Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 116: Conspiracy & War

Chapter 116: Conspiracy & War

You can read 62 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


Hector didn't ask them all to pick arms. Instead, just a few strongest among them were allowed to do it after it was made sure they were not in danger of dying from over-exhaustion.

Hector had landed in the Eastern hemisphere. Most big mines were on this side. So his campaign started from here, to liberate each mine, kill their leaders and help the enslaved.

But, the situation in other mines turned out to be much worse. There weren't just Moranians as thin as sticks, but dead bodies were piled outside the mine's entrances, smelling pungent due to the rotting flesh. And unsurprisingly, the slavers here looked like humanoid pigs.

He killed them all, as imprisoning them was too much work and a waste of resources. A dead enemy was a good enemy.

He and others continued to purge the evil out of the cold but beautiful planet.


As the liberation war continued, it was brutal and messy. Stakar Ogord was to head to the northern part of the planet, supposedly the coldest. He heard that there were no mines in the north, but there was a lot of activity going on.

With his clan, he bombarded the outposts on the surface and landed on the planet's the North Pole. There was no existing infrastructure on the ice sheet except a metal shed.

"COME OUT!" Stakar and his First Mate pointed the blaster at the gates.

But nobody appeared to come out of it. This intrigued them, so they decided to enter it carefully.


Just as they opened the gate, a warm gust of air escaped the room. But they found it was not a room; it was an entrance. The staircase was going straight down.

Once they reached the bottom, there was a giant corridor, with small cube jail cells on both sides. There were more than a hundred most likely.

The view inside made their scalp tingle. Stakar clenched his fist as he felt anger erupt. Veins on his head popped up, trying to control himself. His chest moved rapidly, tonnes of emotions pouring in.

"This is too much, Martinex," he muttered to his First Mate.

"What now?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Stakar also wondered. But eventually, he called Hector, "You might want to come here and see this for yourself. Then decide what you want to do,"

Hector agreed to do that, as he had Moony to take him quickly.


"What happened?" He asked after arriving.

Without saying anything, Stakar led him into the prison lobby. He stopped at the start, "Look for yourself."

Hector and Moony walked in, initially thinking it was probably just cramped prison or something. But then his eyes fell on the horrors inside. Memories of the holocaust resurfaced in his mind, but this was even worse, as they were not kept here to be exterminated but to be used and abused.

In the cells, just six by six feet, there were four small beds. There were 6 Moranian females, thin and completely naked, looking lifeless, standing and watching him. But what was more maddening was that each of them had two babies in their arms. The cell had an open toilet, and there was more filth on the floor. It was utterly unhygienic. These females were the ones who slowed down in mining, so they were sent to breeding farms, to ensure a limitless supply of slaves of their species.

He looked into their eyes. He didn't even see hatred or anger in them. They were just lifeless.

He didn't stop and continued to walk. Further and further, the more cells he saw, the more disgusted he felt. Some cells had eight women with a dozen babies. Some had ten women. It was so cramped that even breathing was hard.

He sighed in sadness, as this was pure madness. There was only one punishment for those who brought this misery to these peopleDeath!

But Hector had no idea how to deal with all this. There were too many people impoverished. He didn't have enough money to help them all. So he walked back to Stakar, "We're going to confiscate all the wealth of the slavers on this planet and use that money to help them. I am not taking the money for this job either, but you all will be paid,"

Stakar objected, "Don't let your feelings sway you. They will bankrupt you,"

Hector shrugged, "What good is money if it's earned from the misery of the innocents. Do you know why I made Freedom Clan lawful? Because when others see Ravagers, they put us in the same categories as the mercenaries and pirates who did all this.

"I don't want that tag on my head. Not when there are dozens of ways to earn money without being an ass. I shall leave now. We will help them after ridding all enemies on the surface,"

He left Stakar to think about his line of work. True, if the universe associates Ravagers to the same level as the tormentors of this planet, then can he keep his head held high?



"I know, son. But misery exists everywhere. It's sad, but it's the truth. And the Universe is too big for me to take over and control unless I take the path of Thanos. I'm just a soldier, politician and worker from hell."

"Wo wuv." Moony added, ~We become strong then, dad.~

"Yes, son. We need to get stronger if we want to inflict more influence over the Universe. Let's not forget. We may be immortal souls, but the people around us, who work for us, are still mortal meat sticks."

"PRESIDENT! I caught someone. You'd be surprised to see him," Yondu came running to call him.

They rushed and arrived in a makeshift camp. A blue-skinned alien was tied there on a chair. "Why is a Kree here?"

The Kree tried to get out of the hold, "Just here for sightseeing,"

The Kree man was lying, and there was no denying it. Hector, whose mood was already down, frowned. "Fine, if you don't speak, I will make you. Take off his pants and make him stand."

The Ravagers forced the Kree and made him stand butt-naked. The Kree seethed in rage, "YOU! You are making a big mistake. You can't hurt me. The Kree Empire won't let you go,"

Hector scoffed, "You have five seconds to tell me what you are doing here, or I will shoot your cock off."

"Don't bluff with me, Ravager, I know you kin-*BANG*"

"AAAAAARGH!" The Kree man kneeled down in excruciating pain. He started bleeding blue blood.

Hector, instead, picked the separated cock with telekinesis and put it in a box of ice, "You have about 20 minutes to tell me everything. If you do that, I can plant this cock back on you. But if you don't, then you will have to live without it,"


"Of course, we are barbarians. Stop angering me now, and it's not us enslaving an entire planet, running a breeding farm. NOW TELL MEWhat were you doing here?"

The Kree man sobbed and replied, "I... I was sent here by Supreme Intelligence to investigate what was happening,"

*WOOF!* ~Dad, he lies. I hear his heart go boom boom,~

Angered, Hector took out his knife and started to cut his right arm, "Time is passing. Now you will also lose your right arm. Still, if you tell the truth, I can fix them back,"

"AAAAA... NO!"

Hector was not gentle at all; he cut the arm slowly as if it wasn't a knife but a saw. "Start speaking then,"

"I AM... a commander from Kree Empire, here to oversee the subjugation of Moran!"

General Kul's brows furrowed, "That does not make sense. We had already agreed to see Kree Empire as our overlord,"

"But you denied the direct Kree Control, fighting to stay autonomous. THIS... AAA... A-All this is a punishment for defying us... the... We hired mercenaries and thieves. N-NOOO... It hurts... s-stop!... We use your species as battle and sex salves due to your long stamina coming from a colder body. Here... we use you to mine and harvest more slaves. T-This way... we got not only the vibranium but also slaves."

Hector stopped and lifted him by his throat, "So you're saying, the Kree Empire is behind it all, even after Moran signed the treaty with you? Fucking scums."

"D-DON'T Kill me, Ravager. The Kree Empire already knows you were in Hala for Nova Empire. They won't let you go. If you kill me, they will destroy your home planet too."

*BEEP BEEP* Adam's Datapad made noise suddenly. He looked at Hector, "Mister President, four Kree Accuser Warships just appeared out of the jump."

Hector took a long breath. It was time to make a decision. A point of no return. To fight the Kree Empire or not. He was a single man against an intergalactic empire that ruled over millions of worlds. But from what he learnt today, the Kree Empire was nothing less than Nazi Germany. And they needed to be stopped because someday, they would come for Earth anyway.

He looked back at the Kree man in his hands. He lifted him into the air by the throat, "Did you know, the Kree once were just a planetary civilisation. Then a friendly Skrull Empire came to you and gave you technology. When they were experimenting, to see if you or your counterpart plant-based species was better. You killed them and took their ship. You reverse engineered and, in 100 years, became strong enough to oppose the Skrull Empire.

"Today, I am at the same crossroads, but instead of Skrulls, it's your empire. Good night, but know this, I ended the Kree Empire,"


"HAA!" Hector ripped his head apart from his torso and threw both in opposite directions without much effort.

He then contacted the Skull Knight H, "New mission, take over the Kree Warships, do not destroy them. But! This is warKill all inside!"

But deep inside, Hector was cursing, ~Fuck! This changes everything. Now I will need alliances, and I need to get stronger, make Earth stronger. I will also need Captain Marvel to join our side.~


Omniverse Hell,

Satan sat in front of his 120-inch 8k television, watching what Hector was doing. He had chocolate popcorn in hand. Beside him sat handsome Lucifer and baby-like green-haired Beelzebub too.

"I supposed he don't know it, right?" Lucifer wondered.

"Haha, he's such a badass," Beelzebub felt pumped.

Satan chuckled demonically, "Hehe, true. Poor old Hector, my gullible best friend. He still has no idea. He still thinks he's just on vacation."

"What about being a wingman for him? I hope he finds one this time," Lucifer said, feeling bad for Hell's Inquisitor. There he was, travelling the multiverse, banging hot chicks, while the third in command of Hell was a virgin.

Satan shrugged, "I have allowed fate to control that aspect of his life. His lover can be anybody from across the cosmos. As long as fate feels they will do good together, they will meet no matter what. Now shut up and let me focus. This is getting way too interesting."

Lucifer pouted, "Well, I gotta go back to my club. I'm not into daily soap operas,"

*BONK* Satan hit him on the head with a club that came out of thin air, "I'm your boss, boy. And don't be so horny. I received complaints that you've been slacking off. Do you want Beelzebub to take your place?"

Lucifer looked at green-haired baby Beelzebub, whose eyes shone at this prospect. He gulped and shook his head, "Fine, I will work extra... after the orgy!"

He ran away before another bonk could hit. But sad for him, a bat came out of nowhere and fell on his head as soon as he arrived in his targeted universe.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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