Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 48: D-Day

Chapter 48: D-Day

You can read 70 chapters in advance on /misterimmortal.



I got to sleep now.]

The Nice city was theirs, the Germans ran away as soon as the news of his presence spread around. The beaches were then cleared of the mines and the entire city was turned into an allied stronghold. From there, Hector, rather than stopping, helped them pierce deeper into France. Their goal was to reach the borders of Germany.

Without wasting time, Hector and Moony drove off on a bike straight into the various towns. Moony would chew out the tanks while Hector would throw them into enemy barracks. It was a nightmare for the Germans in the region. In his mind, the war had already finished, Allies had won, what was left now was to clear off all the Germans from the occupied lands and then get Hitler in Berlin.

He had no need to hide his powers anymore and no matter what he did it could be blamed on the serum and its positive rare side effects. Erskine was officially dead, nobody could know.

World Media was having a field day every day this entire time. Hector's face covered nearly every major or minor newspaper for pages upon pages. Knowing the importance of propaganda, he had specifically asked engineers in his company to produce a smaller portable camera. It cost a lot of money but helped. However, for videography, he needed to keep men around him.

Slowly, all his ultra-superhuman deeds spread around, the photos of him standing over a pile of destroyed tanks and with the American flag was one of the most iconic photos of the year back at home.

People thanking him, gathering around him and crying, him feeding water and food to orphan malnourished kids, him giving rides to kids on his shoulder. Such photos and videotapes were widely circulated everywhere. Even in enemy countries such as Germany and Japan, his photos were regular, albeit with cursing.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While he cleared off the Germans in Southern France, in the United States, Roosevelt worked as roadmaped by Hector. It was election time and Truman was knowingly not helping as his own dreams were in a clash. Yet Roosevelt was a man with more connection and pull.

He rallied all supporters and fans of Hector to pass a new bill. It was called the G.I. Bill of Rights. It was signed into law. It was legislation that would provide various benefits to veterans of World War II. Through the new the Department of Veterans Affairs called VA, the act enabled veterans to obtain grants for school and college tuition, low-interest mortgages and small-business loans, job training, hiring privileges, and unemployment benefits.

However, as Hector knew what amendments would be made to this bill in the future, he included them from the get-go. It also had full disability coverage and a clause for the construction of additional VA hospitals. After WW2, if America enters another war, the benefits will be extended to all who had served in the armed forces.

With the passing of this bill slightly before the Elections, it won the hearts of all Soldiers who already loved Hector and saw him as their old father. But, the true intended effect happened on the families of these soldiers. Now even those from the Southern States who didn't like Hector started respecting him. Not to mention the daily news about how badass their president was something that filled their hearts with utmost pride, as in the end, they too were patriotic Americans.

There was no such thing as Exit Polls currently, so there was no way of knowing what will happen in the upcoming Elections. But most people were sure that Hector would win, now it was only a matter of by how many votes. Against Hector was Thomas E. Dewey, the only candidate worth mentioning, and his chances seemed bleak since his achievements paled in comparison.

However, one strange yet welcome thing occurred, since Hector was not here and could not go on rallies, a lot of people of colour and people with progressive thoughts about an equal society came out on their own, holding support marches, handing out pamphlets reporting why Hector was the best President. They also put Hector's recorded speeches on loudspeakers. It was basically a free campaign at this point.

Another scummy yet successful tactic he used was that since he already had the pope with him, he made the man announce himself as a saviour of mankind, making all the devout Catholics vote for Hector soon.

But he was not satisfied, he needed to do something big, he wanted his approval rating off the charts.


"Surround the town, there aren't many germans left in this area anyway," He ordered the troops marching behind him. They were in a large town called Grenoble. German forces were already on a march back to Germany. But they do try to hold on to a few cities, only to always get blasted by Hector and Moony.

Soon, gunshots resounded and some soldiers were caught. Surprisingly, five SS Nazis were also found, and guess who they were guarding. He laughed, "Zola, my little hobbit friend. What are you doing out of your rat hole?"

Zola fell to his knees and cried, "I surrender, I've been trying to do that for months now. Please take me, President Washington,"

Grunting, he made the short man stand, "Don't speak such nonsense, it feels inappropriate. If you really want to live in peace in the land of the free, then you will have to give all the Intel to the SSR."

"I-I will... I will do all you ask, sir. I even brought a map of all the locations of Hydra's secret bases. These I can guarantee nobody knew." Zola sure had brought a bargaining chip with him.

*PAT* Zola received a pat on his head, it was not from Hector, since the hand was a paw. Moony looked down on Zola as if he was an insect, "Woof..."

"Such a good boy, is what Moony said," Hector translated.

Zola gulped, noticing the giant fangs of Moony. Honestly, he felt that the large dog or wolf could devour him whole in one go. He just smiled, "T-thanks..."

"Good, now wait for me, I shall lead you straight to the SSR later. For now, I will have to continue in." Hector made him go to the Nice city under strict guard protection and stay in lockup. A decent one.


Three days later, he had given the Allies enough momentum to continue in. He had helped them cross Lyon and they were now on their way to the German border. Seeing his time was over, he headed straight to Normandy. The final act of the European Theatre of War was to start.

He headed back to Nice, got on a plane, first dropped Zola to Phillips then moved ahead to meet the commanders of Normandy landing. As expected, since Eisenhower was the supreme commander of the European Allied Forces, he was leading it, until Hector arrived.

"All right, boys. Everything should be ready. The assault will begin at 6 in the morning. How many German forces are there?" He asked them for the stats. There were 6 more Generals in the rooms, five of them were British.

"Grand General, our troops number 150,000 soldiers and 195,000 naval personnel. Enemies are calculated to be more than 50,000. However, since they have higher ground and already stacked up, it will be a bloody battle." Eisenhower briefed him.

Hector laughed, "Haha, sure, it will be a bloodbath for them. Have some trust in me, boys. I told you I will take care of all the enemy artillery guns, rocket launchers and tanks, and I shall fulfil that promise. Now, let's discuss what happens after we complete the Operation Overlord..."


5:30 AM, October 15th 1944,

All landing crafts were launched. They steered towards the beaches, not for a sunbath, but a bloodbath. Filled with tanks, jeeps and soldiers, they sobbed in fear, prayed to god and some kissed their lovers' photos. One thing was certain, all were on their toes.

It was slightly foggy, thanks to this the Germans could not see them yet. But everyone knew the barrage of bullets would come. They were to face them head-on. However, they felt some relief seeing a man that none expected to be leading them, their President, standing on top of the Landing craft's gate, fearlessly clear for a shot from the Nazis.

Hector was feeling the wind and water hit his face, he stood on landing craft, sticking out like a sore thumb in his red coat. He was personally leading the Omaha beach landing, as it was the deadliest one, where odds of survival were just 1 to 5. Nearly 75% of the troops and every officer would be lost here.

"Not today," he muttered, a wide grin plastered clearly. If the Germans could see his face they would have shuddered. But, sadly the fog was blocking the view.

"I am a man with a plan. Moony, boy. I want you to go mad once we land there. Chew down throats of every enemy you see." He advised his pup. The soldiers always wondered how Hector understood Captain Moony.

Looking left and right, Hector nodded, all landing crafts were in line. It was time to do the trick he had prepared with the help of Logan all this time. He took out a flare gun from a bag and shot it at the sky. The red light illuminated the foggy sky.


The Germans on the beach were already on their toes, so they started to blindly shoot all their big guns. The bullets collided with the metal frames of the crafts, sending shivers down everyone's spines. However, that red light earlier had a meaning. Almost at the same time, all Landing crafts started blasting a high-frequency buzz towards the Island. Not only that, Logan had set up such a system alongside the beaches too.

Just as the rain of bullets had started, with loud booms they abruptly stopped on all Normandy beaches. Seeing this, Hector raised his fist, "FOR VICTORY! FOR JUSTICE!"

*BAM* The landing craft touched the beach soil, the ramps fell, in an adrenaline rush all soldiers ran out blind. Moony had already gone like the wind. Hector, meanwhile, lit a cigar and walked out, everything was going as per the plan.

[See the landing boat and the landing on Discord - OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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