Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 91: ****DROPPED****

Chapter 91: ****DROPPED****


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Chapter 91 - Santa

Hector chuckled, "Be gentle with her. She's just a misguided girl. But I must thank her too, she made me realise that even though I'm so old, I am still desirable." Then his face fell all of a sudden, "Too bad, all girls my dating age are in graves. Anyway, I am blessed to present this award."

But every single person there was laughing, Moony was howling in laughter. The cameramen and reporters were giggling, Americans that were watching him live on television were rolling.

Who else can say such a thing? The President of America was blessed with everything but a hole to roll in. It was a running joke around the world at this point that Hector was the oldest virgin. Heck, his name was in the Guinness book of the world record for being the oldest virgin.

It may be something for others to be proud of, but Hector knew the truth, his inner self was always saying, ~Lemme smash.~

But there was none to smash. None that he wouldn't feel disgusted to be with. He had no problem with someone looking young, but age mattered to him. After all, he called every American his son and daughter in 1941. But everyone born before 1941 was ugly as fuck.

His brows twitched seeing people laughing, he made attempts to save his honour, "My children, it's not about doing the deed, it's about finding the one you love first."

"BAHAHAHAHA..." Logan roared in laughter this time.

He ignored them and continued with his official work of giving them medals one after another. X-Men had covered their faces with eye masks however and Hector made sure to explain why they did that. The world didn't need to know who they were yet, all that mattered was that they saved lives.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Soon, he returned to his office to work. But then his Secret Service chief entered to submit a report, "Sir, we found the family you were looking for. Peter Quill, born to Meredith Quill, the father is unknown. They currently reside in St. Charles, Missouri."

Hector put the envelope inside his locked drawer, "Thank you, son. Don't tell anyone else about this investigation. Try to look for his father, however, if he's still around, inform me."

The man saluted and left quickly. Alone in the office, he sighed and looked at the calendar. Elections in 1984 were not too far away. He was extremely bored by his job at this point.

He finally signed the last bill that he had desired to pass, one that would ensure the future of American children. First of all, he ensured that hospitals can never make having a baby expensive. Now he introduced a thing called Baby Bonds. This bill will reduce the wealth gap in the country by giving each kid an equal opportunity. According to this, each new baby that will be born from now on shall get a bank account credited with 6000USD. Each month the government will add money to these accounts based on the kid's parent's income.

If the family is a high income, the money deposited will be less, if the family is poor, the money deposited will be more. This money will be unreachable by the parents of the kid. After the child turns 18, they can either use it to pay for their college or start a business, but they can never waste it on just shopping.

If a kid does not decide to use that money, by the time they retire at the age of 65, they will have about 2 million USD to live on. This will not only help kids when they are young but possibly when they grow older too.

Hector was being called a communist, a socialist and whatnot by various media and business owned papers for it. But he didn't stop, he knew how good this would be as the necessary surveys had been done. It will also not be too burdensome to the national treasury.

Like an elephant around whom dogs keep barking, he ignored all these voices and did his work honestly. Of course, some people were still braindead, they went on to believe the words of these corporate hyenas.

Seeing this, he knew his time as President was coming to an end now. The mass media that he promoted in the past had now come to bite him.

*Sigh* "Moony, let's go out and eat something. Humanity is doomed anyway, it's not like I care anymore." He walked out of the White House and headed to a restaurant in the capital.

No other president would dare to walk alone like this, as if taking a stroll. But everyone knew killing him was not possible. Eventually, he arrived at a restaurant and saw a 10-year-old boy having a birthday celebration.

But the weird thing was, only he and his two parents sat, while the table had seating for 12 people. This meant others didn't show up. Seeing the sad face of the kid, Hector and Moony decided to crash the party.

"Ho ho ho, your President Santa is here, happy birthday," He announced his presence.

"Aawe wowayy..." Moony made the best impression of happy birthday with his limited voice box.

In an instant, the boy's face rejuvenated. He jumped from his chair and ran to Moony and hugged his furry neck. It was crazy how kids had a non-existent sense of fear.

The mother and father of the boy stood up, seeming nervous. But he laughed and took a seat, "You didn't invite me but, do you mind if I sit here?"

"BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!" the kid shouted at that. It was funny how most children don't care about who the leader of their nation is normally, but it was only with Hector that even kids adored him as he was like a real Santa.

After dinner, he and Moony got on a bus and travelled to the Xavier Institute. People would either recognise him or think he was wearing a costume. But Moony always busted him.


"GRANDPA!" Jean jumped into a hug with him. She was now 17 and sadly, dating a boy.

"Haha, how are you? Have you kept up with your training?" He ruffled her hair as if she was still 10.

"Of course, I did everything you asked me for. I'm a strong girl now," She showed her biceps and surprisingly, they did exist.

"And where is that boyfriend of yours? I hope he's being good to you," He looked around.

Moony instantly sniffed and pointed his nose in a direction. Scott was hiding behind a tree there and looking at them.

"Bring him here, boy."

Moony zoomed in so fast that only his afterimage was visible. Before Scott knew it, he was being held by his shirt and being dragged by Moony. *THUD* He was dropped beside Hector's feet. Jean rushed to help him, "Grandpa, don't be mean to him. He's been good to me all this time."

Scott felt as if his soul was naked and being stared down by the two mighty beings that seemed too big to be their respective species. "Good evening, sir."

"Hmm, you need my permission if you ever decide to take the next step with Jean. She's my precious granddaughter now, remember that," He scared the poor boy.

In no time, the whole school was outside on the lawn. Quicksilver and Moony started to play soon enough. The school had many more people than at the start now.

Charles was a senator at this point but he still lived in the school, "The parents are waiting inside the auditorium,"

He nodded and followed him in. Today was the day when parents of many of the students would come to check the educational progress of their child. Most of them already knew their kid was a mutant but they still wanted their children to live a normal life.

Hence, Hector would come and give speeches to them to make them believe that mutants had the support of the President.

He gave the generic speech that he gave every year. But today he didn't come here just for this event though. A marriage was supposed to take place. Marriage of Erik and Raven.

After so long, they finally decided to tie the knot. They could not have children anyway, Erik was hurt back during his days in the concentration camp while Raven had other problems. But the school was their home and they had enough kids to take care of.

"I still remember when I found her in my house, trying to find food." Charles stood beside Hector and reminisced. "She tried to hide by taking the form of my mother. She said "Sweetie, are you hungry? Should I make something for you?" Raven was too mature for her age, but she didn't know my mother never used to cook food. I still invited her to live with me and be my friend. I'm glad I did that."


By instinct, Hector tried to pat his hair, but it turned into a slap on his bald head, "Uhh... well, I am proud of you. You were able to control your mad urges to look into people's minds. I'm proud of each one of you."

"What about me?" Jean chirped, appearing behind him and climbing on his back.

"Let me see, I will have to go and ask Santa to tell me if you've been a bad girl." He joked.

"Hehe, Santa is not real, grandpa. I'm not a kid now," she shrugged.

But Hector's face had full seriousness. Charles, too, was taken aback at this, "You mean,"

Hector nodded, "Yup, he's a Beyond-Omega level gifted one. I don't know much about him, I just caught him once in my office, trying to pat Moony and give him a gift. Chill dude, we drank milk and ate cookies that night, then he took me on a ride on his sleigh. We distributed gifts around the world."

( _ )(__)

This knowledge was just too hard to digest.

[A/N: Fun-Fact, Santa mutant is canon in Marvel.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!

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