Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 28: Red Demon

Chapter 28: Red Demon

You can read 70 chapters in advance on /misterimmortal.


They landed on the beach of Naples, the town was a short distance from there but the road was heavily armed by German soldiers. There were also a few Italian soldiers but they were not very keen on fighting, as they knew that they were just cannon fodder for the germans. Their country had already surrendered but then they were suddenly forced to fight again.

Nobody wanted to fight anymore in this exhausting war. Germans too were tired by now, they had been fighting for so long but victory was nowhere in sight. The conflict just kept on getting bigger and bigger. Germany was being sandwiched by the Allies at this point.

Hector regrouped with his men, the highest-ranking one among them was just a Lt. Colonel. This was the case because most colonels were old folks with not so much ability to move like a young soldier.

It didn't matter anyway, he outranked all officers of all ranks among all allied nations. "All right, the strategy is simple. The choppers will give you cover fire. All you gotta do is sweep in and take over the high ground. I will lead the main ground troops to start cleaning from below. They've got a few panzers there that we will need to take care of."

"Got it, General," they saluted and left in smaller teams. A group board the chopper as well and headed straight to the higher grounds.

Back on the ground, a few screams were coming from inside the many buildings as loud shouts of german soldiers came. Logan was already going wild in there and nobody knew what was happening.

Too bad, Hector was also responsible for the men. But that didn't stop him from showing his awesome badass strength. *BAM*

All of the 30 or so men were stuck beside a building, in front of them was a road that they needed to cross, but the thing was, there was a panzer overlooking them and waiting for them to come out.

Hector sighed, "All right, 10 of you make a straight line and get cover behind me. Stay hidden so the bullets don't get you."

It was a crazy idea but honestly, no one really dared to say no to him. Many of these soldiers were there with him in the Africa campaign, so they were used to crazy.

Quickly, 10 soldiers hid behind his large body and Hector started to cross the street while facing the panzer directly. He even smiled and waved. Moony, though, had already left secretly, taking a detour and killing all the men in their path stealthily.

Heavy machine-gun fire hailed over them like a storm, but Hector was their shield as he also used a metal manhole cover as a shield. But even that was not enough for what was about to come.


The panzer had launched a shell straight towards them, "GET DOWN!"

Hector's loud command came, and even louder was the blast that soon followed. Smoke covered him for a few seconds. A few of the new recruits or from other fronts who saw Hector for the first time started to pray to god as soon as they found that the old President was fine.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"D-did he just stop a tank shell with his forearms?" a private asked.

John F. Kennedy, who was a follower of Hector by now, patted the private's shoulder, "Kid, you haven't even seen a fraction of his badassery. But it is indeed shocking what he just did, I guess the rumours were true, he is our super-president."

"RUN RUN! CROSS! I will handle this toy!" Hector shouted, the smokescreen was the perfect opportunity. As the men ran across the street, Hector instead ran towards the panzer.


Another shell hit his forearm, it was blocked effortlessly, his running speed didn't even decrease. The whole time he had a nice cold smile on his face, his red uniform fluttered in wind due to his speed, and that made him look 10 times terrifying.


He moved like the wind and appeared right in front of the muzzle of the tank, his hands gripped it strongly, and a moment later, Hector lifted the whole tank up and started to rotate as if the tank was a disc in the discus throw.

"Bye-bye..." *Shhh..." He threw the tank a few dozen metres away, it exploded on the spot due to great damage.

"Can Captain America also do that?" Logan suddenly appeared, out of breath and covered in blood.

Hector denied, "No, I was already this strong, the super-soldier serum just gave me the perfect excuse. Steve is much weaker, but still, he could have at least curved that tank's muzzle easily.

Logan proudly scoffed, "Huh, I can just slice anything."

Chuckling, Hector patted his shoulder, "If you behave like a good boy, I might just provide a way to make your claws deadlier and heal faster."

That was enticing as fuck, for a man who didn't have many aims in life, strength was one of the few things he was hungry for.


On Moony's side, with Hector gone, he was leading the troops. Initially, there was an issue, as the commanding officer of this group was Kennedy, who was a lieutenant, but he decided not to fight for it, saying, "Look, he's a lieutenant as well, and he's doing just fine, let's follow."

They followed Moony, who warned them at every turn about enemies ahead, sometimes even taking out single enemies. He quickly won over all the soldiers.


"Damn, Grand General is going to leave us behind at this rate," Kennedy exclaimed, seeing an explosion occurring in the distance, probably another tank.

The entire campaign had turned into a nightmare for the Germans, as Hector easily carried the entire American forces into the city. Naples was beautiful for sure, but the people living here were in terror. What happens when an army takes over a civilian village? Crimes, such as murder, looting and mass rapes. It was not something just done by the Axis but also the Allies.

"All German soldiers, put your arms down and surrender. I repeat, surrender. All your tanks have been destroyed, most of your men are dead, there is no way out." Hector's loud voice echoed through the speakers around the city. This showed that he had reached the broadcasting centre in the middle of the German encampment.

But the thing was, the Germans didn't see that happen. Only when they went to see the broadcasting room, Hector, in his red uniform and radiating dangerous aura come out. "RED DEMON!" All of a sudden the soldiers shouted in fear. Truly, seeing a 6'6" tall muscular man with long hair and angry eyes was not that easy to digest.

"Hah, Red Demon? I like that name, I can use it in my election campaign." Hector chuckled and opened fire. His aim was not at the enemy soldiers, for they were already running. No, he fired at their small weapon stashes. Explosions followed soon after, leaving the German forces in the city with no means to protect themselves. Basically, the bullets they had on them were now the last.

At the same time, the helicopter team sent to take the high-ground had done a great job. The choppers were proven to be greatly useful already, today as well they proved themselves. The US Department of Defence had already ordered to procure 50,000 such ANY-1 helicopters.

He once again started blasting through the loudspeakers for them to surrender. An eerie silence took over the city now, no shots were fired anywhere. The German soldiers decided it was better to run. However, US troops slowly circled in, on foot and with gun mounted army jeeps.

Historically in Hector's previous world, the event was called Four Days of Naples, as it took four days to conquer. But now, it would be called Nine Hours of Naples.

It didn't take long for him to break all hopes of the Germans, and soon, Walter Scholl, German Commander of the Military and Domenico Tilena Provincial Federal fascist leader of Naples surrendered to Hector unconditionally, right in front of him.

The people of the village were happy and overjoyed. They wanted to get a hold of Domenico Tilena and kill him though, but he didn't allow that, promising them that he will get death legally.

After that, he gathered the troops and ordered one single thing, "If I find any of you stealing, fighting or raping, I will put a bullet straight into your head. You are not just representing the United States here, you are representing me, and I sure as hell don't want my reputation ruined."

Non disobeyed, heck, they didn't even dare to drink, in fear that they would do something stupid.


Right when this was happening, Steve was flying over the Hydra base in Austria. Howard flew the plane and briefed him, "Here, take this transponder. Ah, one more thing, hand it to him."

Agent Carter took out an envelope from her pocket and gave it to Steve, "Grand General ordered this. Inside that base, you might find Schmidt, if you can't kill him, at least give him this letter."

~How did the Grand General know?~ Steve wondered. But he didn't have much time to ponder.

"I will do it, Agent Carter. See you later." He took the parachute and jumped down. Howard soon returned with the plane while it was still night.

Steve stealthily moved in and got inside the factory that looked way beyond today's technology. But thankfully, he found the soldiers and liberated them, quickly starting an uprising. Prisoners were many, enough to overpower the Germans.

Steve meanwhile looked for Bucky, ending up finding him inside a room, tied to a chair. ~What they do to you, Bucky?~

Bucky chuckled, "Hehe... what a strange dream, a buffed Steve."


Steve slapped Bucky, "It's really me, Bucky. We compared our dick sizes when we were 10, mine was bigger."

"FUCK! I still don't understand how that's possible... AH! STEVE?" Bucky exclaimed, eyes clear wide open now.

"We gotta get out, the factory is burning." Steve dragged him along. On their way, they got face to face with Schmidt. He put Bucky at the side and fought hand to hand. However, Steve only had a month of combat training, and getting beaten in a Brooklyn alley didn't count here.

Schmidt was able to stop his punches. But just then the dwarf pig Zola pressed a button, separating the platform. Just in time, Steve passed a letter, "President sent this,"

Though Schmidt was more focused on Steve right now, probably having a jealous girlfriend experience, "No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see, I was his greatest success!"

In a disgusting display of madness, Schmidt took off his mask, revealing his red skull.

Bucky was clearly traumatised and asked Steve, "Fuck, God save us from such success. Steve, you don't have one of those, do you?"

"You are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality, you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind. Unlike you, I embrace it proudly! Without fear!"

"The..." Before Steve could call him out, Bucky did, "Then why are you running like a little bitch?"

"What he said," Steve added.

But the last thing they saw before the doors of the lift closed was the annoyed face of Schmidt. However, they could not give a chase, as the factory was still exploding, so the two decided to leave.

Schmidt, when in the lift, decided to see what the president felt was so important that their super-soldier came to deliver it. As soon as he read it, his face boiled in anger and he raged, "REEEEEEE! I WILL DESTROY AMERICA!"

Arnim Zola meekly picked up the letter from the floor and read it in his head, ~I have a humble request that you politely agree to my small wish to EAT SHIT, YOU FUNGUS-INFESTED RED TESTICLE!


Grand General Hector King Washington.

The President of the United States of America.

P.S Fuck you 3000.~




Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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