Master Of Myths

Chapter 237 - A Heap Of Useless Treasure

The halls of the palace once roamed by guards were now being searched by the war shadows of those very same people, accompanied by the watchful eyes of the shadow birdmen, on the lookout for any survivors

Meanwhile, YuJu and Anput were heading toward the command enter of the place under the guidance of Kasha

"Does everything have to be in gold?"

Upon seeing the extravagant place where the palace was controlled YuJu blurted out, too shiny was the taste

Unlike him however Anput seemed to be enjoying this spectacle, gold was up to par with her tastes

Moving past the piles of bodies laying on the ground he found the main controlling panel, obvious by the intricate runes wiggling on it

"Hmm, this is a mess, do they really know how to use runes?"

Not only was the order in disarray, there were a ton of things missing too, according to his knowledge the place shouldn't even be capable of running

"Seems to be working just right though?"

That being said he couldn't make out what was going on with the panel if it remained in this state, playing around with it could blow some things up if he didn't know how it was functioning

"I wanted to know what the palace was gathering energy for, looks like I can only guess"

"It is for sending a message"

His body froze as the familiar voice rang behind him, turning around in a flash to look at the speaker

"You can speak as well?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I did learn the language of humans my King"

That was not what he meant but he didn't bother explaining

'So Kasha can talk like Sofia, I wonder what makes them so different from the rest to regain this ability'

Anyway it made everything easier for him

"What message were you hoping to send"

"The identity of the enemy and the information we gathered during the fight, the energy collected was to blast through that smoke for it to be delivered if possible"

"Hmm, I expected more, so in the end you couldn't even send a message back"

"No, we did however send a report of the human race's existence earlier, coupled with the soon to be loss of communication the headquarters should be able to figure things out on their own"

Bad news, now the human race would certainly be the focal point of war once more

"Tell me about this race of yours"

"The Gacha race is a strong race that lived in the Infidome for three hundred years, the winged ones are the males and we are the females, our strength lies in our ability to make unique equipment derived from skills for everyone's use, combined with the Infidome''s ability to give everyone any class they wanted the strength of our race was boosted by an entirely new level compared to before"

"That sounds quite troublesome, but since you've only been here for three hundred years I understand why we have never heard of you"

Three hundred years, not too much time to make oneself stand out in a big world, unless you were human that is

"If possible I would love to keep them under the illusion that the outpost is still functioning….Hm, could you send regular reports back like you were before?"

"I could"

"...Then do it"

"As my King commands"

She bowed but he didn't feel like she was doing things wholeheartedly, else she could have presented the idea from the beginning

"Then that settles the matter temporarily, guide us to the vials where you keep those items of yours"

She nodded and lead the two down the palace, one floor after the other, reaching the heart of the entire structure after a long set of identification pannels

"Two rune locks and one requiring a key, I can bust the rune ones but you'll have to get the key, unless you know the password for everything"

"I do"

Kasha affirmed, standing in place



"What are you waiting for! Open it"

Getting yelled at by YuJu who lost his patience with her Kasha immediately took to unlocking the vault, revealing the treasures that lay within

Anput's eyes shined upon seeing them, a bit too much, after all everything was so bright they lit her eyes up unwillingly

Meanwhile, YuJu had a dark look about him, this was treasures? This was…

"What the hell is all this Varuime for…"

Sure it was of better quality but it was still that semi-useful rock, was the entire base really made to mine this thing?

"This is the precious resource our race utilizes to make those unique items, it best channels the energy we use"

"Oh…One man's trash is another man's treasure I guess"

All this wasn't really too useful for him, perhaps if he could have her make those unique items?

"Only the artisans of our race can make them"

Reading his expectant look she squashed the hopeful dreams, scraping any use of this 'treasure'

"Well, we can't let your people have it if even if we can't use it, have your men transport the entire stock onto our land, then keep sending reports and inform me if anything alarming is sent back…actually inform me of all the information sent back"

He didn't trust her to warn them even though she was supposedly a loyal subject now

"Oh, and find me Ellis's hairpin"

Kasha bowed, assuring him that it would be done

With that YuJu left the palace in disappointment of its worthless vault and the prospect of future enemies

'That's not the most worrisome thing though… actually activated Death Loop'

It's not that activating it was bad per se, but being able to activate it meant something had gone very wrong

'I'm getting my powers back, then it must be true….'

They were coming sooner than expected

"I must form the Vanguard now, no more can the wait remain, ready or not humanity must begin its rise immediately, meanwhile I must investigate this 'trader' and the entity he is depending on thoroughly"

They were his first clue to the quickening emergence of those ghastly comrades of his

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