Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 67: End of Honeymoon

Chapter 67: End of Honeymoon

You can read 70 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


From the east end to the west end of the border between Korea and China, the land was soon covered with radioactive tar, a kilometre in width, turning the land into no-man's-land. This was to deter any sort of land invasion by enemies. A river divided China and Korea from the north, there was no need to worry about the destruction of wildlife since no animals crossed over. While on the Korean side, they had to plan for a 20-foot tall wall with electrified fences to ensure the land was never accessed.

It was an utterly ruthless move. But Hector just didn't want to waste too much time stuck here. So, with all of the North Korean army stuck inside China now, the Kim family dead or on the run from the CIA and the whole of Korea United, Hector was not needed anymore. The UN will keep troops there until things get better and an election is held. Meanwhile, the Korean interim government signed an alliance and trade agreement with the US. Allowing another major US military base to be set up there.

With his job done, he didn't stay there as his presence had kept the USSR and China on nerves. He returned home.

On the flight back, Logan complained, "I didn't get enough action this time."

"There will be plenty more. I'm sure a few dictators are hiding out there somewhere, just waiting to pop up. Until then, find a girl and date for once instead of being a couch potato in my office," he scolded the man.

"Wowowo..." Moony laughed at Logan for being called a potato.

"What are you laughing at, my cotton candy?" Hector turned to Moony. This made the good boy stop laughing and jump over to sit on Hector's lap to annoy him. But he only got hugs and kisses.

Logan, though, grunted, "Huh, find love? Been there, done that. They all end up dying."

"That's because Romulus was behind all that. Now, you're finally free. Bang whomever you want to, make some wolf babies."

But it came to bite him back, "What about you? You said you're a virgin. How can a man as famous, rich and powerful as you stay a virgin?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

*Whistling* "Moony, look, clouds,"

"Bow-wow" ~What's new about that, dad? Please answer the question,~

"WOAH! Birds,"


When he returned home, it was not the White House this time, but instead Mount Vernon, the ancestral home of the Washington family. Because now he had a helicopter, he could come and go there anytime.

He honestly loved this house because of the great view of the Potomac River. It was just so mesmerising. And because of the amount of land he owned around the house, the place was extremely calm. The only people living there were his butler, his Gardner, driver and a carpenter/mason. All had families and lived in luxurious worker's cottages. Even for them, it was peak life. Of course, he dared not hire any coloured man for this job as that would send a wrong meaning, it didn't matter if he meant it or not.

"Okay, son. Show me your report card, let's see how much you scored in the final college tests," He sat at the porch, overlooking the river. Logan was playing frisbee with Moony on the lawn. The sun was shining today, giving a really warm and joyous vibe. This was his first holiday ever since he took the office of the President, it had been 15 years.

In front of him stood 29-year-old Erik who had just finished his PhD in Physics. It was to help him with his powers, after all, what better way to become stronger than to learn the limits and possibilities of his nature of power.

This Eric was much different from the one that would have appeared if he had been left to fend for himself. Instead of hate for humanity, Erik had pity. He saw them as foolish people who had no idea about the real dangers to the world. Dangers from space. So he sought to make himself the strongest mutant possible to help the world when the need arises.

He was told by Hector that his power was classified as Omega, and that it can go even beyond that with the right training. His ideology was shaped by Hector, a freedom-loving peaceful creature with a scope of inflicting ultimate destruction.

"Haha, as I expected, again top of the class. Fine, we will test your powers today. Your job is to find something that can help that bloke over there. It's a metal called Adamantium. I have already given you a taste of vibranium, it's time to go beyond.

"Adamantium is virtually indestructible. It is very dense. It can also cut through any material. To create it, a steel alloy and vibranium alloy are mixed together in a melted state then allowed to set. This is your current holiday task as well.

"Next, let's test your ability." Hector got up from his seat and walked to the lawn.

"Logan, bring the good stuff here," he called.

Logan quickly went to the barn and brought a big sniper rifle with suppressed on. He simply aimed it at Hector. *BOOM*

The fat and fast bullet hit him straight on the head. It created sparks and slightly twitched his head, "Damn you, Logan. I didn't tell you to fire yet. Now sit there and wait,"

"Erik. That bullet didn't kill me, but it will kill you. But there is a way to tackle it. One, you can obstruct its patch with something else. It takes time and maybe too slow to stop a bullet. The second method is for you to constantly create a magnetic field around to stop all the bullets from coming at you. This will probably be a bit harder for you to do. I will try to show you an example, although my powers are telekinetic and don't use a magnetic field, the effect is similar. Shoot it, Logan," he briefed Erik as the guy listened carefully.


Logan shot the sniper. The bullet moved quicker than one could see. But Hector just raised his arm and the bullet paused in front of it. Then it fell down. "See? Now you try, don't worry, I will stand beside you to stop any bullet."

"Not that he can't just miraculously heal you by licking," Logan japed.

This irked him, "Oh no no, Logan. I never lick, that's Moony's job."

"Woof" ~I'm finger-licking good,~

"Bwahaha... yes, on that point, let's go to KFC later. I've invested in that business for a free lifetime chicken supply. So we might as well utilise it," he suggested, making Moony wag his tail happily. Squinting his eyes and making a big wide smile.


Logan fired the gun. Erik was nervous about this, he did fail, but Hector was always there to stop the bullet with his palm. "Keep on repeating, son. Practice makes a man perfect,"

They continued to train until evening, Erik was unable to stop the bullet, but he did start diverting it slightly. After a long day at work, they went out to eat KFC like a good family. The most shocking to Hector was Logan. He used to think that Logan would leave once the World War was over, but he stayed. He never asked him why, not as if he didn't like it.

But what he didn't know what that Logan was grateful. His life was finally at peace, he truly knew what happiness was now. Whenever he saved someone with Hector and people came to thank him, hugged him in tears. He felt that he was a fortunate man, one who could stand up and fight for himself. But what about these folks? So, he stuck by Hector and gathered some good karma.


1956 came and brought elections with it. Against Hector stood Richard Nixon, a World War 2 Vet but never saw a fight as he was not in warzones. Hector, as always, never really stopped interacting with Americans through speeches, personal meetings and the all-time hit show, Smart America. His policies were publicised to show what great changes they brought. The soldiers who fought in WW2 were still alive, nearly all had jobs and lived happily with their families. Hector was their immortal President as their vote always went to him.

Not to mention, he just won America another war in Korea, uniting the peninsula and kicking Communist's butts. So, when the voting was held, he won 531 out of 531 electoral college votes. This was his 5th term in the President's office. When was he thinking of stepping down? Not anytime soon.

So, at his inauguration, which was a grand one, he made some announcements. This was a state secret but time to take the cat out of the bag had come. "My fellow Americans, I have a secret to tell you. It's no secret that space is the next frontier. The man is yet to enter it. But the truth is, America has already been there since World War Two. My company, KingTech, was ordered to make rockets that can put satellites in space for wireless communication anywhere in the world. Those satellites proved to be extremely valuable in war. The enemies were left rubbing their heads, wondering how we were passing on information.

"We have kept this information a secret in order to allow US forces an edge. But, now even the USSR is trying to enter space, so I saw no reason to keep it a secret, to let them know that we have already won.

"Now, I am creating a new agency for a space mission, NASA, one that will send many satellites into space that will help Americans in predicting weather so we can prepare well for natural calamities. And, my greatest short term dream, WE MUST put a man on the moon by the end of this term."

This was big, he just started the Space Race. The crazier part was, this time the stakes were higher. Where Hector already had an edge, the USSR didn't. Hence, the Soviets were bound to spend much more money to build a rocket, train men and then send them up, while bankrupting themselves.

His announcements were taken with big applause and excitement. They simply loved their president for always keeping America ahead of the world. Hector had even published all the half-assed knowledge he had about space, science and other future discoveries, this would give the scientists an edge and direction to research.

But perhaps, the honeymoon period was over. Big bad news took the world by storm. On 29 August 1956, the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear test, code-named 'RDS-1', at the Semipalatinsk test site(In modern-day Kazakhstan.)

This meant the USA didn't have hegemony anymore. The next announcement by the USSR made things worse. In an open broadcast for the world to hear, they said the following things, "For too long America has gone unchecked, doing whatever it wants. No more, we will push them back for all our communist allies around the world. It is our warning that any attack containing nuclear weapons or radiation on us will be met with an all-out response from our side.

"And, if the arrogant American president, Hector King Washington, enters any land of the USSR, it will be considered a nuclear strike and we will respond will all-out reply."

The was worrying, Vietnam was still not completely stable, and this time he won't be able to use Radioactive tar. But he did spin around threats of the USSR by saying, "Haha, look how scared they are of me. And they want to compete with us,"

But the truth was, most experts knew a new era had arrived. The USA will have to move with much care to avoid a nuclear holocaust.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!

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