Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 139: A Stranger In Space

Chapter 139: A Stranger In Space

You can read 68 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


The white light swept across the Universe, devouring it faster than the speed of light. Everything just ceased to exist, like it was never there.

The Universe was just an empty space in the container of the Multiverse now.

Hector and Moony were shocked by the change of the scenery all around. The black space was no more.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" He roared.

"Devour the Universe. If that's what it takes to end you."

Hector was not very attached to people, but some faces that did appear in his mind were Logan, Kennedy and Yelena. He was fond of all these people as he knew them from the very beginning or cared for them like his own children.

~Dad, what did the bird do?~ Moony asked, confused about the emptiness all around.

"It destroyed the Universe."

~My DAUGHTERS!~ Moony exclaimed. Yelena and Goose were his daughters, after all.

"I commend you. As a being of creation and destruction, you sure destroy a lot. Your dark aspects should not even exist in this reality. And by removing the Universe out of the equation, you have allowed me to go all out."

Out of nowhere, pants reappeared on Hector's body as if he was manipulating reality. He started flying to Phoenix.

"I was restricted before because I couldn't destroy this dimension. But now..."


Hector suddenly appeared in front of Jean's body and put his palm on her. He closed his eyes and started to chant something. *WOOSH* From his back, black chains that radiated red light came out and caught Jean's body.

The Dark Phoenix tried to fight it off, but the chains seemed to be catching the Phoenix fire as well, as if the fire was also a physically tangible object. "REEE... UNHAND ME!"

Hector didn't speak anymore. The Omniverse was a ruthless and madly powerful place. The evil that lurks there can't be measured by a simple Dark Phoenix. So Hector let himself go this time, creating cracks in reality as his powers manifested in him.


Like thunder struck, a big wide crack in the dimension appeared. It was just above Hector. Moony, too, turned back to his original dog form, which was, in fact, smaller and cuter. But in terms of power, he was stronger.

"GRRRR..." He jumped at the Phoenix and started eating away the fire. The more fire Phoenix let out, the more of it he ate. Hector and Moony were overpowering the Dark Phoenix easily.

"Jean, that poor child didn't deserve this. Your entering her body was fine with me, as she was the perfect host. But you dare to take over it. This has crossed my limits. From now, I banish Dark Phoenix from this Universe!" He erupted loudly.


The Dark Phoenix panicked. Hector was now pulling the chains that held her fire. There were two aspects of the Phoenix Force, one dark and one bright. One creates, and one destroys.

But what happens when one is taken away? That was exactly what Hector planned on doing. Jean called him Grandpa. Like hell would he damn her to a life of misery with the Phoenix. The only kind of phoenix he could allow was the creator one.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Moony, stop eating the fire and pull the chains," he ordered.

"WOOF!" Moony acknowledged and pulled the chains with Hector.

The Dark Phoenix started to scream madly and struggle. Hector didn't allow it to, "I told you, resistance is futile,"


Both started to drag the Dark Phoenix away. Jean's body was held with a set of other chains that remained as they were. Only the bird-shaped fire was moving away from her.

The destructive raging fire let out all its power, engulfing the entire empty place with it. It spanned as far as the whole Universe that existed not long ago.

"WOWEEE..." Moony complained, as his fur was slightly burning.

"That's only the dust burning, son. This fire can't hurt you," Hector calmed him and dragged the Dark Phoenix towards the crack in the dimension. That was the gateway to the Omniversal hell.


No fucks were given to what the Phoenix had to say. Instead, they pulled it like a maddening bull.


Moony scoffed and barked, "Woof bo wufuu."

"Haha, right. Moony will just lick her and fix her up. There is no escape now, little bird."

The fight had already lasted days, and it took them a few hours to drag the whole bird out of Jean and close to the crack in the dimension.

The crack looked red as if the fire was raging from it. Hector could swear he saw Satan's face peeking out of there.

"Just another metre, Moony."

"50 centimetres..."

"10 centimetres..."

"HERE THEY COME! Come and take this beast, boys!"

Hector pushed the Dark Phoenix towards the crack. The chains of Grim Reapers came out of it. Then came the grim reapers themselves, their skeleton bodies under the hood and the scythe shining as always.

He pushed the Dark Phoenix, looking absolutely badass while doing it. Odin and the likes of him would have vomited blood if they had seen him handling the Phoenix like it was a child.

Marvel Universe's one of the strongest entities was being served.


The Dark Phoenix ultimately entered the crack. Then, like a vacuum cleaner had started, all the raging fire started to get sucked into it. Eventually, only the empty white space and Jean's body were left floating, still unconscious.

"Ehm... how are you doing, my friend?"

Hector looked up at the crack, the source of the sound, "Ah, Satan, my best bro. How are you?"

Satan sighed, "When I told you to help me by exorcising some dark entities, this wasn't exactly what I meant. But... whatever, this is your universe to mess with. Oh, I wanted to tell you, the old man God also watches your show and loves it. So keep doing it, ciao."


Like a zipper, the crack in the dimension got fixed. It only left Hector confused, "What show was he talking about?"


But he couldn't think much about it as Moony's bark caught his attention. Jean was still unconscious, and that made him worried. Both Hector and Moony had returned to normal, and just the Universe was missing now.

"JEAN! Wake up, child." he shook her body.

But she won't budge. Moony also tried, "Woof woof..."

She was one of the only few people who could understand Moony due to being able to read minds. So, his barks were also the ones who reached her mind deeply.


Jean was suffering from the pain and sense of loss from the lives that Phoenix Force had killed since its birth. It was too much for her mind.

So, like a cocoon, she knelt in her place and stayed still. She had no idea what happened outside with her body, that was until Hector smacked her face with his fist that had God's ring.

Her eyes opened, and she looked around. She was tied to chains in an endless pit of fire. There were two red eyes through which she could see what happened outside.

"Grandpa? NO! Oh... Eh... he's naked... but... how is he still at this age so bi... ah... COVER YOURSELF!"

She could see and feel everything going outside. The Dark Phoenix destroyed the Universe using her body. This added more to her grief. But then Hector started pulling the Dark Phoenix out of her body.

As the Dark Phoenix left her, she found the chains holding her breaking apart. The fire that surrounded her started to turn into warm yellow light. Then, in the end, she broke free from the chains. However, now she was lost in that warm space with no way out.

She was a prisoner of her own mind.

"WOOF!" ~Jean... where are ya? I will teach you more... come back!~

She could hear Moony's voice in her mind clearly. So she started to fly towards that voice.

~Are you dead?~

~I will give you my favourite cookie,~

~I chewed your homework that day,~

~Come back, I got lots of treats,~

~I will not sniff the butt of your human friend's bitch,~

~I promise,~

All these words made Jean laugh loudly. The remaining grief left by the Dark Phoenix and the memories vanished with the cute words of Moony. She kept on following his voice.


Outside, Hector held her in his arms. He noticed her eyelids moving a bit. "Keep doing it, Moony. It seems to be working,"

So, the good boy became a loudspeaker. Revealing all his deep dark secrets and confessions. He also tried to bribe her.

Something happened after what felt like hours. *WOOSH* Her eyes shot open abruptly. The first thing she saw was Hector's face, which made tears come out.

She hugged him tightly and cried vocally, "T-THANK YOU! I WAS... in so much pain..."

She cried rivers. Hector just kept her in his embrace. Moony also walked to her back and rubbed his fur, ~Calm down, Jeany.~

"OH, MOONY! I love you... ummmah!" She kissed Moony's head and hugged the living hell out of the fluffy boy. After all, he brought her out of her mental prison.

Moony also licked her face, "Wa Wuv WOOOOO..."

"Aww..." Hector loved it when Moony says I love you in barks. That was the purest form of love.

Their small reunion lasted an hour. But then Hector worried about the Universe. "Jean, I need you to tell the remaining Phoenix to recreate the Universe as it was when it destroyed it. Or else..."

*CRACK* He stretched his fingers, making a cracking voice.

Jean quickly heard a voice in her mind, "I do not condone violence."

"I think she got the message, grandpa," Jean muttered.


With them being the centre, as if they were the origin of the Big Bang, the Universe came into existence again. A spectacular scene of planets, stars, black holes and such forms appeared in front of their eyes. It was like fireworks, just more terrifying.

The Phoenix Force was one hell of a powerful entity, and he just whooped its ass with Moony.

"Done, she says. I'm going to have to talk to this bird in my head. She's a tenant who didn't pay rent." Jean was still conflicted about her body being used.

"WOOF WOOF!" ~Who's that?~

Hector looked at where Moony pointed. There, not far from them, was a woman, her black hair floating freely while she lay calm in the space. Her body was not damaged, but she seemed unconscious.

"She wasn't here before," Hector flew towards her. The closer he got, the better he saw it. She wore some sort of battle armour and a red cape.


Jean was faster and reached the body before. "WOAH! She's so pretty... but her face... it looks so sad."

Of course, she would know those expressions. It was the face of something emotionally scarred.

Then Hector also arrived and glanced. But it made him say just a few strong words, "HOW THE FUCK?"

[A/N: Check out Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood. A friend author of mine started this original novel. It's from the author of My Hollywood System fanfic.]

[A/N: Omniversal Hector is too damn OP. Just think of any fictional being; Hector can defeat them. But, in lower dimensions, like in this MCU, his body is just a bottle for his OP soul. Hence, his body is limited by the upper limit of the MCU.

In his buffed president's body, his peak strength can only be above One Above All, not more than that, because then he would break open the Universe, as he did now.]

[ See Grim Reaper and the strange woman on Discord - OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!

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