Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 177: 177 - Wonderous Woman

Chapter 177: 177 - Wonderous Woman

[You can read 60 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.]

Hector walked inside the building to see how Frank Castle was doing. It didn't surprise him when he saw Moony had already dealt with all aggressors. No, Moony was licking Frank's wounds, healing them.


But due to being on edge, Frank quickly pointed his gun at Hector as soon as he felt another presence. But he had run out of bullets. "Easy, boy. I'm from your side,"

"M-Mister President?" Frank muttered in confusion. Wondering if he was hallucinating.

"Wowoo..." Moony barked, asking for some pats for beating the bad guys.

"Haha, good job, son. Let's go now. We've got other places to be. Lieutenant Frank Castle, you are dismissed from the death squad. William Rawlins and Ray Schoonover were illegally running it. They peddled drugs from here to New York and got rich. You were just a little soldier boy,"

"What? All this was meaningless? But so many of us died today!" the man was obviously going into madness. He might just go on another killing spree.

"Yes, but don't worry. They will die soon enough. After all, their actions were authorised by your new war and oil-loving president. I will bury all of them together. Meanwhile, I got another job offer for you, join me, and become a SHIELD member! A secret organisation that saves Earth from unconventional threats. You know, supernatural things and aliens." Hector blabbered.

"A-Aliens are real?" As expected, every American's wet dream; aliens! It caught his attention.

"Of course they do. And they are a threat to us in the long run. Why do you think I came out of my retirement? Oh, look at the sky. The sun is about to rise. Quick get up; we have another place to go. Can you ride a bike?" He asked the young man while extending his hand.

Frank took it gladly and got up, "What about the men, the drugs and those BASTARDS?!"

"Calm down, kid. Those dead shall remain dead. Those wounded have been healed. We will head back to the US soon, and then you will have the luxury of seeing them die. I will get you a front seat for their execution. Moony, go and check where the dirtbikes and the desert truck are." He ordered them around.

Just then, the sound of helicopter blades started to vibrate around. They were from SHIELD. As Ray Schoonover was too valuable to be left with others.

In no time, all the men got taken away in the choppers. Then, Hector got into his truck with Moony and Kennedy while Frank was given a bike. Then they headed straight towards deeper parts of Afghanistan to find a certain billionaire boy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They would stop in random places at night, erect a tent, and cook some meat. Kennedy would play the guitar while Hector and Moony would start yodelling loud. Heck, some desert wolves would come and join the party and dance with Moony.

Frank Castle was in the weirdest situation of his life. Everything that was happening was feeling like he was on drugs or something. While eating, he asked Hector, "Why don't you just stop this war? I'm sure if you come out, the world will rally behind you."

Hector scoffed, "Why? Is world peace just my responsibility? I joined the army back in 1886 when I was just sixteen. I retired from my combined governmental services in 1988 as the president. Gave more than a century to America. What do we get? Bloody leeches as the president and the society fall apart slowly. All my previous policies will fail at one point if you people don't get it together.

"They already can't support the Baby Bonds with the speed they are waging wars. The only ones getting rich are the corporates. Fuck them. I've done my fair share of work. I am looking at World interests now."

Frank fell silent, knowing Hector was right. For a man who gave hundred years to his nation, the current state was saddening.

"Yeah, I'd be disappointed too."


New York,

Diana stood at the top of the Empire State Building in her wonderful Wonder Woman armour. The only difference was that she also donned a cape fixed on her left shoulder. In addition to that, she had the Green Lantern ring on her right-hand index finger and also Batman's belt. These were her cherished memoirs from her past life in another world.

She looked at the vibrant city filled with noise and, sadly, crime. "Well, I don't have work like Hector, so I might as well just do what I'm good at. But I wish dear Moony was here."

She leapt from the top of the building and flew straight down. Then, just before reaching the ground, she pulled up and flew over the streets high enough not to put anything in danger.

She increased her hearing and tried to find any crimes happening.


She heard the first cry for help. Wasting no time, she changed her direction and arrived on top of a building. She could feel the voices coming from the basement. "Fisk Industries?"

She had no idea about the evils of this world, the various organisations and bad folks. However, she had tried to cram everything in the last few weeks.

"How do I get there? Through the main entrance or somewhere else? Oh, I got Hal's ring," She tapped on her head and remembered.

Diana quickly used the power and turned herself intangible. With that, she could reach anywhere she wanted. She dropped straight down to the basement, in fact, the third basement. It was large and empty, but the sound persisted.

Hector had taught Diana that even superheroes need proof of their work. So they can ensure nobody can manipulate the people. So Diana took out the camera and started recording everything.

Some sort of an exchange was going on between a big fat man in a white suit who was beating another man tied to the chair.

"You dare enter my property to film evidence? Do you take me for a fool? You shall not see the light of the day again,"


The man on the chair spat on the other guy's face, "Fuck off, animal. You are just a lowlife mob boss. I told at least a dozen other reporters where I was going. If I die, questions will be asked,"

The fat man scoffed, "Then perhaps more people shall die. Kill him!"

The goons started to walk up to the guy with a chainsaw in their hands. They were going to cut him into pieces.

"I also own a fish business. Foolish humans, don't even check before eating meat. You will simply vanish from this planet."

"GO TO HELL, KINGPIN! You fat moronic fucking pig,"

Diana chuckled from hiding. The man was undoubtedly headstrong. She decided she had seen enough and walked out of the wall, "Okay, the party's over. Let him go, and I might not break your bones,"

As soon as the men turned their faces to look at her, their jaws fell, and their eyes shined. Her beauty stunned them, literally.

"Who are you? I didn't know this clown bought a fancy dresser." Kingpin barked while lustfully looking at her. "I want her alive,"

The goons ran toward her. Diana didn't budge, nor did the gaze bother her. She was used to it. As soon as the first guy reached her, she just punched him. *BOOM*


The guy was thrown away so intensely that his head smashed open against the wall. Diana sighed, "I used too much force. Hector has truly spoiled me with the spars."

She used Hal's ring and created multiple cages to put the cronies in. Then she watched Kingpin, the big man. "You feed people human flesh? I got everything on tape, I only need to apprehend you."

Kingpin's eyes narrowed, and he raged in anger, "YOU FUCKING BITCH! DIE!"

Like a giant, he threw his fist like a hammer on her. Diana merely smacked it away with the back of her hand. "Please don't try. I do not want to kill you,"

But Kingpin didn't stop. So Diana caught his arm and broke it. *SNAP*


Kingpin stepped back. Diana jumped at that time and kicked at the big man's knees, breaking them easily. "AAAA!" He fell down now. This was her cue; she punched his face with minimum power.


"Stay down!"



"F-FU HAR OOH?" Kingpin had lost all his teeth already and asked for her identity with a bloodied, tearful face, swollen from everywhere as if he had tumours.

Diana proudly put her hands on her waist, "I am Wonder Woman, a proud mother of one good boy,"

"Now go to sleep," She punched him one last time. *BAM*

Finally, having some peace, she untied the poor beaten journalist, "Are you okay? Here, put this on the wounds. What's your name?"

The man, at first, was mesmerised by her face, her voice and above all, her mad strength. "Uh... Wha... What? Yes... I am a journalist. Thank you for saving me. I'm Eddie Brock."

"Alright, let's get you out now. These men are finished," She helped him up and transported Kingpin with his lackeys by using Hal's ring.

This Diana was vastly different from the old one. She had compassion but, at the same time, wrath. Hector's influence was clearly visible in her style of combat as well. As Hector always says, 'Be kind to the good and beat those who do bad to the good.' She had taken that philosophy to heart.

After all, even she knew Batman's way never worked.


[See Kingpin and Wonder Woman on Discord at OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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