Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 143: Traumatized Diana

Chapter 143: Traumatized Diana

You can read 68 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


Hector planned to go to Asgard first, but he decided that could wait, as Thor and Loki would remain dumb for a long time to come. Instead, the higher priority was meeting Galactus and making him eat Tarnax IV, also known as the Skrull Throneworld.

"Let's go... my first ever visit to another planet," Jean chirped as soon as the ship landed on Moran's training base.

"Ugh... tell me if anyone hits on you, I will blind them. And where did you get the change of clothes anyway?" He asked her.

She grinned and just snapped her finger. In an instant, fire surrounded her body and then vanished the other second, revealing her superhero costume. It was a bodysuit with a black neck and chest area in a V-shape, while the rest of the parts were shiny dark green with gloves and boots being golden. She looked stunning.


Once again, she was engulfed in flames and turned the clothes back to normal ones, "Hehe, see that? I have so much more to learn from this little bird living in me. This is her rent. Oh, Grandpa, do you want me to make you a superhero costume?"

Hector looked at his own body, at his red coat, "What? Is this not good? This is supposed to be my superhero suit. I am the only serving 6 star General in history, so I very much like this,"

"Then... what will be your superhero name? For example, I will call myself Phoenix; what about you? Mister President?" She inquired interestingly.

Hector nodded and walked out of the ramp, "Yup, that's about it. Come, Logan must be around, growling at some poor guy,"

Jean ran behind, stumbling once, "Are you serious? Mister President? That's not a very good name,"

"Dear, I'm not just the President of America. Add my Ravager clan, this alliance, and the Galactic Federation to it in the future. So, I will be the Mister President of the Galactic Federation,"


"Thanks, now I feel worthless. *Sigh*."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Soon, the whole decision-making body gathered in the temporary alliance headquarters. Hector was the de-facto President as he was the military leader. "Give me updates; then I will tell you a really juicy thing that happened,"

Kul gave his report at first, "The training is going as planned. We will have a billion regular troops by the end of next year. But some of them will go through advanced training as they have talent."

"Ravagers have been armed to the teeth," Yondu added.

Next was Logan, "The contract from Sovereign has arrived. All have signed the deal with their blood."

Hector checked the markings on the paper. The devil's contract was sealed now. Since it didn't happen face to face, he didn't have to show himself. "Good, send them the plans for our new warships. Order a fleet of 1000 to be made as soon as possible. These will be our heavy guns."

*Knock Knock* "Mister President, I have great news for you,"

"Come in, Peter; what you got?"

Peter smiled giddily, "I found something. Look at this, the daughter of Thanos you were looking for. She has been popping up in a lot of places."

"Good, take a squad and bring her to me, unharmed. Tell her these words 'If she wants to know the truth about what happened to her species, her parents and her planet, then come along.' This will pull her right to us," he ordered the boy.

But Peter was extremely delighted. This was going to be his first-ever mission, one where he led the team, "I will get ready right away, Mister President,"

Yondu didn't feel it was right, though, "Maybe I should go with him."

"Aw, is our cold-hearted smurf going soft now?" Hector teased him.

"Hmph, never. I was just caring for him as a crew member because, as you know, we are wanted folks. We can die at any moment,"

"Ah, by that, I remember something. Do you know, all of you were dead for some time..." Hector proceeded to tell them about his fight with the Dark Phoenix.

By the end, everyone just sat in the room silently, questioning the reality. The fact they came back to life and didn't even know they died was very... belittling.

"Fuck, ever since I decided to follow you, I have been freed, then became wanted in two galaxies. I have grown rich, and now I have also died once. Talk about a life story," Yondu muttered, not angry, just amazed.

"Haha, this is just the beginning, boys. All's well if it ends well. Let's prepare to head out now. I will go to Galactus, and you all will continue. We will launch a strike on Hala with overwhelming power." He ordered them and walked out of the headquarters.

Just outside, he found the giant gorilla he met in the Kree Prison. "How are you, Phong?"

Phong, the gorilla, didn't seem pleased, "You said you will destroy the Kree."

"Yes, and I am working towards it. No single man can destroy the Kree Empire. You need an army and forces. Wait a few years, and by then, we will be prepared. Why don't you join me? I'm headed to meet the world eater, Galactus." He suggested.

The giant gorilla thought for a split second, "Fine,"

So the two started walking towards the ship. Hector tried to know him better simultaneously, "So, what's your story?"

"I am the Emperor of Beastia. I refused to bow; Kree destroyed my planet with all my people. Then they imprisoned me to torment me as I'd remember what happened." Phong answered in a pretty straightforward manner.

Hector sighed, "Sorry to hear that. They are seriously a pain in the ass. Destruction and decentralisation of the Kree is the only way forward. Because at this point, they are not destroying and enslaving because they need to; they are doing it just because they can."

But as soon as he said this, Hector's mind exploded with a lot of new thoughts, ~Fuck, this is what America was doing.~

"I will die only after I have killed those responsible for the genocide of my people." Phong proclaimed.

Hector didn't say anything and just entered his ship. He'll help Phong achieve that for sure. He went to the control room and ordered the pilots to set the destination.


However, just then, a very short message arrived from Adam. "Sector 133.544556 123423.5663 231.34545 567.53566 in Andromeda Galaxy."

*Sigh* "This mad man." he sighed, but in delight. He walked to the pilots and handed them the coordinates, "To this location. Tell Yondu to start the Delight Plan."

"Where do we go now?" Phong questioned him.

"Just a small stop in Vormir. This will help us negotiate with Galactus. You can head to the common hall and wait there. I will see you later,"

Hector happily walked towards the President's private area, where Natasha, Jean, Yelena and Moony spent most of their time. However, when he arrived there, he didn't see Diana. But everyone else was there.

He quickly rushed to the medical bay. *BAM* He opened the door and found Diana rolled into a ball in her bed, covered entirely by the sheets.

He walked beside her and patted her shoulder, "Diana," then he pulled off the sheets, revealing her form. She stayed there as if she were a baby in a cocoon.

She opened her eyes again and looked at his face. She didn't cry, but her eyes told Hector a different story, one he had seen many times during the wars. Signs of PTSD.

He sat by the bed and covered half of her body with the sheets, then handed her a glass of water. Embarrassed, she took it, "Forgive me, this isn't like me,"

Hector shrugged, "It's all right. I had it too when I lost my legs that time. How long were you trapped in the void?"

"A hundred thousand years,"

"You were alone?"

She nodded her head, "Hm, mostly alone, until I had to fight that monster. I don't even know if I defeated it. I-I don't even know what I'm to do anymore. There isnothing left."

Hector had no idea how to console her, she was no child but rather an old goddess, and he had never been in such a situation. "Well, I believe you are suffering from a few phobias right now or anxiety disorder. But don't worry, they are treatable.

"One would have killed themselves if they were in your place. To live for so long with nobody around must have been maddening. But-"

He robotically extended his arm, unsure if this was the right thing to do, ~Ugh... it always worked on Jean, Peter, Yelena and Natasha.~


His hand landed on her silky hair, which he softly caressed. He also stood up awkwardly, "Well, you are not alone in this Universe. There are plenty of beings. There is also Earth. There are people in pain and evil to destroy. Diana of Themyscira, aren't you a goddess of war and peace? It seems there is still plenty of work for you."

She looked at his face innocently, her eyes sparkling with broken emotions.

Hector nearly skipped a beat from how beautiful she was, so he quickly pulled his hand from her head, "Ugh... *cough* You most likely have monophobia, the fear of being isolated, lonely, or alone. So come and join the rest in my office. They are playing Monopoly."

He started to walk out, but slowly, giving Diana enough time to get up and gather herself. He told himself to be professional and not be a horny gorilla repeatedly. ~*Sigh* Life just got more interesting, I guess.~

[See Jean and Diana on Discord - OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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