Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 159 Think of Another Plan

Once Ashleigh and Caleb had stepped away from the spotlight, the party continued with lots of drinking and music. Corrine had even arranged for a small acrobatic performance.

For his part, Caleb had put on his own performance. Claiming he was worn out from all the day’s activities. Ashleigh volunteered to take him back to his room.

Wyatt and Axel both recommended that Saul should take him back instead.

“Saul has other places to be,” Corrine replied. She gave Saul a warm smile. “If you hurry, you can probably help Pearl lay your pup down for the night.”

Saul smiled appreciatively before giving them a respectful salute and leaving the hall.

“Ashleigh can take Caleb back to his room,” Corrine said. “There is no reason for concern, is there?”

Corrine looked at Caleb pointedly.

“Of course not,” he smiled.

Corrine nodded and wished them both goodnight. Ashleigh took the handles of Caleb’s chair, and they left the hall together.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Axel sighed.

“It’ll be fine, Axel. Your sister is a good girl. Whether you admit it or not, Caleb is a good man. She is safe with him.”

“Whatever,” Axel huffed, walking away from his parents.

Corrine sighed.

“He’ll get over it in time,” Wyatt said.

“What about you?” Corrine asked.

Wyatt gave her a gentle smile..

“I am happy for them,” he said, “Caleb is a good man, Ashleigh, a good woman. Together they will do great things.”

“But?” Corrine asked.

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Wyatt shook his head.

“My hesitations and concerns have nothing to do with them,” Wyatt answered. “I am just worried about how he will react when he learns the truth.”

“Wyatt–” Corrine began to comfort him, but she was interrupted by the approach of someone that neither of them wished to see.

“Wyatt, Corrine,” Tomas acknowledged each of them. “Wyatt, can we have a word?”

Corrine nodded and left Wyatt’s side.

“What is it, Tomas?” Wyatt asked.

Tomas took a step closer to Wyatt, speaking quietly so only they could hear.

“You better not be doing anything stupid with this retirement plan of yours, Wyatt,” Tomas growled.

Wyatt took a deep breath.

“If that is all you needed to say, don’t worry about it,” Wyatt sighed. “I have stepped down because it is best for my family.”

“Right, and this whole Caleb being your new son-in-law… I’m just supposed to think that got nothing to do with this sudden change of yours?”

Wyatt let out a low rumbling growl.

“Tomas, I don’t care what you think. You would have already known it if I had broken my word.”

Tomas nodded. Swallowing down his drink in one gulp.

Wyatt took a step closer. Tomas looked up at the larger man.

“I wouldn’t do anything to put her at risk. So, keep your oath.”

Wyatt turned to walk away.

Tomas fidgeted nervously. He took a deep breath.

“Wyatt,” he called out.

Wyatt turned back to face him, and Tomas walked closer. He clenched his jaw before he looked away. Wyatt could tell Tomas was struggling.

“Never tell me where she is. Never let me see her,” Tomas said quietly.

Wyatt furrowed his brows, looking at Tomas.

Tomas licked his lips nervously.

“Think of another plan, Wyatt. An oath can only protect her for so long.”

Tomas pushed past Wyatt.


Wyatt called after him, but Tomas kept walking. Finally, he grabbed a drink from one of the tables, drinking it down in one swallow before leaving the hall entirely.


Axel stepped out into the cool night air.

He was tired of all the congratulations and pats on the back. He knew being Alpha meant a lot of conversation, negotiation, and general diplomacy. But there was a reason Corrine had been trying to give Axel lessons on these subjects.

He hated them.

Axel wasn’t diplomatic like his mother or a military prodigy like his sister. Some would argue he was like his father, but they would be referring to his stubbornness and pride.

‘How the hell did I become Alpha?’ he wondered.

It was always the plan, but it was never supposed to be this soon. He was supposed to have time to grow into the man he was meant to become. Now he only had six months.

How could he be responsible for the lives of the largest pack in this part of the world when he couldn’t even see the monsters that stood before his very eyes.

Axel stood before a window, brought his hand up to his face, he hesitated to pull back the curtain of hair.

“Is it difficult for you to look at?” her voice called behind him.

Axel turned around to find Alice sitting on a bench not far from him. He was sure she hadn’t been there a moment ago.

“Is it a bad memory?” she asked.

Axel swallowed and walked over to her. He hesitated but, in the end, sat beside her on the bench.

Alice smiled at his decision.

“So…” she said, leaning forward and reaching a hand up to his face. He pulled back.

“Is it a bad memory?” Alice asked again. “Is that why you don’t like to see it?”

“It’s kind of personal,” Axel replied quietly.

Alice tilted her head. She smiled brightly and leaned closer to his ear.

“Is it a secret?” she whispered.

A flush of heat rolled over Axel as he took a deep breath.

He nodded.

“I love secrets…” she whispered.

Axel quickly got up and moved several steps away from the bench, taking another deep breath.

“Can I see it?” she asked.

Axel jumped back.

“How did you do that?” he asked, shocked at how quickly she had moved beside him without a sound.

“I’m sneaky,” she said innocently.

“Ashleigh said you’re a spy,” Axel said.

“Mmhmm,” Alice nodded.

“Are you supposed to tell me that?” Axel asked, tilting his head in confusion.

“Nuh-uh,” Alice replied, shaking her head.

“You’re very strange,” he said. Unsure what to make of this woman.

“Thank you,” she smiled with a curtsy.

Axel was surprised to hear his own laugh.

“Will you tell me how you got it?” she asked.

“Why?” he asked, feeling defensive. “Did someone tell you to find out?”

Alice shook her head.

“Then why do you want to know?” he asked.

“Because I’m curious,” she said. “I’m not curious about a lot of things. But I am curious about you.”

“A spy who isn’t curious about things? That doesn’t make sense,” Axel said with disbelief crossing his arms.

“Hmm…” Alice said, looking at Axel carefully. Suddenly she smiled and jumped excitedly. “I know!”

Axel was startled when she got very close to him, so close he was forced to back up, right into the bench. He ended up unintentionally sitting down, placing his vision pointed directly at her chest.

He quickly turned away.

“That was an accident!” he shouted.

“Ssshh!” she said, putting her hand over his mouth. “I’m not supposed to be here!”

Axel felt a strange sensation at her touch, a tremble through his entire body. Then, she pulled her hand away from him, and he was left feeling dizzy.

Alice sat down beside him.

“How about we trade, you tell me your secret, and I will tell you mine.”

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