Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 51: End of European Theater

Chapter 51: End of European Theater

You can read 70 chapters in advance on /misterimmortal.


Panic swept into Hitler's eyes, his future became too unpredictable for him. The leash tied to his neck was tight and choking him, he looked at Hector in confusion, "W-What do you want?"

Just then, out of nowhere, a long black leather whip appeared in Hector's hand, it was laced with small shards of glass. Coldness and disregard for Hitler were clear in his eyes, "You are going to do as I say, you will shout what I am going to tell you and if you don't, these whips will not stop."


He slashed the whip once, it pierced into Hitler's skin under his olive green shirt. *WOOSH* "AAAAAARGH!..." Hitler cried as Hector pulled the whip back forcefully, ripping apart Hitler's shirt and skin together. Deep gashes became evident on his back as blood oozed out.

"Now, remember these sentences, when I tell you, you must say them, or else, forget not feeling pain." Hector coldly ordered him. He taught all the lines and kept whipping until he got them right. By the end, his shirt was completely removed, revealing his fat belly.


It had been an hour outside, Eisenhower made sure to secure the city with overwhelming troops. Forces from Poland had also arrived, totalling 5 million Allied soldiers in Berlin. Soviets were kept blocked inside Poland meanwhile, giving them reasons such as strained supply lines for not letting them march forward.

With Berlin being under the total control of the Allies, all generals and soldiers were swiftly arrested, put in trucks and shifted to the POW camps. After that, dozens of trucks started to roll into the city from outside, all filled with civilians, civilians with similar clothing.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Soon after, they were made to stand on both sides of the widest road in inner Berlin. At the same time, Allied soldiers stood guard on both sides too. People were confused about what was happening and why they were brought here. However, everything became clear a few minutes later.

Hector's tall figure appeared in the vision of all. A distance from him in the back Moony and Logan were walking. The most peculiar thing however was Hitler crawling on his four limbs, a dog leash tied to his neck and constant lashes of whips he was receiving, followed by loud cries.

"I AM NOT GERMAN!" Hitler shouted as he had practised earlier.




"Say the other sentences," Hector hit him, making him scream.





Hitler kept repeating these lines as he crawled on the road where beautiful parades used to take place. Now, he was the parade. He looked on the side of the road, people stood there, all in a similar dress with a number written on it. "JEWS!" he exclaimed.

Hector, meanwhile, looked around and saw a young boy he had promised vengeance. "Eric, come here."

Eric quickly ran to him, his eyes red in anger, staring daggers at Hitler. The look made clear to the mad dictator that he had harmed this boy in one way or another. Those eyes were of bloodlust.

"Here, show him his Aryan supremacy privilege," Hector handed the whip to him.

Eric looked at Hitler's scared bleeding body in disgust, "You killed my mother, " *PA!* "You killed my father," *PA!* "You killed my friends and their families," *PA!*

"AAAAArgh... Nein Nein... I don't even know you," Hitler cried.

Eric got enraged and hit him a few times in a row, "That makes you even worse. You killed people just because of a flawed evil belief. You killed my parents just because of your ideology."

Before Eric killed Hitler right there, Hector took the whip back, "Hitler, you will pay for the crimes, this humiliation is a message to the world from me, an example, especially for Hirohito. If anywhere any dictator dared to rise, he would find me, putting a leash around his neck and whipping his back. I shall not tolerate another Hitler."

"I AM NOT GERMAN!" Hitler continued to cry, shout and screech in pain. His own blood left a long trail on the road, proof that this so-called Aryan didn't have golden blood.

Photos were taken, ones that would make any enemy of the United States and the free world shudder, while the Allies cheered. With the right propaganda, Hector had made Nazis even more hated than originally. But now his attempts were to make sure the common Germans were not dehumanised.

The people, mostly containing Jews, blacks and many more forced prisoners, were initially silent, in shock of what they were seeing. But soon enough they shouted, cursed and cheered.

The date was 30th October 1944, Nazi Germany formally surrendered, Hitler and Himmler were caught alive and the war in Europe was declared over. The Allies were to decide how to divide the territory and govern it so the de-Nazification can happen. Since the war was over, the Yalta conference that was supposed to take place in the Soviet Union never happened, which meant the Soviets had no big hands to play.

Immediately after the war, the Berlin Conference was held, Stalin, Churchill and Hector met to decide the fate of Europe. It was a closed-door meeting where only one secretary of each was allowed. For Hector, it was Kennedy.

The room was heated up, not in temperature but instead in testosterone. Stalin and Churchill were barking at each other like hungry lions. Hector silently sipped on some scotch the whole time, his brows twitching every now and then.

~These motherfuckers are still thinking they can put war reparations on Germany like the last time. The League of Nations failed completely, the United Nations cannot.~ he thought to himself and slammed his fist on the table. Churchill knew about Hector's power so he shut up, while Stalin was interested.

"Gentlemen, my humble self has a petition that I would like to communicate to you all in a duly respectful manner, this is my modest opinion and a desire that you all agree to just SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he roared, followed by complete silence.

Now that he had their attention, he spoke, "Now listen to me, cowpokes. It was I, the god damn President of the United States of America who fought all these years right in the field, I led all the major operations against the enemies. So I decide what happens to the territory now.

"The Soviet Union will fall pack east of Poland, the small nation has already suffered enough. And don't make me remind it was the Soviet Union that first shook hands with Nazis to invade Poland. You will keep Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarussia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Everything west of it shall remain under the United States and the United Kingdom's influence. And since I took over Germany, I get to keep Germany. There will be no divisions, a new political and economical system will be placed here under strict supervision. The mistakes of the previous war will not be repeated.

"And the UK already has enough problems to solve. Focus on your economy rather than world hegemony. You fools couldn't even realise the threat of Hitler while being so close to him." Without any worries or care he reprimanded and shamed them, he could afford to do this as he represented peak ultimate strength in the world.

And besides, he had no wish to keep a good face with the Soviets, the Cold War was inevitable, as it was a war of Capitalism versus Communism. And he won't let Germany be divided this time either, there shall be no berlin wall. Many poor souls would otherwise face Soviet harassment. Not to mention, the Soviet Union, France and Italy are going to use the German prisoner of war, aka the entire German army, as forced free labour to build back up.

Many of these prisoners will face torture and will be killed. The Soviet Union would even starve them up as feeding them was going to seem like a loss. It was majorly the SS that deserved all these cruelties, not the common german soldier, because like many other soldiers, they were trying to keep themselves and their family's stomachs fed.

"If you have any dissatisfaction then speak up," he shut up and waited.

Churchill stayed silent, he was yet to win the elections and had a deal with Hector. Stalin was okay with this too, this was his original intention anyway. Once he had a good firm grip on all these locations he would extend Soviet influence. He was hoping for a lot of pushback in negotiations but it came easy.

Sadly for him, Hector was playing the double game, by giving the Soviets what they wanted in the short run he was shutting them up. After this, he was going to make sure that all countries bordering USSR territories are pro-capitalist with not an ounce of communist ideologies alive anywhere.

"We have a deal, President Washington. I accept your terms, now what do we do with Japan?" Stalin changed the topic of discussion.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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