simply gathered around.   

Lin Li’s position in their group was second only to Er shao, and now that the younger brothers are looking at him in panic, he felt like he had lost face. 

But he couldn’t figure out Shen Bohan’s current temper. He could only try his best to be as sensible as possible, and calmly said: “Shen Er, you’re crazy! What kind of madness are you playing with us?”   

His tone was already hinting Er shao to give both sides a step back.   

Shen Bohan really did not do or say anything more.   

He just breathed heavily, and along with him, the others also started to breathe heavily.   

Several members of the small group were silent among the other guests. Lin Li and others finally reacted. When Shen Bohan hit people just now, in addition to swearing, what he shouted most was…   

“You dare say one more thing about Yan Jingxun.”   

Something like that.


So what’s the situation?   

Did Er shao actually still like Yan Jingxun? ?   

All the people in the small group were shocked.   

“This is the only explanation, otherwise, why did he suddenly beat someone! We were just complaining at best!”  

“It’s just a dog that has changed its owner, Er shao could even take it seriously?!”  

Everyone complained in their hearts, but Lin Li thought more deeply. He suddenly thought that Shen Bohan was ill these days and would not let them visit, was it also related to Yan Jingxun…

Normally, when Er shao was ill, they used to go to his house to make trouble. At that time, he would still entertain them happily, saying that it was not boring to have them with him.   

But these days… it was obviously abnormal!    

Perhaps it wasn’t Er shao’s mother who obstructed them, but Er shao was avoiding them on purpose, not willing to see them.   

But this illness was really severe…  

…Could it be that Er shao knew that Yan Jingxun had changed boyfriend and was sick with anger?

Or a sickness laden with grief.

Previously, he had seen Shen Er so defensive of Yan Jingxun. He used to scold him in front of everyone, but now just saying a few sentences behind his back, he brazenly beat people up…  

Lin Li was also getting more and more angry. He was already angry when he didn’t even get to borrow Shen Er’s light to attend this banquet, but now the other party blatantly didn’t give him any face…  

Furthermore, Shen Er shao had always been such a person with disgusting moral conduct, so it was meaningless to follow him. Mud couldn’t hold up the wall1Those who didn’t have the ability won’t get anywhere.. He was completely incomparable with Da shao ye.


At the beginning, why did he get on Er shao’s boat? 

Although Da shao ye was cold and fierce, he was mature, reasonable, and would not beat and scold his subordinates…  

F*ck, that’s right, if it weren’t for the fact that the Da shao ye had been out of the country for years, they would have forgotten about this guy, who the f*ck would have defected to Er shao!  

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it, and Lin Li’s temper came up.   

But he wouldn’t go as far as to directly shout out.  

To kill a person is to kill their heart. Lin Li deliberately pretended to only discover the problem, incomparably shocked and couldn’t have been able to think: “It’s not that I said…Er shao, you can’t still like…no, he is your sister-in-law!”


As soon as he said this, the audience was in an uproar.   

All of a sudden, there were discussions one after another. After all, most of the people around knew Shen Bohan.   

Combined with the situation of the Shen family and the content announced by old man Shen today, it was not difficult to guess who this sister-in-law was.


How could one not be shocked by such explosive news!   

What’s more, Er shao who was asked in the encirclement didn’t immediately refute it. No one was sure if he was angry or what.

This is…even more exciting! 

All they knew was that Shen family’s Da shao ye was going to get married.   

But no one knew… that the newcomer and Er shao had such a connection!   

The discussion did not last long. There was another commotion not far away. Shen Yijin, who was unusually tall and upright, pushed through the crowd towards the encirclement.

Next to him was a handsome young man who was the protagonist of today’s dispute.   

“This kid’s name is Yan Jingxun, right?”  

There are more and more people around, and the crowd onlookers whispered:   

“I have always heard that these two young masters of the Shen family have a so-so relationship, now how come they even like the exact same people…”  

“He looks good up close.” “Although I don’t know which family’s child it is, I heard from old master Shen that this young man is very capable.”

“That’s not surprising, otherwise how could he be grabbed like this!…”   

“It’s normal that Er shao can’t beat his elder brother. Shen Bohan is still too young. I heard that he doesn’t even study well in college. And look at Shen Yijin. These two people, one is superior, and the other is inferior.”

“Hey, isn’t that normal? Who doesn’t know that Er shao ye’s mother is a second wife. He has been spoiled by his parents since he was a child. Look at Da shao ye…he grew up alone from a young age. I heard from a friend that his father is very biased!”

“That stepmother is not very good either. She’s been doing business outside under the name of Shen’s family for all these years, but in the past few years there was a case of shell companies…”

“Hey, I remembered what you said! She isn’t a very honest person. The Shen’s family reputation was in serious decline, it was only re-established after Da shao came back!”   

While others were discussing, Shen Yijin and Jing Xun had already come close.   

Shen Bohan could hear those secret discussions, but seeing the young man walking towards him in neat attire, he couldn’t care about anything else.   

The melodious piano music was still playing in the garden.   

Shen Bohan knew this piece, called  “Mariage d’amour2Mariage d’amour (Marriage of Love) is a piece of French solo piano music, composed by Paul de Senneville in 1979, and first performed by the pianist Richard Clayderman from his album Lettre À Ma Mère in 1979. Link “.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a pure white holy light hitting the thin and tall young man, and gorgeous white flowers bloomed under Yan Jingxun’s feet.  

…He had a dream yesterday.  

He dreamed that Yan Jingxun slowly walked towards him from the entrance of the church, also clad in such a halo.  

They were in the sacred hall, about to receive the blessings of their relatives, surrounded by everyone, just like they were now.   

Yan Jingxun in the dream did not come to him in the end.   

It was the same as it was now. He walked by the side of Shen Yijin, two people wearing identical suits, exchanging eye contact with each other.

1Those who didn’t have the ability won’t get anywhere.2Mariage d’amour (Marriage of Love) is a piece of French solo piano music, composed by Paul de Senneville in 1979, and first performed by the pianist Richard Clayderman from his album Lettre À Ma Mère in 1979. Link

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