Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 84: Natives

Chapter 84: Natives

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[Today on the news, Alan Turing ain't good at turning. Mr President was seen teaching how to ride the motorbike to his adopted son, the great scientist of our time, Alan Turing, but it seems he's a better codebreaker and computer engineer than a driver.

On the next news, the Soviet Union issued yet another statement warning of nuclear retaliation after Mr President went to northern Afghanistan to inaugurate the Afghan-Pak-Indo Gas Pipeline built from American investment to uplift the region. The Soviets called it a farse to get inside the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, an occupied state of the Soviet Union.

But yet again, Mister President laughed and ignored the warning. Coming up after the break, who is the goodest boy in the world? It's the Mayor of Washington D.C,]

Hector was working in his office in the White House, writing various bills to make his loyal men propose them in Congress. Beside his table was another television with a live feed from Moony's office in the John Wilson Building. He wanted to make sure that nobody misused the authority of his fluffy son.

Moony was currently in full professional mood, wearing a cute blazer, fake glasses and a tie. He would actually read all the documents and then stamp his paw on them whenever needed. If he's unhappy, he'll smack the document away. Hector couldn't always be there to translate, Logan had limited ability. Still, Jean came every day after school to help, at other times, there was a hotline to the Oval Office for Moony to call whenever he was fed up by the incompetent fools working under him.

Moony would mostly bitch about them though, calling them names. He had already picked his favourite and hated people. The janitor was well cherished as she gave him treats, the assistant too, but he hated the accountant and would often leave his saliva on his seat to later accuse him of wetting his pants, but poor Moony, it instead healed his enemy's haemorrhoids. But on a bright note, the man became as kind as a saint from then, so his bad mood and attitude were probably due to his ass.

"Woof... bow bow..." Moony spoke on the phone.

Hector chuckled, "Haha, don't go in heat on me now, son. So what if you saw a hot female husky on the street? Just wait, I will get you a space doggo wife, she will be a mix of hot and strong." He advised, but soon felt disgusted. ~Argh... I can't believe I'm saying all this. *Sigh* Things you do for your son.~

"Woofy?" ~Really?~ Moony asked, his ears perked up.

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"Yes, I will. Now get back to work, your lunch break is over." He ordered in a tougher tone. Being a good boy, Moony pressed the giant red button on the table to cancel the call and got back to work. But just then Jean arrived and he got busy getting a head massage from her.

Life was sweet like honey.


Back in the White House, Hector had already planned when he was going to quit being the President and also his way into space. Currently, it was 1981. He was aiming to leave in 1988. This meant he was going to win the next one and the one after that, in 1988 he will step down and allow Kennedy to take office.

He had too many things to do in Space so he didn't plan when to return, but he was worried if the whole Captain Marvel thing will go out the same later after he enters the Space, so he will return to observe only for a short time, then head back out. Nothing was interesting on Earth before the 2000s.

For now, he had a few bills to pass. One was HFA, Health of America. It was to provide basic help to people in getting simple treatment, diagnosis and dental care. All at cheap. The British NHA was his inspiration but he couldn't implement that here in the capitalistic society since it will create too much of a burden on the country. All he could do was to stop HCA Healthcare company. From what he remembered and the data he had, this company was the reason for America's messed up healthcare.

By the end of 1981, the company operated 349 hospitals with more than 49,000 beds. This was nearly half of the major hospitals in the United States and the company was still expanding. They push other non-profit hospitals to go out of business by taking away their staff or outright buying them and turning them into for-profits. Due to monopoly, they raised their prices since nobody was there to stop them. Insurance companies came in after seeing a money opportunity and the hospitals increased the price even more. Literally, the average American could not afford healthcare if they had no insurance. It was already reaching this point.

Hence, he was forming a strict Anti-Monopoly law. It will keep Walmart and HCA Healthcare away from messing up the nation. Still, he could not outright stop them from expanding, hence he had to make laws that restricted them from unfairly increasing prices. He can only hope that generations of the next president don't fuck things up.

"Rupert, this is the Health of America bill, put it up for the next session. Start the usual promotion of it in papers and on television." He ordered one of his most trusted Senators.

"It will be done, sir."

Hector remembered something, "Oh yes, Rupert, I might need your help. Do you still have contacts in the Lakota people?"

Rupert's full name was Rupert Hawk. He was from a reservation belonging to the Lakota people originally from the Black Hills in South Dakota. Hector had brought him under his fold to make sure he could reach out to the Natives.

"Yes, sir. My grandparents still live on the reservations. Is there anything I can help you with?" Rupert asked him, he truly wanted to help him if it was about Native Americans.

Hector stood up and walked to the map of the 50 States of the United States on the wall. "Rupert, I have changed most of the nation in my years of administration. Bringing the Civil Rights turned out to be a great deal. Now the differences between blacks and whites are mostly non-existent. But, I still see the pain in this land, that is of the Native Americans.

"The American Government many times in the past made an internationally recognised treaty with them and then broke them simply by passing a new act in Congress. I feel it's a disservice done to the people we should have tried to befriend the most. After all, the reason any conquerors fail is due to non-compliance with locals. Luckily, here in America, we just had too much firepower for them to oppose us.

"I want to mend some holes in our society before I retire. So, I need you to take me to your tribe's leader. I have an offer that they will likely not refuse."

Rupert didn't move for ten seconds, seemingly stuck in his place. But, he heard something else that concerned him, "You are going to retire, sir?"

He laughed in his old voice and patted the man's shoulder, "Yes, but not in this term, or the next, but I will retire soon. So, will you take me?"

"Of course, I will take you wherever you want to go, Mr President. When do we leave?"

"Right now, the chopper is ready. We just need to pick Moony and his translator, Jean." He blurted and walked out. His plans were always spontaneous, the main reason why so many Secret Service personnel were crying all the time.


The Helicopter first landed on the Mayor's office. It picked Jean and Moony, then they headed to the airport. From there they got on Air Force One and headed to South Dakota.

"Where are we going?" Jean asked him.

"To meet the head of a Native American tribe. Rupert, tell me, do some tribes still have blood feuds?" He inquired.

Rupert explained everything he could, "Not like the old days. Although distaste still exists, instead of killing each other we just ignore it. I personally don't want us to fight anymore and instead join so that we can collectively represent ourselves. After all, the government can't ignore more than a million people."

Hector sighed and rested back in his seat. "I am the Government, I am not ignoring you all. I just needed time to let the dunderheads from the Civil Rights act time to calm down. Now, I will pass a new act for the betterment of the Natives, if they accept it they will gain a better life, education and the opportunity to represent themselves in Congress later. Let's just hope your leader is wise,"


The plane soon landed in South Dakota, from where they had planned to move in the Presidential car. It was not a big motorcade, just one police car in the front and one in the back.

They moved to the reservation of the Lakota people. No law enforcement was allowed to enter the reservation without notice or probable cause, so the police stopped outside and Hector moved straight in. He had the privilege of going anywhere as he was the President of the nation.

"Just stop in front of that gate, we need to go on foot inside," Rupert directed them.

Hector pulled the car to the side of a large wooden door made between a wooden fence. The town seemed to look like any other normal rural town in the country, the only difference was the people, their features and dressing were different. Still, most buildings were normal, made of wood and modern standards. The people wore modern clothes, but hats were popular.

There were a few large conical huts though, Rupert took him to one of them while saying hello to his old friends. But as soon as they would see Hector, people would freeze in shock. They had seen him enough in papers and television but seeing the real thing was different.

Rupert went ahead and entered, only to return soon after, "The chief is not inside but they ask us to sit in until the chief returns. There are a few elders inside."

Hector nodded. "Rupert, why don't you show Moony and Jean around until then?"

He went inside and saw a fireplace in the middle of the tent. There was a kettle hanging over the fire, while around the fire were various rugs made from animal wool. It was a very cosy and wholesome environment.

[A/N: Since a lot of you missed yesterday, the FL is going to be Immortal Wonder Woman from the comic Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman. In this, she is 100,000 years old and still fricking hot. Due to phenomena similar to the Anti Life Equation, the entire Universe got erased, leaving only her alone. It was a tragic tale for her. How she ends up in the Marvel universe where Hector is will be interesting. Check out the paragraph comment to see how she looks.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!

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