Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 17: The Declaration Of War

Chapter 17: The Declaration Of War

*Blink Blink*

*Blink Blink*

"Just say what you want, Phillips. Don't stare at me like a schoolgirl in love." Hector annoyedly told Brigadier Phillips.

They were on a plane back to the capital now. There were Hector, Logan and Phillips alone sitting in the passenger cabin. It had only been 2 hours since the attack. Hector had quickly addressed the men at the base, cheered them for their courage and promised them that the enemies will not sleep a single day peacefully now.

Logan sat there smoking with a frown, apparently in a bad mood, as he mistakenly landed directly on a mountain instead of the sea. He was gravely injured, then got healed and had to trek back to the base.

Phillips asked, "Mr President, how will you make the country believe that what you did was normal?"

"I won't," Hector replied with a grin.

"Phillip, there is a thing called public narrative, as long as you know how to control it, you will never have to worry about some conspiracy theory going out of hand. I will just tell the country that I am old, I do not have any family, other than this nation, and as a proud leader of the nation and this family, it was my duty to save it, protect it. And so I did, with no fear of life. In the end, God was with me and blessed me to come out alive." Hector masterfully gave him his statement.

Logan snorted, while Phillips blinked dumbly, and couldn't help but feel, ~God damn, Roosevelt did right letting him take over.~

"Just relax now and head back to SSR headquarters to prepare for the war. A joint session of Congress has been called, and I will deliver my speech to the nation tomorrow, live. I will call for a declaration of a state of war with Japan. Knowing how hanky panky Nazi Germany and Imperial Japanese leadership is, Germany will declare war on us. Then us on them." Hector instructed him while drinking some whiskey.

Phillips nodded, this was a good assessment of the situation on Hector's side, he thought.


Things worked out as Hector had expected. However, the people were praising Hector as well, since some really "lucky" high-quality photos of his crazy deeds had surfaced in the papers. Secretly, all thanks to SSR.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Anyway, the public sentiment was that of anger and they wanted to get revenge. The final casualty report had come in, a total of 4 ships were destroyed, the rest were slightly damaged but could be repaired. 500 Military personnel died, 200 civilians died due to their ending crazed retreat.

In Hector's mind, the operation was both a success and a failure. Success, because he reduced those casualties by a lot, nearly nullified the damage to the Pacific Fleet. A failure because more Civilians died this time.

A bit mournful, he called for the Majority and Minority leaders to show the stats and talked about what the country's attitude was right now. Without clearly saying it, he got his words passed that war is inevitable, be prepared to vote.

"Woof" Moony spoke up.

"Yeah yeah, sorry, I will take you with me next time to have fun. Now, let me write my speech. I guess I will take some words from old Roosevelt's original speech as well." He muttered and wrote on a paper.


The next day, much of the world's focus was on the Joint Congress session. The Allies were looking at it with the hope that, finally, the United States will enter the war openly. And they didn't get disappointed.

Hector wore his best suit with a long coat, put down his hat and started his speech, he looked tall and mighty, however, first, he asked for a minute of silence for commemorating the fallen souls. He then looked left and right, the cameras were rolling, the mics were transmitting to the whole country, "YESTERDAY, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

"The United States was at peace with that Nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, an hour before Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing on the American Island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.

"It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by making false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

"The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused damage to American naval and military forces, although it was thwarted effectively, I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost.




"I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger."

After saying this much, Hector closed the paper and looked at the cameras and the many members of the congress, one eye after another, all who felt his gaze perceived a sense of pride and shiver run down their body and they clenched their fists. He took a long breath, letting the crowd go silent enough that they all felt their hearts racing. It was clear to everyone he was going off-script.

"The Japanese Empire has terrorised Eastern Asia, becoming its dictator, many sons and daughters of many nations are being killed and r*ped there as we speak.

"We, as a nation of the free. We, as one of the oldest democracies of the world, have a duty and obligation to uphold these ideals. For if they fall, we fall.

"I do not like war, I do not support it. Every American is like a son, a brother, a daughter and a sister to me. People say I do not have a family, but I see every American as my family."

His eyes shined at this, as if he'd tear up any moment. But the next moment he raised his fist slightly. "But they came to our shores, they murdered my sons, my daughters... my family. They clawed over the spirit of this great nation called the United States of America, and if we are not now ready to fight for her, if we are not now ready to stand up when she needs us, then perhaps, we shall go down in history as the nation of cowards, not free people.

"Know this, if I must, I shall go to the frontlines myself and fight. I will take a bullet if I must, as long as I can fulfil my duty, as the President, to keep this country safe, to keep my family of 132 Million safe.

"And I have complete confidence in the unbounded determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph, we will destroy those who want to take our peace from us, so help us God.

"Today, I ask that Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire."

Hector ended his speech, there was no thunderous applause as that would be inappropriate. His speech had the desired effect, it brought great pride and anger in the hearts of all these men of power. No one had any doubt about his words, as he had already shown that he was ready to fight himself.

The truth was, just before the session was held, there was a theory going on around that Hector knew about this attack. But the rumours were smoothly tackled by revealing that the Hawaii base's military exercise had been planned for months in advance, and if Hector knew about the attack, why the hell would he go there?

After Hector's emotional speech, Congress held a joint declaration. Enacted by the 77th Congress The United States declared war on the Empire of Japan.

Following this, on 11th December, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. In response, through the Joint Resolution of December 12, 1941, war was declared on Germany and Italy.

With this, the big game had begun. The bloodiest era for a long time, until the madness of Stalin and Mao is revealed to the world.


"I want to go there," Logan demanded from Hector. Logan sat in the office with Moony nearly at all times. Most politicians even envied him, as he probably knew more secrets than they ever would.

"Rejected," Hector replied.

"I don't need permission," Logan argued.

"I will take you when I reach there myself. I told you that I will be fighting. There is not much war involved right now. In the coming years, at least until the second half of 1942, Germany will be at their peak military success. I will be heading there at that point.

"Meanwhile, we have so much to do here, I am about to rebuild the American Civil society as we know it. A country that lived on the concept of unity, with no racism. Now, when most of our young boys will be fighting wars, I have time to enact some laws that would have called for riots." Hector told him, and this honestly sounded more interesting than fighting.

"What kind of laws?" Logan asked.

"Equal rights, removing segregation by law, land rights to the natives, rights to equal vote for the coloured folks. Such things are a ticking time bomb. It is better to resolve them before they take a bigger shape. Anyway, let's go, I got a call from Einstein and his team." He got up to leave.

"WOOF" Moony happily skipped along.


Inside a large secure warehouse, a team of some American and Jewish scientists worked on a large machine called a Helicopter. All of them were folks saved and brainwashed by Hector into the juicy ways of capitalism, instead of their previous ideology of socialism.

Einstein was a happy man now, his son had now been cured of his schizophrenia and was an up and coming music artist in LA. His wife was happy with him and worked alongside him, his stepdaughters were smart and in school. Life was never better.

Hector reached the place with much excitement, wanting to see what these mad geniuses even made. All he had given them were the general designs after all.

"So, what have you made for me? Tell me I didn't waste my millions." He asked them.

Einstein had a smug look on his face, "There is nothing impossible, Mr President, just unexplored. Yes, we have been able to develop what you want.

"Show it, my brothers." He instructed his team of 20 scientists. The team was seriously an overkill for making this.

They brought Hector to something covered under a big cloth. They were excited by their looks. Hector could understand, if anyone, these men could understand how revolutionary was the ability to land and fly from anywhere one wanted.

"I have named it ANY-1. It means anyone as it's so easy to fly." Albert said as he pulled the sheets.

*WHISTLE* Logan admired the thing. Moony barked "WOOF" and jumped into it quickly.

In front of Hector was a helicopter, like those used in the Vietnam War. They were real workhorses. Specifically, it was called HU-1 in his world. But here, it was going to change World War 2. With this, they can take supplies anywhere, swiftly drop men in strategic positions for operations, and provide emergency air.

He laughed widely, "Hahaha... I LIKE IT!"

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