Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 25: Taking The Shot I

Chapter 25: Taking The Shot I

Hector and Moony reappeared inside the White House. Just then, one of the good young congressmen that Hector took in as a student entered after knocking, "Mr President, the draft for Gun Laws is ready."

"Already? Good, bring it over." Hector read it with focus. This was one of the big steps in his quest to fix the future of America. With the advent of social media and the betterment of human lives, people in the future will become snowflakes, not being able to face even a small amount of shame or pain. They will break easily and use these guns to create trouble.

The reasoning was simple, hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. In the future, when wars are fought diplomatically, with remotely guided missiles dropped from UAVs, or on the internet, people become too weak, both, physically and mentally.

Now, Hector was not against having guns, he was all for it, that's what made America what it was. But it needed more regulation. For fuck's sake, you can have a gun at 18 but not alcohol?

So, the way to fix it was to make it harder for just anyone to buy a gun. They will need to show a few things at any gun store first.

1. Address Proof.

2. Identity Proof.

3. Police Verification Certificate.

4. Health Certificate.

5. Mandatory 3-month gun control training from a registered training centre.

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A sixth clause will also be entered in a few years, it was a mental health certificate. There were also new rules about people who carry a gun. For example, anytime when they are stopped by a police officer, be it in a car or on a street, they must reveal that they have a gun and where it is, they should also always have the gun-owner's licence. This will clear off any future misunderstandings and chances of mishappening.

Even after this, what type of gun one could own ranged by age. For example, an 18-year-old can buy a pistol, but not any automatic rifles or shotguns. For this, they needed to at least be 21. Other than this, owning grenades, cannons, rocket launchers were completely illegal. Unless they had a special permit or they were decommissioned antiques.

"Alright, I see no problem here. But do add a clause for ceasing illegal guns from a person if they are unable to show their licence even after 1-week notice." He gave suggestions and the work was done.

Hector then packed his stuff and left for Brooklyn with his pup. He only took one car and secret service personnel drove it. Directly arriving at the secret location, he rushed inside the building. He made sure nobody saw his large frame by hiding behind a few umbrellas.

As he was entering, he saw two men outside, standing by a car and watching him. This proved that Hydra was here. He didn't stop and entered with a smile. Today, he didn't wear his military uniform, it was red and too eye-catching.

But after he gets the serum, he was going to wear it all the time, he wanted to carve his image in people's minds, so they never forget him, so that even future coming generations who will not see him personally will feel a sense of nostalgia.

"Mr President,"

As soon as he entered, he saw the absolute beauty, Peggy Carter. Every time Hector saw her, he felt that he was probably into warrior women, women who could fight and weren't just flowery pot of tears and emotions. He won't deny, he felt attracted to her, but, making a move on her would be inappropriate, she was young and also Steve's girl.

"There is the best Agent, how are you, child?" He asked her jokingly.

"Woof..." Moony also greeted.

She smiled, already expecting for him to talk so frankly, "I'm good, sir. Please follow me. Will... he also?"

He walked beside her with a smile. "Moony? Of course, he's a good boy. He will just sit in the visitor's box. By the way, is the boy already here?"

"Yes, he's here, waiting to be tied to the machine. But sir, are you sure you want it too? It's an experiment, quite dangerous," she asked him. She still couldn't accept that a politician could be this badass. Yes, he was a general in the past, but she knew plenty of generals who were now spineless politicians.

He chuckled, "It's going to be a success, Agent Carter, mark my words. And if I didn't have the assurance, I wouldn't have let Steve do it. All Americans are my sons and daughters, remember my speech? So how can a good father let a son take the risk alone?"

Inspirational, that's how she felt. Unknown to her, Hector also had selfish reasons, but those can be ignored. Soon, Peggy spoke the password to the old lady and they entered the secret lobby.

"Wait, Agent," He stopped her all of a sudden and asked, "Do you have a gun?"

Confused, she nodded, "Yes, sir. Is there any problem?"

"Care to give it to me? There is some pest cleaning I need to do." He said, cryptically implying something else.

Peggy was a spy, she saw the confident light in his grey eyes, so she nodded, "Here it is, sir. Can you tell me who it is?"

He didn't say it and walked in. The door was opened by MPs and for the first time, the entire lab was in his view. Machines making noise, people chatting, a known voice of Steve, Erskine and Howard resounding there. "This place looks horrifying and beautiful at the same time."


"Yes, Moony, it smells bad too. Now, you go and take a nice comfy seat at the front." He sent the fluffy boy away.

"MR PRESIDENT! I didn't know you were coming!" Senator Brandt, like any other cockroach politician, came to lick his feet.

"I had to come, we're making history today," Hector replied, and noticed Phillips on the side. "Why are you standing there, come here."

General Phillips saluted him, "Welcome, Grand General. I was just talking with Senator Brandt, we need electricity today, or else the whole Brooklyn grid will be short-circuited."

He nodded, "I know, I've ordered the Governor, they will be cutting the electricity supply of the city for an hour. I'm disappointed you needed my interference to solve this small problem."

"Mr President, I tried to talk with the Electricity company but they asked for money in return to cover the loss of cutting the power for an hour." Senator Brandt tried to clear his name.

Hector scoffed, "And? Money is more important than our nation's security?"

Senator Brandt felt nervous, his back sweating under the suit. He had been crying for funds all this time when the funds were being issued by the White House directly. Hector despised the man and was going to deal with him soon.

To divert the attention, Senator Brandt introduced another guy, a tall man, wearing a nice suit and had glasses. At one glance, Hector knew that this was the guy.

"Mr President, this is Fred Clemson, from the State Department." He said.

Fred Clemson came forward to shake Hector's hand, "Mr President, it's an honour t... *BANG*"

Hector shook the hand with one and with his other hand, put the muzzle of the pistol under the man's jaw and pulled the trigger. The bullet went from Fred's jaw and pierced out of the skull, with his blood being sprayed on the roof, painting it read, the body dropped dead.

*Phew* Hector blew on the gun like a candle, then he cursed, "Bloody Hydra spies, this ain't Fred Clemson, his real name is Heinz Kruger."

Every single person in the room was left in utter shock, the guards had their guns out but were confused where to aim, not on the president, of course. Phillips was speechless with his jaw hanging and Senator Brandt was pale, fear and shock visible on the face.

Agent Carter looked at the dead body, realising this was the pest Hector talked about. Hector then turned to her and passed the pistol, "Dear, there are two more standing beside a car on the right of the shop. Would you deal with them? And this one, check his teeth, he must have a cyanide pill in the mouth. That's how Hydra works."

Agent Carter did as ordered. She first checked the dead man's mouth. *SNAP* She found the pill and showed it to everyone. "I will deal with those outside." She ran away, calling on a few MPs to cover her.

A frenzy took over in the lab, Hydra had penetrated so deep inside the US Government? State Department? This was an utter shock. Phillips looked annoyed though, wondering what else was compromised.

"Should we continue?" He asked, uncertain if they should take the risk of doing the experiment in such a situation.

Hector laughed as he took off his coat and then shirt, showing off his awesome tall tanned muscular body, "Of course. Let's get pumped. Erskine! Load the juice."

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